K to 8 Las Flores Update
A newsletter for all Las Flores/ EGVA students K-8
Know All the News
Las Flores K8
Website: https://egva.egusd.net/
Location: 5900 Bamford Drive, Sacramento, CA, USA
Phone: 916-399-9890
February News
February Overview
And in a blink of an eye we are saying hello to February. This month we will celebrate friendship with our classmates and teachers rather than explore a fieldtrip. Our campus is so full of excitement including Video Production Club, STEM Club, Lego Nights, PE and Pancakes Family Night and 6th through 8th Grade Power Hour! We even have a new Farm to Fork Garden Club!
Also, this month EL students are getting ready for ELPAC testing, working on Illuminate testing and getting ready to close Trimester 2 for K-6 and 7/8 graders have
Progress Reports.
Take some time to scroll through the newsletter for all the details.
Sac State Math Tutoring Buddies Program
Sac State Math Tutoring Buddies Program is now starting on February 03 to May 09, 2025, offering free tutoring sessions via Zoom on Monday, Wednesday & Friday 4 pm to 7 pm, and Tuesday & Thursday 5:30 pm to 7 pm.
Here’s the Zoom Link for Drop-in Sessions: https://csus.zoom.us/j/84942010881
Note for Parents/ Guardians: Parents/ Guardians must supervise their children during the tutoring sessions. Parents/Guardians please complete the liability form before joining the first session.
PE and Pancakes Novemebr 5th and 12th
Get ready to work up an appetite! Come play with your PE teachers as you work on important physical skills through fun activities.
October Recap Photos
September Recap Photos
August Recap Photos:
August News
First Day of School Aug 15
Welcome back students. we are so excited to get back to it. We are ready to educate and fill your minds with knowledge. You should be hearing from your teachers shortly. We are working hard to prepare the classes and get you information to get you started and prepped for the day. Please check your emails in Synergy for a letter from your teacher. We are starting off strong and active with our District 56 Park meet up. You will find the form below.
District 56 Park and Play Aug 23
Have lunch with your teachers and friends as we head to District 56 Park. See your teacher for registration and don't forget to turn in your fieldtrip form.
Back to School Night Aug 29
Knowing is half the battle! Head back to school on Aug 29 from 4-6. Meet your teachers, learn expectations, and address any and all concerns. Your teachers are ready to meet you and your students with activities, assistance and a little fun! Can't wait to see you!
2023/2024 School Year ( Past Events/News)
April 8-April 12 is CAASPP testing week. All students will need
1. EGUSD Chromebook
2. SSID number that was mailed to you. Please talk to your teacher if you did not receive it.
Guest practice tests are available at the link below, but rest assured your teachers will help you practice signing on.
Upcoming Events
Testing Week April 8-12 Makeups TBA
Apr 15 PE Make ups for 7th grades
Robin Hood Apr 26
8th Grade Promotion May 16
Calling all Families of Multilingual Learners!
Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Time: 5:00-6:00 pm
Place: On Zoom
Meeting ID: Invite Link https://egusd-net.zoom.us/j/82674257994
We hope you can join us!
At this meeting, we will discuss:
⮚ ELPAC (English Learner Proficiency Assessment for California)
⮚ Reclassification from EL to Fluent
⮚ Update on how Las Flores supports your student(s)
⮚ LCAP (Local Control and Accountability Plan)
Questions? Need more information? Please contact Dr. Diana Sandoval (dsandova@egusd.net
Register for the Crocker
Let's Go to the Sacramento Zoo
We are headed to the Sacramento Zoo November 14 @ 10am. . Fieldtrip forms are required as well as a 5 dollar fee for each participant over 2 years of age. We do plan to meet and go in at 10am regardless of the weather make sure to come prepared, but we should have plenty of time before the rain sprinkles on us at 1pm. Teachers will be in front of the Zoo at 9:30 collecting slips and payment. Please bring exact cash. If you have any questions or concerns let me know.
https://forms.gle/zpoaocfjZpXRQoJAA will take you to the permission slip and registration forms.
Let's Go to Dave's Pumpkin Patch Oct 31 @11 AM
Pumpkin Patch Fieldtrip is ON and APPROVED..ACT FAST for FREE tickets
Please register by FRIDAY October 20 2PM for your free ticket for a Pumpkin Patch Meet Up. Registration and more information are in link is below.
In short we will MEET at Dave Pumpkin Patch at 11AM on October 31. Students who register and turn in a permission slip will be guaranteed a ticket. All chaperone will be free and siblings and friend between 3-17 will be charged 8 dollars at the gate. Permission slips will be accepted through October 26
Kid's Healthy Start Survey Oct 19
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Your child is being asked to be a part of our district's California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS), sponsored by the California Department of Education. This is a very important survey that will help promote better health and wellbeing among our youth, improve the school learning environment, and combat problems such as drug use, bullying, and violence. The data from this survey is vital to the development of programs and services for students and families.
Survey Content. The survey gathers information on developmental supports provided to youth; school connectedness and barriers to learning; school safety; and health-related concerns such as physical activity and nutritional habits; alcohol, tobacco and other drug use; and risk of depression and suicide.
It is Voluntary. Students do not have to answer any questions they do not want to answer, and may skip any question or stop taking the survey at any time.
It is Anonymous. No names or ID numbers are attached to the survey data. The site and district results will be made available for analysis only under strict confidentiality controls.
Administration. The survey will be administered online between October 2nd-31st. It will take about 50 minutes to complete and will be administered during the school day.
Results. The results from this survey are compiled into school, district, and county-level CHKS reports. To view a copy of your district's report, go to http://chks.wested.org/reports/search (Outside Source) and type in the district name.
Your child does not have to take the survey. If you do not want your child to complete the survey, you must opt them out through ParentVueand tell them NOT to attend Thursday ALL CALL; we have attached instructions so you may OPT OUT prior to Oct 19, 2023.
The survey was developed by WestEd, a public, non-profit educational institution. If you wish to preview the survey, a copy of is available for you to preview in the front office of your child's school. If you have any questions about this survey, call the EGUSD Student Support and Health Services Department and ask to speak with Larrah Feliciano, Program Specialist, at 686-7568 or email lfelicia@egusd.net.
*Additional information in varied languages in Synergy email
Consent to OPT IN and OPT OUT directions will be disseminated by your teacher
Upcoming Dates to Know
October 20: Deadline for FREE ticket registration for DAVES PUMPKIN PATCH
October 19: Kid's Healthy Start Survey
October 27: 6th Grade Report Cards Tri 1 classes close
November TBA: Sacramento Zoo