NAHS Family Newsletter
February 2025
Important Dates:
Coming up:
2/6 Report Cards- Available on FOCUS at 4pm
2/10 Spring Picture Day
2/12 Conference Night 4p-6p
2/17 President's Day- Schools closed for students
Early Dismissal
Just a friendly reminder that early dismissal ends at 2:30pm.
Principal's Corner
As we open Quarter 3, we want to remind families of the importance of checking in with your student regrading grades, school events, friendships, and social media. While our students are getting older as the year progresses, they still need a great deal of guidance with their choices and issues they may be experiencing directly or indirectly. We are here to help as well with a number of resources for families who may need assistance. Please contact your student's grade level counselor or reach out to our Community CARE Liaison, Ms. Miranda.
Report cards will be available on FOCUS on February 6 at 4pm.
If a parent/guardian would like an electronic copy or hard copy of a report card, please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/r/becLLqEW0P
NAHS mid-year conference night will be held on February 12, 4-6pm. Please use the sign-up genius if you wish to meet with any of your child's teachers. Conferences are by appointment only. Please list your student's name in the comments.
Sign up for conferences here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4CACA62CA1F85-54123673-q2conferences
How to view report card in FOCUS
BCPS Climate Survey
Please take a moment to complete the BCPS climate survey!
This survey is for all stakeholders: students in Grades 3–12, parents/caregivers, community members, and all staff and focuses on school climate and engagement. It takes three minutes or less to complete and is anonymous!
Slides from 1st Semester Parent Advisory Meeting
Inclement Weather Virtual Learning
Cooler Weather Uniform Expectations
A friendly reminder that students are required to follow uniform expectations at all times while in the building. As the weather changes and temperatures drop, students may wear a plain crew neck, cardigan, or fleece jacket that corresponds to their uniform color. They may also wear a long sleeve shirt under their uniform polo. No hooded sweatshirts or jackets are permitted.
Please take some time this weekend to ensure your student has something that aligns to their uniform colors and is permitted for cooler weather days.
Grade 6- Red or Gray
Grade 7- Light Blue or Black
Grade 8- Burgundy or Gold
Thank you for your support and adherence to this expectation.
If you are unable to provide proper cooler weather items for your child, please email Jmiranda@bcps.org
*Schoology and FOCUS Help*
The Focus SIS System Now Has a Mobile APP
BCPS’ Focus Student Information System now has an accompanying app that can be used from mobile devices. The application can be used by Staff, Parents/Guardian’s, and Students.
Google Play Store: Team BCPS - Focus - Apps on Google Play
Apple App Store: Team BCPS- Focus- Apple App Store
More information from BCPS about Focus App For Parents can be found here!
Directions on using the Focus App and logging in can be found here!
Directions on Creating a Parent Account can be found here!
CARE Liaison
Family Engagement and Parent Resources
My name is Jessica Miranda and I am Northwest Academy's CARE Liaison! Please take a look at the resources and links provided below.
My email address is Jmiranda@bcps.org
Please let me know if I can help in any way. I have access to many resources available in our community so please don't hesitate to reach out if you or your child needs anything.
My Northwest Academy's family involvement goals are:
• To educate parents on the important role they play in assisting in their child’s education.
• To encourage parents to be actively involved in their child’s education at school.
• To communicate with parents as full partners in their child’s education.
• To provide parents with opportunities, skills and tools to help them engage in meaningful parent-child learning activities.
Local Resources:
Baltimore County Crisis Response: 410-931-2214
Crisis text line: Text the word "HOME" to 741741 for free 24 hour support
Maryland Suicide and Crisis Hotline: 1-800-422-0009
National Suicide Prevention Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK
Baltimore County DSS: 410-887-TIME
Maryland Food Bank: 410-737-8282
211 Maryland: 211, https://211md.org/ or text 898-211
Additional resources: Baltimore County Resource Guide * BCPS Meal Sites * BCPS Social Emotional Support Page * MD Crisis Hotline * MD Food Bank * Baltimore County Crisis Response: 410-931-2214 * Crisis Text Line (Text the word "HOME" to 741741 for free 24 hour support)
Teacher Coach Class Schedules
Please see the photos of the coach class schedules. Reach out to the teacher to schedule.
