Main Street Roar
Weekly Parent Newsletter 1/31/2025
For The Betterment of Our Students!
Hello Main Street Family!
Please note the date for the CUSD Spelling Bee has been changed to February 11th. See the flyer below for complete details.
Students may purchase Valentine Gram from February 1st- 14th for $1 each. See the flyer below for details!
We are wearing our Eagle's gear this Wednesday to support our home team as they head to the Superbowl! Students may wear Eagle's paraphernalia or the team colors and jeans! Ripped jeans are not permitted.
Students will receive a free coat from Operation Warm on Wednesday! Please sign and return the photo release form sent home with your students.
Report Card Conferences are Thursday February 6th from 12:45 PM - 5:45 PM. If you have not scheduled a conference with your child's teacher, please do so ASAP. This important meeting will give you an opportunity to not only discuss your child's progress, but to walk away with tools you can use to help your students succeed at home. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
Students will be dismissed at 11:45 AM on Thursday February 6th. There will be no afterschool. Please make arrangements to pick your students up on time. In addition, There will be no school for students, Friday, February 7th.
If you have not returned your child's signed CUSD Student Chromebook/Device Policy, please so and submit it to your child's teacher as soon as possible.
Now that the snow has melted and the forecast calls for slightly higher temperatures, I am hopeful that student attendance will increase. Let's see which classrooms get perfect attendance this week!
Our yearly goal for average attendance is 95%. Yay we slightly increased to 91.2% this week. We must continue to move in an upward direction!! We can do it!! Send your child to school every day! They enjoy hearing their homerooms shouted out for perfect attendance!! If we make our goal of 95%, the students will be allowed to duct tape Principal Medley to a wall!
I look forward to seeing you Thursday during Parent/Teacher Conferences! While here, please visit our lost and found to retrieve your children's lost items. All unclaimed items will be donated to a shelter Friday, February 7th.
Have a safe and enjoyable weekend!
Principal Medley
Free Coats!
Photo release forms were sent home this week. Please sign and return if you have not done already done so.
Free Weekend Educational Opportunities for your child(ren)!
Come out and support our student participants!
CUSD Technology Usage
Parents and Guardians:
Chromebooks or other technological devices are used in class for students to complete assignments and assessments.. Students may not download games, wallpapers or participate in video group discussions. Improper use of technology could result in the student losing privileges of using the school's device.
PBIS Glow-In-The-Dark Snowball Dance Party!
Main Street students that earned 150 Tiger Dollars had the option to participate in our Glow-In-The-Dark Snow Ball Dance Party!
All students must report to school in uniform everyday!
Car Line
Please refrain from making u turns in the car line during dismissal. The safety of our children and parents is of utmost importance to us. We would like to move the cars through the line without any disruptions.
It is important your child(ren) attend school every day. The chart below indicates how much instruction your child(ren) will miss if they are not present.
Join the PTO!
PTO meetings will meet the second Thursday of the month. Our next PTO meeting will be Thursday, February 20, 2025 @ 5PM. Our Afterschool program will present their Black History Program!
Do You Recognize Me?
The items in our lost and found is growing. Please have your children retrieve their items. All items not claimed by report card conferences will be donated to Goodwill.
- February 5. 2025 - Operation Warmth - Distribution of free coats for students.
- February 6, 2025 - Report Card Conferences - 1/2 day for students. 11:45 AM dismissal
- February 7, 2025 - Teacher In Service - No school for students
- February 11, 2025 - CUSD Spelling Bee from 5PM-7PM @ Chester High School
- February 17, 2025 - Presidents' Day - NO SCHOOL
- February 20, 2025 - Main Street's After School Black History Program - 5:00 PM
- February 25, 2025 - Main Street PreK - 2 Black History Program - 1:30 PM
- February 26, 2025 - Main Street Grade 3- 5 Black History Program - 1:30 PM