Redwood Reader
June 5, 2024

Have a great Summer!
Happy Retirement Mrs. Furrer
Please join us in congratulating Mrs. Vanessa Furrer on her retirement. Mrs. Furrer retires with 20 years in education, spending the last 15 with Avon Lake City Schools. Enjoy Your Retirement!
4th Grade inventionland Winners!
Back to School Forms Information.
Powerschool Portal
Over the summer months you will receive an email notifying you to complete your student's back-to-school forms via your PowerSchool Parent Account. All forms are to be completed prior to the first day of school. This is a one-stop shop for updating your child’s emergency and medical information as well as signing off on the annual permission forms for school district policies.
If you have any questions about your PowerSchool Parent Account, please contact:
- Maria Szarek - (440) 933-4829
- Theresa Martin - (440) 933-0984
Kindergarten Bridging
Sun Bucks
All School Awards Assembly
Jump Start Summer 2024
4th Grade Clap Out!
Camp Invention
Camp Invention is almost here! Troy Intermediate School will be hosting Camp Invention for the 8th year! There is something for all ages. Incoming Kindergarteners through sixth graders will take part in designing a one-of-a-kind Glow Box as well as star in a prototyping game show. Seventh through Ninth Graders can assist Leadership Interns and help younger campers work their way through all the fun modules. Don’t miss out on the last discount code for Camp Invention. Sign up today using promo code SUM15! Register at www.campinvention.org
Upcoming Important Dates
19-Open House
20- 1st day of School
Class Assignments
Class Postings
To view your student’s classroom teacher for the 2024/2025 school year, please log into your student’s PowerSchool account on or after August 9th. The teacher is listed under homeroom.
Spirit Wear
Purchase your Redwood and Avon Lake gear & have it shipped directly to your home
A percentage of all sales goes to Redwood PTA
Store link for Redwood: https://1stplace.sale/72840
Store link for Avon Lake: https://1stplace.sale/7283
Safer Ohio School Tip Line
Redwood Elementary School
Website: https://www.avonlakecityschools.org/redwood
Location: 32967 Redwood Blvd, Avon Lake, OH 44012, USA
Phone: (440)933-5145
Twitter: @RedwoodAvonLake