Parent Volunteer Applications
If you are interested in being a chaperone on a field trip or volunteering this year at NAHS please follow the directions in the link below. You will need to complete the application, watch the training video and get the certificate.
When completed please email the application and certificate to me at Jmiranda@bcps.org or turn it into the main office.
Join our Title 1 Shared Decision Making Team
Athletics Updates
Here is the link you can use to purchase tickets for any basketball games at NAHS. See you there and GO LIONS!
Northwest Academy of Health Sciences Events and Tickets by GoFan
Talking Points
PTSA Updates
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 | 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Location: School Cafeteria | Virtual Option Available
Thank you to everyone who has already joined the PTSA. Your membership supports both the PTSA mission and initiatives that enhance our children’s education experience. The PTSA is open to all, Parents/Guardians, Grandparents, Students, Faculty/Staff, or Community Members. We invite you to join us because we can do more together. It only takes a few minutes.
Join PTSA: https://nahs-00016312.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true
PTSA sells concession items at home basketball games. If you are in attendance, please feel free to stop by if you would like more information.
Email: nahsptsa2@gmail.com
Digital Citizenship
Upcoming Community Events
Community Schools
Resources from the Public Library
Home Internet Access Resources for Families/Students
Families needing assistance with paying for or obtaining internet access for their children while at home should be directed to the Maryland Emergency Broadband Benefit (MEBB) service. The State of Maryland has partnered with the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) which provides eligible families access to free or reduced internet access for their homes. This internet access can be used for virtual learning, and access to online resources such as job postings, health resources, and other benefits for adult family members and children.
Maryland Emergency Broadband Benefit can be accessed through the MEBB website by going to a Baltimore County Public Library and using the available internet access.
Baltimore County Public Libraries also has a ‘Long Term Device Lending Program’ where patrons of the library can sign out either a ChromeBook and/or a cellular hotspot for up to six months. More information is available on the Baltimore County Public Library website (https://www.bcpl.info/services/longterm-lending.html ).
An alternative method is to contact the FCC Affordable Connectivity Program directly by calling (877) 384-2575. Services are available in multiple languages. Families must qualify for the service. A family can also contact one of the internet access/broadband providers on the attached listing directly to find out more about the application process.
Links to these resources are available on the BCPS Office of Network Support Services webpage. BCPS will not be providing cellular hotspots to students for virtual learning days. Only students who are verified as being in need, as defined by the Title I office, will be eligible to receive BCPS-provided hotspots. The MEBB, ACP, and BCPL lending programs are administered outside of Baltimore County Public Schools. All questions should be directed to either the Federal Communications Commission, the State of Maryland, or the Baltimore County Public Libraries as it relates to the appropriate program.
Questions regarding this information should be directed to the following individual(s): Greg Vukov, Director 443-809-9888
Notes from the School Nurse
Maryland Dept of health has listed respiratory activity as being high in our area. We are seeing several students with symptoms .
Please encourage students to continue with frequent hand washing and coughing and sneezing into elbows.
Dear parents of 8th grade students, your child participated in the Maryland state Hearing and vision program, and you have been notified of failures. If your child was referred for follow-up due to a failure, please inform the school nurse of the actions you have taken or if assistance is needed with follow-up.
Do I need to take my child for a comprehensive vision exam?
If your child is in one of the groups listed below, they should receive a comprehensive eye exam:
1. Children who did not pass the vision screening in school or who could not be screened in school.
2. Children who passed the vision screening, but whose parent(s)/guardian(s) or teacher(s) still have a concern about their child’s vision:
a. Your child has an eye that turns in or out (seems “cross-eyed” or has a “lazy eye”)
b. Your child squints often or rubs their eyes a lot
c. Your child holds things very close or only to one eye
d. Your child has frequent headaches, complains about their vision, or if you have any other concerns about their vision
Do I need to take my child for a hearing exam by an audiologist?
