The LifeLeader
August 19, 2022

Septemeber 2024
- District Updates
- Partners for Life
- Academic Engagement
- Safety & Security
Life School Needs Your Support - Duncanville Public Meetings
Life School is gearing up for our newest high school in Duncanville, TX, with plans to open its doors in time for the 2027-28 school year! If you believe Life School will make an even more significant impact in our community by building this new high school in Duncanville, please click here to sign up for project updates and meeting notifications.
District representatives will be at upcoming campus Family Nights to share additional information on how you can take action to help make this project a reality. Below are links to detailed information about the project. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Make Mornings Easier with Free Breakfast
Life School is providing free breakfast for all students this year. Students can arrive early and receive a nutritious, filling breakfast to fuel them for learning. If morning routines are stressful in your home, let us help by providing breakfast for your student!
If you have not already received a letter from the district indicating your free/reduced/paid lunch status, please take a moment to complete the lunch application.
Community Partnership Opportunity
Life High School Waxahachie competes in Conference AAAA, while Life High School Oak Cliff competes in Conference AAA of the UIL. With more than 1200 students competing in 18 sports, the Mustangs’ and Lions’ athletic and extracurricular programs have seen tremendous success, winning numerous championships and sending students to state competitions each year.
We invite all community partners to join us by sponsoring banners in any of our athletic facilities.
Click here to learn how you can participate!
Life School Homecoming Dates
Homecoming dates are set! Come cheer on our teams during their homecoming games and enjoy food, football & festivities! Alums will receive free admission, an Alumni T-shirt & a meal coupon for the concession stand. Purchase tickets online!
LHSW - Friday, Sept. 20th, at 7:30 PM
LHSOC - Thursday, Oct. 17th, at 7:30 PM
Partnering with parents is an essential piece of Life School’s mission. We invite and encourage parents to partner with teachers, staff, and administrators to support their child's social, emotional, behavioral, and academic needs. Click here to sign up to stay informed about opportunities to engage on your child’s campus. If you already have an account, be sure to “Become a Fan” of the campus your child is attending this year.
Classroom Observations
Life School believes that strong partnerships between parents and teachers promote student success. We encourage all parents to take advantage of our policy, allowing them to observe their student’s classrooms. Participation in classroom observations allows parents to gain insight into their child’s daily experiences, including class participation, peer interaction, and how they learn from their teachers.
Click here to learn more about Classroom Observations. Please contact your child's teacher directly to sign up for a classroom observation.
Review Attendance and Grades with Parent Portal
The Parent Portal allows parents to monitor student progress throughout the year. Click here to sign up to receive notifications about grades and attendance.
The Texas Way - Sportsmanship at UIL events
The Life School Athletic Program is a proud supporter of The Texas Way. This initiative is a collaborative campaign between the Texas High School Coaches Association (THSCA), Texas High School Athletic Directors Association (THSADA), and 2Words Character Development. The goal is to enhance sportsmanship at UIL events across the state. Please take a moment to watch this brief video to learn more about what it means to be a Texas Way school district.
Read Full Story Here
Reinforce Learning at Home: The Power of 'I Will' Statements
In a world where information is just a click away, it may seem that memorization is no longer necessary. However, many experts agree that memorization remains a crucial foundation for learning. By committing basic facts to memory, students can use that knowledge to deepen their understanding and apply concepts more effectively.
We encourage all students to memorize their "I Will" statements each week. By internalizing these affirmations, students can practice applying the concepts daily, helping them become better problem solvers, more effective communicators, and world-changing critical thinkers. Please support this effort by discussing the "I Will" statements with your child at home to reinforce these important life skills.
Life Habits Family Nights
All of our elementary campuses are hosting a Life Habits Family Night this month. Life Habits lessons are designed to develop students’ social and emotional intelligence, critical to success in school and beyond. Make plans to attend your student’s Life Habits Family Night so you can learn more about how Life Habits lessons are helping students understand and manage emotions, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Check your campus’ Partners for Life page or your campus newsletter for dates and information!
Understanding Security Statuses
Life School’s number one priority is the safety and security of staff and students. We are committed to keeping parents informed of any safety issues that occur on campuses. To help understand the notifications you may receive throughout the year, please familiarize yourself with the different security statuses that are used in different campus safey situations. View the guide here.
See this month’s Safety Newsletter for important reminders that can keep our campuses safe!
“Let’s Talk” Safety Reporting
Life School’s “Let’s Talk” feature allows students, staff or parents to report possible safety issues such as threats, bullying or other concerns. To use the feature, visit lifeschool.net and click “Let’s Talk” in the bottom right-hand corner.
Our Mission
The Mission of Life School is to develop leaders with life skills through strong academics, character training, and partnerships with parents and the community.