Town Center Principal Newsletter
August 16, 2024
Friday, November 8th
We'd love for our learners to wear red, white, and blue on Monday.
Wondering if you've already purchased a yearbook or still need to?
- Go to
- Click on the “Get Details of Your Previous Orders by Email” button.
A Note From Ms. Matlock
Lion's Club
Each year the Lion's Club of Coppell provides holiday baskets and toys to families in the Coppell ISD attendance area. Last year the Lion's Club provided a special Christmas for over 100 families for children who might otherwise have gone without. The food baskets and toys are delivered by members of the Lion's Club, and the identity of the recipients is kept confidential. If your family would benefit from a holiday basket and toys from the Lion's Club, please complete THIS FORM and return it to TCE's counselor, Kelly Matlock, by Friday, December 6th. Email if you would like a paper copy sent home.
Metrocrest Services
Metrocrest Services provides two seasonal support options for families:
The Thanksgiving Food program provides holiday favorites such as turkey, dressing, and food to help you and your family during the Thanksgiving holiday break.
The Holiday program makes the holiday season a little brighter by allowing parents to go to our holiday store and choose unwrapped toys for their children. In addition, participants can pick up non-perishable food and winter coats for the family.
To register, complete an application HERE.
Mark your calendars for our Family Math Game Night
A free event open to all families!
Yearbook Orders Open!
Free & Reduced Meal Eligibility
In order to qualify for Free & Reduced Meals, families are required to complete an application each year to determine their eligibility. CISD is encouraging our eligible families to complete an application online at
Parents, guardians or students can add funds to their accounts in person at the school cafeteria via cash or check, or for a small fee, they can use the "My School Bucks" app to deposit funds with a debit or credit card. Visit for more information about school breakfasts and lunches or to create or add funds to your child’s school lunch account.
Dads and Dudes Club
If you are interested in learning more about or joining our Dads and Dudes Club, we'd love to have you. Please email Nick Walther at and be on the lookout for upcoming volunteer opportunities.
Background Checks
We ask that all families complete a volunteer background check at the start of the year. They do not carry over from year to year. Since the background checks take time to process, we ask that everyone completed one in case any type of volunteering opportunity (class field trip, Dads and Dudes Club, Room parent, class volunteer, field day, etc.) arises during the year that you are interested in. Please click on the link below to complete.
Upcoming Dates - Join Us!
We want to make sure all of our families are in the loop about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities. Please mark your calendars with our fall events. There are quite a few activities that parents and families are invited to, and we'd love to have you! As each event nears and we finalize details, we will share additional information.
Monday, November 11th
TCE Veterans Day Ceremony 8:15-9:00 a.m.
Friday, November 15th
TCE Family Math Game Night 6:00-8:00 p.m. - All families are welcome.
Tuesday, November 19th
TCE Spirit Night at Chipotle - details above.
Friday, November 22nd
Turkey Trot- This will be during each grade level's specials time. Parents are invited to attend.
Monday, November 25th - Friday, November 29th
No school - Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, December 10th
5th grade music program 5:30 p.m.
Friday, December 13th
Reindeer Run- This will be during each grade level's specials time. Parents are invited to attend.
Thursday, December 19th
Class winter parties 2:00 p.m. - Parents are invited to attend.
Friday, December 20th
No school - staff workday
Monday, December 23rd - Monday, January 6th
No school - Winter Break