January 6-January 10
Hello Stevenson Families!
The Week in Review
Hello Stevenson Families!
Welcome back and Happy New Year! We hope you had a restful and joyful winter break. We are excited to welcome everyone back to school as we kick off the second half of the year!
We only have two weeks remainin in first semester--the last day of the semester is Friday, January 17. Be sure to check in on grades and missing assignments, as now is a great time to get caught up in those areas before the card marking concludes.
As we start this new year--and very soon a new semester--we encourage students to set fresh goals, stay curious, and continue working hard in all of their classes. Together, we will make the most of the opportunities and challenges ahead.
Thank you to all our families for your continued support. We look forward to seeing the amazing things our students will accomplish in the coming months! Here’s to a successful and inspiring remainder of the school year!
Please read on for the week ahead!
Go Saints!
Mrs. Kasper & Mr. Basista
Upcoming Week at a Glance
Monday, January 6
- Chess Club - 2:50-3:45
- Yoga Club - 2:50-3:50
Tuesday, January 7
- No Scheduled Events
Wednesday, January 8
- Girls Basketball Tryouts - 3:00-4:15 - MUST HAVE A PHYSICAL ON FILE!
- Anime & Comic Book Club - 2:45-3:45
- Chess Club - 2:50-3:50
Thursday, January 9
- Newspaper Club - 2:45-3:30
Friday, January 10
- Girls Who Code Club - during all lunches
Upcoming Events:
- Tuesday, January 14 - Spelling Bee
- Thursday, January 16 - Half Day (AM Only) - Dismissal at 11:00
- Friday, Jauary 17 - Half Day (AM Only) - Dismissal at 11:00; End of First Semester
- Monday, January 20 - No School - Martin Luther King, Jr Day
- Tuesday, January 21 - Second Semester Begins
- Wednesay, January 22 - NWEA Math Testing
- Thursday, January 23 - NWEA Reading Testing
- Wednesday, January 29 - NWEA Science Testing
- Thursday, January 30 - NWEA Language Testing
For more information about this week's sports and clubs, please contact the appropriate coaches/sponsors:
Girls Basketball: Coach McDonald (JV) and Coach Wagner (Varsity)
Cheer: Coach Britney
Drama Club: Mr. Abate
Chess Club: Mr. Wood
Yoga Club: Mrs. Lindow
Anime & Comic Book Club: Mrs. Willard (formerly Ms. Griffith)
Newspaper Club: Mrs. Cosgrove
For general questions, contact our Athletic Director, Mr. Chad Reed
Wrestling is Starting Soon!
Stevenson Students interested in joining the Wrestling team should join the Google Classroom for information and schedule. You can contact Varsity Coach Fedulchak if you have any questions.
The code for the google classroom is 3KBBJ5N
RAPS Focus Areas for January
Take a look at our focus areas for RAPS in January. In each class every day, students are able to earn 2 PBIS points for following the behavior expectations in this area. Students will be able to use their PBIS points to purchase items in our school store, replacement IDs, and admission to sporting events.
Winter NWEA Testing
Bus Cancellations
If your child’s bus is canceled, please make sure to inform the school by calling the attendance line or speaking with our counseling secretary Ms. Greenshields. Let them know that the absence is due to a bus cancellation. The secretary will mark your child’s attendance with a “B” for bus cancellation, which will not count against them for truancy purposes.
Annual Soaring Stripes 3v3 Basketball Tournament
Join us for the second annual Soaring Stripes 3v3 Basketball Tournament!
📅 Student Divisions: Open to 4th grade and up
📅 Adult Division: Bring your A-game!
Don't miss this exciting event. Register today and be part of the action!