Gladiator News
January 24, 2025
Mission Statement
The mission of St. Jerome School is to empower each child's unique intellectual, moral, social, and physical development through a safe and nurturing environment. Through a cooperative partnership with families and the community, our school provides a quality education emphasizing faith formation, academic excellence, and service based on Catholic values.
Catholic Schools Week Calendar of Events
Monday, January 27-- Pastor/Principal Appreciation Day!
- Students may dress in class colors
- Kindergarten- Red
- 1st Grade- Blue
- 2nd Grade- Yellow
- 3rd Grade- Orange
- 4th Grade- Purple
- 5th Grade- Green
- 6th Grade- Blue
- 7th Grade- Brown
- 8th Grade- Black
Tuesday, January 28-- Parent Appreciation Day!
- Pastries with parents in the cafeteria at 7:30am
- Students may dress like a twin
Wednesday, January 29th-- Student Appreciation Day!
- Wacky Wednesday! Students may dress in clothes that clash (crazy socks, mismatched shoes, bright colors, loud prints)
Thursday, January 30th--Community Outreach Day!
- Please bring in a canned good for our community
- Students may wear their favorite team's jersey/shirt WITH their school uniform.
- Bible trivia
Friday, January 31st--Staff Appreciation Day!
- Students may wear a hat with their uniform
A Note From The Principals
Dear St. Jerome Families:
It is crazy to think it is that time of year again...registration packets for the 2025-2026 school year will be sent home with students during the first week of February!
If you already know that your child will not be returning for the next school year, please inform the office at your earliest convenience. This information helps us plan for the upcoming school year.
Catholic Schools Week begins on Sunday, January 26th, and we invite all families to join us for 9:00 AM Mass with our faculty and staff. We look forward to celebrating this special week together! Additionally, we are looking for parent volunteers on Friday, January 31st, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Volunteers will help supervise the children during lunch and recess, allowing our staff to enjoy a well-deserved lunch break.
If you’re available to help, please call the office at 216-486-3587. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Thank you for being such an important part of our school community.
Learn, Serve, Lead, Succeed,
Mrs. Lyndsey Byrne and Mrs. Katie Coan, Co-Principals
Basketball Schedule
Below is the schedule for our 5th-6th grade and 8th grade basketball teams. We encourage everyone to come and show your support for our students as they represent our school on the court!
5-6th Grade
- 1/25/25: 2:00pm @ Gesu vs. St. Anslem
- 2/1/25: 2:00pm @ St. Mary-Chardon vs. St. Mary Chardon
8th Grade
- 1/26/25: 2:00pm @ Benedictine High School vs. Mater Dei
- 2/2/25: 2:00pm @ VASJ vs. St. Paschal
Thank you for cheering on our teams and fostering school spirit. We hope to see you at the games!
MAP testing
Due to our 2 cold days this past week, we will have MAP testing on Monday, January 27th. Please make sure your child has a good nights rest, has breakfast and arrives to school on time! Thank you for your support!
CYO Track
I’m reaching out to gauge your interest in Track at St. Jerome for this upcoming spring. The plan is to have teams with 2 groups, ( 1-4th grade ) and (5-8th grade) . The cost will be $125 (no refunds)
Please keep in mind, we can only make this possible if we can get at least 2 volunteer coaches for each group. Please return this form ASAP if interested. I will need the form back if interested.
The payment period for track will start the week of February 10. All track payments must be received by February 24th. No exceptions!
Interested Families can email Mr. Young at MYoung@stjeromecleveland.org with the following information:
Students name and grade: _____________________________
Parent/guardian name: ___________________________________
Parent phone number______________________________
Are you interested in coaching? Yes/No _________________________
Childs Shirt size _________________________________________
Childs Shorts size ___________________________________________
Gym Uniform
We will no longer be selling the St. Jerome Gym Uniform at school. Moving forward, all gym uniforms and spirit wear will be available for purchase all on one site and ship to your home.
Gym Shirt Option 3, Long Sleeve
Open House!
Help us spread the word!
All families (new and old) are welcome to join us for an open house on February 6th!