South Maple Elementary Newsletter
November 2024
Upcoming Dates
November 1....................NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
November 15..................NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
November 19.............................................PTO/3:30PM
November 28 and 29...........THANKSGIVING BREAK/NO SCHOOL
December 6..................................................Report cards go home
December 23-January 3...................NO SCHOOL/WINTER BREAK
Please read below regarding lost and found!
- Our lost in found is getting very full. Please talk a look at the lost in found during your parent/teacher conferences.
- Any items left in the lost in found after November 8th will be donated to Goodwill.
Winter Gear
Thank you for sending your child prepared to enjoy recess outside during the cold and snowy weather. We appreciate you labeling their coat, snow pants, boots, hat and mittens.
For the safety of our students, parents need to select bussing, front pick-up, Gym pick-up or latchkey as the method of departure for their children to follow at dismissal. If a parent needs to make a change to this daily routine a phone call must be made directly to the school office before 1:30PM on the day of the change. If the office does not receive information of a change, then the child will go home as scheduled.
SME Arrival/Dismissal Information
- The student day will begin at 7:55AM and ends at 2:35PM.
- As many of you are aware morning and afternoon traffic is very congested in our area. Please drive safely and follow traffic laws.
Emergency Drills
In the month of November we will be conducting the following drills:
Lockdown Drill
Office Hours
The South Maple Elementary office is open to assist you Monday-Friday from 7AM-3:30PM.
Diane Parker, Principal
South Maple Elementary
650 East Fifth Street
Gaylord, MI 49735
Diane Parker
Diane is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters