This Week @ PS 88Q
August 4, 2024
A Message From Mrs. O'Shaughnessy
I hope everyone is enjoying their Summer! It is a hot one for sure, and there is a lot more Summer left! Enjoy, relax, and be safe.
I always share that the summertime is such a needed break, for everyone! Our staff are off for the summer months, and use that time to recharge for the upcoming school year. Our families have the time to pause from the day to day routines, leaving time for vacation, late nights, and fun filled days. Many of our students are having a great time at Summer Rising, playing with friends, enjoying the waterslides and making new friends.
During the summer months, only myself and Ms. Ivett Perez-Lopez are working. I know for many, there are questions you may have. Feel free to reach out to either of us. This week I am sharing some resources with our families. I wanted to share before we return, so that you have access. Our website and our new PS 88Q Parent University site are live, and always being updated, so these two portals will be key in staying connected.
Below are generic supply lists for each grade. Each teacher may customize their list, but all items are not necessary the first week. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have a device, either a chromebook or an IPAD. Each child will have access to a device in school, but NYC Public Schools, central department, are not providing students with a central device moving forward. Schools are responsible for all devices. Our students take assessments, conduct projects and research and receive daily instruction through devices that must remain in school. Our grade 3, 4, and 5 students also will take the NYS Assessments (ELA, Math) on the computer as well this year. The devices we have on site, that were originally issued through central will be redistributed, and all students who leave PS 88Q (graduates, etc) must return their device. Keeping a solid inventory of devices will support all students.
Enjoy August! Take time to do all those things you want to do!
PS 88Q Parent University Site
We are excited to launch a new resource for our families, PS 88Q PARENT UNIVERSITY. This site is a live, and ever updating site with so many resources as well as information for our families. One of our Chancellors Priorities, Priority 5 is "All districts and schools are more inclusive and responsive for parents and families, including having more families choose NYC Public Schools". As a parent myself, I know how important it is to not only know and understand what is going on, but would like to know how I could get involved. This begins with open communication, and information. Check out the new site, PS 88Q Parent University. It aligns to all our communication (newsletters, emails) so it is a great place to find anything that is shared.
Family Section of our Website
For all information regarding PTA, SLT, PAC and view our School-Parent Compact as well as our Parent and Family Engagement Policy, please click https://www.ps88q.com/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=2276250&type=d&pREC_ID=2206723
Future Classes
All families will receive an email in late August regarding their child's class for September. Please make sure the email on your Operoo Account and or your NYCSA is current.
*Incoming Kindergarten Families: This year we are excited to begin our Dual Language Kindergarten class. Students will be instructed in both English and Spanish. If you are interested in having your child placed in Dual Language, please click here https://forms.office.com/r/zJVcRT3xkV
Registration @PS 88Q
Registration @ PS 88Q
We are excited about our growing school and welcome any new families! If you are interested in registering at PS 88Q, please click the link below, and I will reach out to you. Our staff will return in late August, and will be hosting a registration event, so stay tuned. In the meantime, click below to begin the process.
Application Open For GRYC
We are so excited to continue our amazing partnership with GRYC. The Greater Ridgewood Youth Council provides an amazing after school opportunity for our PS 88Q students. Director Kevin goodish (KGoodish@THEGRYC.ORG) and his staff run a fabulous program. The application process is open. Please see the directions above and below.
Step 1: Click this link (https://discoverdycd.dycdconnect.nyc/home) and log into your account. If you do not have an account, please create one.
Step 2: Search "PS 88 Seneca" or the program PIN CEL-61914, then click "Add To List".
Step 3: Go to the dashboard and click APPLY
Step 4: Complete all 8 steps of the application with updated information. Please include ALL people who have permission to pick up your child, and also their current grade.
Step 5: Once the status bar is 100%, press submit and wait for a confirmation email. If you do not get an email, it means your application was not submitted.
Step 6: All submitted applications will be entered into the lottery. You will receive an email ONLY if you are accepted. you may also check your application status using the link above.
CEC News
We invite you to attend the Annual, Calendar, and Business Meetings of Community Education Council 24 on August 27, 2024 at 6:00 PM.
The meeting location will be held in the school's auditorium at:
Location: Public School 7
Louis F. Simone
80-55 Cornish Avenue
Elmhurst, New York 11373
Time: 6:00 - 9:30 pm
Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2024
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact CEC24 President Veronica Piedra Leon at 347-724-7109 or contact the office of the CEC24