Principal's Message
Enadia Way Technology Charter, 9/15/24
Chick Inn Grand Re-Opening!
Enadia Way's Chick Inn has re-opened after a two year closure. This past Wednesday 12 pullets arrived safely from Ohio. They have been getting used to their new home and the California climate. In a few weeks, when they get bigger, you will see them running around the Chick Inn by the kinder gate. I am looking for parent volunteers who can assist the children in the Chicken Club with morning chores between 7:40-7:55. I am also looking for neighbor volunteers who can assist with chicken check ins on the weekends and holidays. In about 2 months they should start laying eggs! If you are interested in helping, please email Mrs. Jeanne at haj7773@lausd.net.
Karate Classes Start on Monday, 9/16!
Mr. Hojati should have contacted you by now if your child is in the free FitKid FitFamilies karate classes. We apologize for the delay in the start of the program, but due to the inclement weather last Monday, we did not have available air conditioned space for the after school program AND the karate classes.
Enadia's Enrichment Lessons in Full Swing
Mr. Hirako's Orchestra
The students are so excited to start their orchestra lessons! Mr. Hirako also teaches music to the 1st graders and a music exploration class to 4th & 5th graders who are NOT in orchestra.
Enrich L.A. Garden Lab
Ranger Tracy comes every Monday and Tuesday to teach science through the school garden. Every class in K-5 has a 30 minute class each week in the garden where they explore, learn about science, and taste fresh produce!
Every Wednesday students in K-5 participate in nearly an hour of P.E. with coaches from the YMCA. This supervised P.E. time allows the teachers to participate in grade level meetings on a weekly basis.
Restaurant Night at Grandi Italiani, 9/20!
Please join us for our first restaurant night of the school year! Grandi Italiani will donate 20% of their sales to Enadia! This is a great opportunity to support a local Canoga Park business and get to meet other Enadia families!
Popsicle Sales Every Friday after school! $1
Save the Date!
- 9/16-9/18: 4th & 5th Graders go to Pt. Fermin Outdoor Camp with Mrs. Jeanne.
- 9/23: Drop/Cover/Hold On Drill
- 9/23: 8:15 Coffee with the Principal (Creating a Welcoming Environment)
- 9/24: Fall Picture Day (in uniform)
- 9/26 at 3:30: SSC & LSLC Meeting #1 (officer training & Integrated Safe School Plan)
- 9/27: Awards Assembly (Citizenship), 8:15 & 9:00