The Cub Corner
September 27, 2024
Mrs. Stacy Murphy
Mrs. Susan Lovato
Dear Millbridge Families,
As we near the end of September and the third full week of school, it is wonderful to see all the children following our Bear Paws. Today, we celebrated our Caring Cubs. Please continue to support our Bear Paw language of Caring, Responsible, Respectful, and Helpful. We are excited to have a special lunch with those cubs on Monday.
As we talk about routines and the students, we would like to thank the parents for following our arrival and dismissal procedures. If you are dropping your child off, it is imperative that the carpool line is utilized. Please remember, if you are picking up your children to be here by 3:35. It is extremely important if your child is on the bus that an adult is at the stop. If an adult is not at the stop, children will be brought back to school for safety reasons.
If you have not yet filled out the questions and forms on parent portal, please do so. If you need any help, please contact the main office.
Thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of nurturing and shaping the minds of your most precious treasures.
Stacy Murphy
Math - Family Resource Links
Here is a link to the enVision family resource pages for each grade level, K-5. https://www.delranschools.org/curriculum/district_supervisors/MaryJoHutchinson/en_vision_math_k-5
Fast Pass
It is once again time to sign up for fast passes. Below are the dates to sign up for the fast passes:
Kindergarten and 1st Grade are completed.
2nd Grade Fast Pass Dates: Monday, Sept. 30 - Wednesday, Oct. 2
Fast passes will only be provided to those whose child will be picked up 3 or more days per week. Each child is allowed 2 fast passes. In order to obtain a fast pass, you must be listed in Realtime as your child’s contact. Older siblings picking up must be in at least 6th grade to obtain a fast pass. Government ID/Student ID (for the siblings that are not 18 yet) must be provided when signing up. Fast Pass sign-up will take place in the cafeteria during parent pick-up times. To sign up for a fast pass, please see Ms. Williams at the back table in the cafeteria at the appropriate grade specified time. There will be a form that needs to be signed to register for a pass. Passes will take at least 1 week to process and will be given out at parent pickup when they are ready.
Lifetouch Picture Day - Thursday, October 10th
Orders can be placed online at mylifetouch.com with code EVTBVWQF2, or send in the order form with your child. Order forms will be sent home next week.
Week of Respect - Oct. 7 - Oct. 11
Monday - Put bullying to BED! - Pajama Day - Wear your favorite pajamas to school.
Tuesday - Wear Gold for our golden rule! - Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Wednesday - RESPECT our differences! - Wear mismatched clothes to show we are all unique.
Thursday - Dress to IMPRESS! - Respect yourself and wear your best.
Friday - Millbridge School Pride - Wear your Millbridge attire or yellow and brown.
Halloween Costume Shop
New Safe Snack List
Please adhere to our new safe snack list for all parties/celebrations.
Parent Portal
PTO Membership
Arrival & Dismissal
10-minute buffer
Expect the first two weeks to be slightly longer…do NOT panic
Parent Pick Up
Early Dismissal - any pickup before 3:00 through office, email MBOffice@delranschools.org and your child's teacher.
Fast Passes can be used from prior year for the first 3 weeks of school.
Buses - dismissal begins at 3:20
If you are dropping your child off, please enter the parking lot closest to the cafeteria. This is the carpool line. Staff will direct you around and assist your child out of the car. It is extremely helpful to have your child in the back on the passenger side for exit. A staff member will open the car door when it is safe for exit. There will be staff members to assist in crossing and navigating the hallways to help find classrooms.
YMCA - Prime Time
YMCA Camp - October 20th
Counselors Corner
HERE is an important link from our counselors regarding some tips about promoting kindness.
Dates to Know
October 3 - Single Session Day; AM Preschool
October 4 - Staff Development Day, No Students
October 10 - Lifetouch Picture Day
Delran Education Foundation
Parent Resources
Contact Information
Email: mboffice@delranschools.org
Website: http://mes.delranschools.org/
Location: 282 Conrow Road, Delran, NJ, United States
Phone: (856) 461-2900