If your child is in one of the groups listed below, they should receive a comprehensive hearing exam:
1. Children who did not pass the hearing screening in school or who could not be screened in school
2. Children who passed the hearing screening, but whose parent(s)/guardian(s) or teacher(s) still have a concern about their child’s hearing:
a. If your child doesn’t respond when called, mishears words often, or turns up the volume of TV or devices to hear
Free Vaccinations
The first and most important step to protect yourself against flu viruses is to get a flu vaccine. You can get a flu vaccine at the same time as a COVID-19 vaccine. Find your flu vaccine. The injectable quadravalent vaccine will be available, which is not the high-dose vaccine recommended for people 65 and over. See your healthcare provider to obtain the high-dose vaccine. In addition, many local pharmacies offer free flu shots in your community. Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for the most up-to-date information on seasonal flu. If you are unable to attend a clinic, find a location offering vaccinations near you. https://www.vaccinefinder.org/
REMEMBER THE FLU FACTS Residents are encouraged to remember the flu FACTS in order to prevent the spread of contagious viruses, including seasonal flu: • Frequently wash your hands with soap and water. • Always get an annual flu shot. • Cover coughs and sneezes.
Parent University
Parent University offers resources, videos, workshops, and system updates to support the needs of your family. Our program goals align with the BCPS Compass: Our Pathway to Excellence
Resource Links
Math Department
Hello Math Families,
Testing Season has officially arrived! We are currently in the Winter MAP Testing Window for Math. The Math MAP Test is a benchmark test that provides important data about your student’s growth over multiple years as well as a percentile score that that is a comparison of all test takers in the same group.
You may be wondering how you can support your student at home. NWEA, the creators of the MAP Growth Test, has created a Family Toolkit with resources. Check it out at: https://www.nwea.org/family-toolkit/
Together we can!
Reading and English Language Arts Department
Greetings NAHS community!
Quarter 2 closed out on Friday, January 24. We read powerful and intriguing stories and wrote essays that reflected our views of these stories. Now we are ready to head into Quarter 3. Please see what we will be learning and be sure to engage in conversation with your child about their learning.
Grade 6 Unit 3: Living with Technology
Unit Overview: In this unit, students will learn about how technology impacts people. They will consider concepts relating to how technology has benefited people and consider criticisms about how it has changed our relationships to one another. Students will complete an array of performance tasks, with a focus on argumentative writing, as they work through the unit, building confidence in their ability to share insights through individual and collaborative tasks.
Grade 7 Unit 3: Transformations
Unit Overview: In this unit, students will learn about events that alter one’s life, considering what kinds of things can lead a person to make major changes in their life. Through Whole-Class and Peer-Group learning, they will read selections about people who experience transformations in their lives and how they are changed by them. Students will complete an array of performance tasks, with a focus on informative/explanatory writing, as they work through the unit, building confidence in their ability to share insights through individual and collaborative tasks.
Grade 8 Unit 3: Taking a Stand
Unit Overview: In this unit, students will learn about standing up for one’s rights, considering what rights are worth standing up for and when to stand up for them. Through Whole-Class and Peer-Group learning, they will read selections about people who faced challenges and overcame obstacles, as well as selections that shed light on how we decide what matters to us. Students will complete an array of performance tasks, with a focus on argumentative writing, as they work through the unit, building confidence in their ability to share insights through individual and collaborative tasks.
Guidance Department
School Counseling Updates
School Counseling Updates
Greetings Northwest Academy of Health Sciences! Marking Period 2 ended on Friday, January 24th. Report cards will post in FOCUS on February 6th at 4:00pm. Students and families can log in to the Focus Student Portal using the student’s login information. Directions are available on the website and the process can be viewed in a screencast.
We would like to welcome Ms. Kathleen Hajduk, McDaniel College Counseling Intern. She will be in the building 3 days a week. Ms. Kat will be working on 6- year plans, conducting classroom lessons, and group counseling among other things. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Jones.
Northwest Academy has a partnership with GIFTS Mental Health Clinic. GIFTS provides counseling services for students during the school day or in their office and is a great source of support for students requiring assistance with concerns such as:
· Anxiety, panic, or stress
· Intense sadness
· Conduct and behavior
· Impulse control issues
· Emotional regulation difficulties
· Difficulty getting along with others
· Grief and loss
· Traumatic experiences
· Feelings of loneliness and worthlessness
· Difficulty sleeping
If you are interested in their services, please reach out to Ms. M. Jones.