Monthly School Counseling Department Newsletter
In this issue...
- Financial Aid - Race to Submit : March 2nd
- Grade Level Course Selection
- You are invited to Decision Day
- Grade Level Postsecondary Preparedness Resources
- Summer School Enrollment
- Scholarship Opportunities
- Saturday Success Academy
- College and Career Spotlight
- Upcoming Events
- Social Emotional / Mental Health
A Look Into March
Race to Submit - FAFSA/CADAA
Priority deadline, March 2nd
Steps and Criteria to Qualify for the Promise Program:
- Graduate from a local (California graduates) high school in this current year
- Complete the required FAFSA or Dream Act application
- Be a California resident or eligible by your AB 540/Dream Act Status
- Complete Community College Admissions Application
If you are unable to complete your application by the priority deadline, you still have the opportunity to complete your application at a later time. Be sure to get your application in as soon as possible!
Grade Level Course Selection
Throughout the month of February, the school counseling team met with the Junior and Sophomore class to select their courses for the 23/24 school year. If a student missed their opportunity to meet with their school counselor to input their desired courses, school counselors will host make-up days and follow up with any student not in attendance during their original time slot. We continue to encourage students to sit with their parents and/or guardians to select the courses they prefer. Through the month of March, the Freshmen class will have the opportunity to meet individually with their school counselor to review and discuss their individual plans, post-secondary plans, and ask questions for more clarity. Please take a look at the online COURSE CATALOG and familiarize yourself on course options. Be sure to view a breakdown of the required courses based on your grade level below.
The following courses are a typical 10th grade schedule:
- REQUIRED - Language Arts (Honors Available)
- REQUIRED - Math (Enhanced Available)
- REQUIRED - World History (Advanced Placement Available)
- REQUIRED - Physical Science - Most Sophomores will take Chemistry (Honors Available)
- REQUIRED - PE (unless taken over summer/previously discussed with a counselor)
- The following courses are a typical 11th grade schedule:
- REQUIRED - U.S. History (Advanced Placement Available)
- REQUIRED FOR 4 YEAR ADMISSIONS - Math (Enhanced/Honors/AP Available)
The following courses are a typical 12th grade schedule:
- REQUIRED - Language Arts (Advanced Placement Available)
- REQUIRED - Government/Economics (Advanced Placement Available)
Summer School 2023
Parents, if your student has been enrolled in Summer School by their school counselor, be sure to save your student's seat! In order to accept enrollment to for Summer School, parents are required to confirm and approve Summer School enrollment within Q Parent Connect.
Summer School 2023
Escuela de Verano 2023
You are Invited - Decision Day
Decision Day celebrates all students committed to pursuing an education past high school. Whether you plan to attend a community college, a 4-year university, a certificate program, the military, or any other education past high school, we want to celebrate you!
Decision Day
Dia de la decision
Postsecondary Support
9th Graders
- Four-year course planner: Sign up for sophomore-year classes, and remember that you’re developing a long-term plan for the next three years. Ask your counselor about dual-enrollment opportunities with your local community college.
- Identify some summer programs you’re interested in: Browse through options for day programs, residential programs, and online options that match an interest you’d like to pursue.
10th Graders
College App & Admissions Timeline: These resources and calendar will help you stay on track.
- Sign up for junior year classes: Remember that you want challenge and balance.
11th Graders
How to Create a College List (with tracking spreadsheet): It’s go-time. This is a perfect time to pick up the pace on building your college list with these resources.
Keep building your college list:
ScholarMatcher: Awesome search tool for low-income/first-gen students
The Hundred-Seven and College Equity Index: Excellent resources for Black students
I’m First: Guide for first-generation college students and their families
Tips and Campus Pride: Resources for the LGBTQ+ community
Women’s colleges: Seven reasons you should consider a single-sex school
HBCUs and TCUs: Essential tips when considering one of these institutions committed to serving underrepresented students
American Indian College Fund: List and descriptions of tribal colleges and universities AICAD: List of 42 colleges of art and design that allows you to search by major and by region.
12th Graders
How to understand your financial-aid award letters: Make a spreadsheet to compare financial aid packages from multiple schools.
Appealing financial aid: If you’ve been accepted to college but the financial aid package isn’t what you’d hoped, read through this guide and listen to this podcast as you plan your appeal.
Making your final college choice: Plan visits to colleges where you’re accepted (if needed) in order to make your final college choice. And revisit your original Corsava preferences to see how your college options measure up.
- What to do if you’re deferred or waitlisted: Review your application and determine whether you want to write a letter of continued interest.
Saturday Success Academy
College and Career Spotlight
Upcoming Events
Sign up today in Room 305.
Norco College Resource Day
Join us March 7th & 14th during both lunches in Room 305.
To visit our CNUSD Virtual Calming Room, please click on the picture.
Centennial School Counseling Department Vision Statement
Centennial School Counseling Mission Statement
Follow Us
Email: cehscounselors@cnusd.k12.ca.us
Website: https://centennial.cnusd.k12.ca.us/
Location: Room 301 - Counseling Center
Phone: 9517395670
Twitter: @cen10counseling