Main Street Roar!
Weekly Parent Newsletter 12/13/24
For The Betterment of Our Students!
Hello Main Street Family!
Thank you everyone who was able to attend our Tiger of the Month Recognition today! We are proud of the strides our students are making academically and socially!
Please note the changes in the CUSD calendar.
There are a lot of exciting things taking place next week! This Students who placed in Main Street's Science Fair, will participate in the Chester Upland Science Fair. The Science Fair will take place Wednesday, December 18th @ from 10AM - 12PM at Chester High School. Parent are encouraged to attend. Please see the flyer below for complete details.
Students performers participating in the Chester Upland Winter Concert must return their signed permission slips by Tuesday, December 17th. Tickets may be purchased at Main Street's front office for $5 each. Student performers are not required to purchase tickets. All proceeds will benefit the CUSD music programs.
Our students are partnering will then men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. and will begin collecting non perishable food items. We will collect items until Friday December 20th! The class that collects the most items will receive a pizza party! Let's be a blessing to families in need this season!
Please ensure your students are dressed appropriately for the cold weather. Students must wear sneakers or closed toed shoes to school. Crocs are not permitted.
Our yearly goal for average attendance is 95%. We inched up to 91.5% this week. We must continue to move in an upward direction!! We can do it!! Send your child to school every day! They enjoy hearing their homerooms shouted out for perfect attendance!
Enjoy this safe and happy weekend!
Note the changes in the CUSD calendar this week!
Win a pizza party for your class!
Please send refillable plastic water bottles with your students.
In an effort to enhance sanitary measures in our building, all drinking fountains have been removed from the building. They have been replaced with water stations. Students can fill their water bottles during the school day. Please send refillable plastic water bottles to school with your children.
Car Line
You must remain in your cars when entering the car line. Please refrain from making u turns in the car line during dismissal. The safety of our children and parents is of utmost importance to us. We would like to move the cars through the line without any disruptions.
It is important your child(ren) attend school every day. The chart below indicates how much instruction your child(ren) will miss if they are not present.
Do You Recognize Me?
The items in our lost and found is growing. Please have your children retrieve their items. All items not claimed by Thursday will be donated to Goodwill.
- December 9th - 20th - PBIS Candy Gram Sale
- December 9th - 20th - Canned and non perishable food drive
- December 17th - Main Street Afterschool Winter Celebration @ 5PM
- December 18th - CUSD Science Fair @ Chester High from 10 AM - 12 PM
- December 18th - CUSD Winter Concert @ Chester High 5:30 PM
- December 19th - 1/2 day for students 11:45 AM dismissal
- December 20th - January 3rd - Winter Break - No school for students