St Charles Newsletter
28th February 2025
Message To Parents From Our Head Of School
Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope this newsletter finds you and your families well.
Spring is suddenly upon us and with it comes the promise of longer, brighter and warmer days. A Spring time tradition at St Charles is the arrival of duck eggs to the School. These are taken care of by the EYFS classes who monitor the progress of the eggs and are careful to ensure they have the right conditions to hatch. Once the eggs begin to hatch, all classes are invited to visit EYFS and observe their progress. This is an amazing opportunity for all the children to experience the wonder and awe of the beginning of a new life. Watch out for updates and photographs over the next few weeks.
A big thank you to the PFA, parents, staff and children who organised and ran the cake sale after School today. The cakes were baked and donated by the EYFS parents in order to raise money to pay for the duck eggs. I am pleased to inform you that we managed to raise a little under £250. Thank you again!
I hope you enjoy the great weather we have been promised over the weekend.
God bless,
Tony Lynch
Head of School.
Catholic Life Of The School
Jubilee Door
The chaplaincy has designed and built a Jubilee Door in the School Hall. This is called the Door of Hope and is symbolic of the great door in front of St Peter's Basilica in Rome which was opened by the Pope to start the Jubilee year. This door is never used other than for important key events, such as the death of a pope. All classes have chosen a different piece of Scripture with the theme of hope, which they have written out and illuminated. As the School community pass through the door, they are encouraged to read these pieces of scripture which will remind them to be hopeful and trust in God.
Ash Wednesday Service
Ash Wednesday this year falls on 5th March (next week). This year the whole School will attend the 10am Ash Wednesday Service at St Pius X Church. You are invited to join us and the Parish community for this important service which will start the season of Lent.
Next week, children will be making their Lenten promises to God which will go towards our Lenten Promise Tree display in the Hall.
New diary dates will continue to be included weekly
RE Home Learning
Gospel: Don't be judgmental (Mark 6:39-49)
Using the Wednesday Word link below, read this Sunday’s Gospel
and reflect on the questions below with your family.
You will have an opportunity to discuss them again next week in School during the Gospel/Well done Assembly.
- Why does Jesus compare a splinter to a plank of wood?
- What is Jesus telling us to do?
- How can we show God that we understand this message?
- What is the message of this parable? What is a hypocrite?
- Why does Jesus mean when he says, “Your words show what is in your heart”?
- How can we show God that we understand this message?
Our whole school attendance is currently at 93.6%
We are working towards achieving 96% attendance this academic year. Please help us to achieve this by ensuring that your child attends school each day and by not booking any holiday during term time. Please be aware that holiday leave in term time cannot be authorised.
In line with the Department for Education guidelines, where pupils miss school without a good reason (including a holiday), the Local Authority and schools can intervene, and you may be issued a fine.
There is strong correlation between good attendance and good progress. So together, let’s give our children the best possible chance of reaching their potential.
PFA Cake Sale
A huge thank you to our PFA who ran a cake sale in the sun on Friday afternoon. There was a wonderful array of yummy cakes on offer. Thank you too to everyone who supported the event so generously. It raised almost £250. This money will help to fund duck eggs in Early Years.
Scholastic Book Fair
We are looking forward to hosting our Scholastic Book Fair next week! Pupils and parents/ carers are invited to come along after school and purchase some new, exciting books and stationery. We can't wait to see you there!
Spring is in the air!
Spring is definitely in the air! Our gardens are filling with colour. We are also enjoying our new potting shed where we can grow and care for plants including fruit and vegetables. Even our nature pond is teeming with frogs and frogspawn.
Look What We Have Been Doing! -Key Stage 2
Sports Hall Athletics Tournament
Well done to our year 3 and 4 children who took part in the Sports Hall Athletics Tournament today! The children showed great sportsmanship and had so much fun trying all the different events!
We have been thoroughly enjoying reading our new books which have been recently gifted to us by the parents/ carers at Notting Hill Prep! These have been such a great addition to our class libraries!
Individuality and Learning Hero's
Congratulations to the following children who were recognised for making good choices during the week beginning 24th February.
Term Dates 2024-25
First Half Term
Staff Training – Monday 6th January – School Closed
First Day of School – Tuesday 7th January
Last Day of School – Friday 14th February
Half Term – Monday 17th – Friday 21st February
Second Half Term
First Day of School – Monday 24th February
Last Day of School – Friday 4th April - School Closes at 1.45pm
Easter Holiday – Monday 7th April – Monday 21st April
Summer Term – 2025
First Half Term
Staff Training – Tuesday 22nd April – School Closed
First Day of School – Wednesday 23rd April
Bank Holiday – Monday 5th May
Last Day of School – Friday 23rd May
Half Term – Monday 26th – Friday 30th May
Second Half Term
First Day of School – Monday 2nd June
Staff Training – Monday 30th June – School Closed
Last Day of School – Tuesday 22nd July - School Closes at 1.45pm
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St Charles Catholic Primary School
Email: info@st-charles.rbkc.sch.uk
Website: www.st-charles.rbkc.sch.uk
Location: St Charles Square, London W10 6EB, UK
Phone: 020 8969 5566