The Cozine Connection
Stay Informed about the Climber Community
Cozine Climber Updates - May 6
A Note From Cozine:
Hi Climber Families!
We are nearly finished with this school year! It seems to have flown by! Thank you for your constant support throughout the year! The last day of school for this year is Monday, May 20. School dismissal will be12:30pm that day.
Having your student practice their skills over the summer is so important. If you have a device at home, students will be able to log in to with their school email address and password. They can use Clever to access familiar computer programs throughout the summer. Also check out the Aliante Library or Alexander Library summer reading programs. Here is a calendar of events including free summer tutoring at the Alexander Library.
In Kindness,
Ms. Jodi Notch, Mrs. Lisa Dalton, and Ms. Tamara Martinezjunco
Coffee Truck Fundraiser
We are excited to have the MoJoe coffee truck on campus on Friday, May 17 from 8-10am. If you are dropping your child off at school or attending a kindergarten promotion ceremony, consider purchasing a coffee as Cozine ES will get 10% of the purchases.
It's Registration Time!
Register online through the following link:
Please confirm your online registration application at the front office by bringing in your current proof of address for the 24-25 school year. Acceptable proof of address documents are: bills from NV Energy, the water district, SW Gas, mortgage statements, and/or lease agreements.
If you do not have one of those items, you will need to apply for Shared Housing. For this process, two additional supporting documents in the name of the parent/guardian at the address shown on the Shared Housing Verification Request Form, dated within 90 days of the current date. The document should be communication to the parent/guardian at the address from the following type of entities:
• Financial institutions (i.e., bank, insurance company)
• (i.e., phone, )
• Medical
• Religious institutions
• Governmental (i.e., federal, state, local)
Fine Arts Night
Please join us for Fine Arts Night on Tuesday, May 7 from 5:00-7:00pm.
Each Cozine student will have a piece of their artwork displayed, there will be art activities in each pod, and the choir will perform! Plus, students earn points for their House for attending!
Field Day
Field Day is Friday, May 10. Please reach out to your child's teacher to find the time of your student's participation. Parents are welcome to come cheer students on!
Yearbook Information
Yearbook distribution for students who have already purchased their yearbook will take place on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 during the school day. We have a limited number of yearbooks that will be on sale before and after school at the front gate starting Wednesday, May 15 until supplies run out. Yearbooks are $25 (cash only and exact change please).
Garden Club Updates
Garden Club's last meeting for the year is Wednesday, May 8. Thank you to those of you who have supported this group throughout the school year!
Apple Core Winners
Congratulations Climbers!
Cozine Elementary School won third place in the North Las Vegas division of the APPLE CORE District contest.
In addition, three Cozine students won prizes from the District drawing.
Congratulations to Charlee Tyler in Kindergarten who won a bag of books!
Congratulations to Raphael Lunkwitz in second grade who also won a bag of books!
Congratulations to Cameron Randolph in first grade who won a Galaxy tablet!
Research shows that students who do not practice academic skills over the summer break will forget some of the skills taught. This is often referred to as the "summer slide." You can help reduce this learning loss by encouraging students to read over the summer break. Courtesy of Spread the Word Nevada, students have collected books throughout the school year to build their home library. Reading and rereading these books will help students maintain the progress they've made this school year. In addition, we encourage you to visit a public library for students to check out and read additional books. Both the Alexander Library and Aliante Library are close to our school.
Restaurant Fundraiser Nights
Thank you for supporting our Chuck-E-Cheese night! This money helps us support student involvement programs such as sports, cheerleading, and our garden club.
Please mark your calendars for our upcoming Restaurant Night:
- May 15 - u-Swirl Night - Times TBD
- May 17 - MoJoe Coffee Truck at Cozine ES - 8-10am
CCSD Accepting Pre-Kindergarten Enrollment Requests for 2024-25 School Year
Families interested in enrolling their children into CCSD Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) programs for the 2024-25 school year must complete this Pre-K INTEREST FORM (CLICK HERE) to be placed on the interest and/or waitlist. CCSD offers more than 13,000 free Pre-K seats in over 600 Early Childhood programs.
All students must meet the following requirements to be considered for Pre-K programs:
Student must be three years old before August 1, 2024.
Student cannot be eligible for Kindergarten enrollment.
Parent/guardian must transport student to and from school.
Most CCSD Pre-K programs are half-day, with a limited number of full-day programs. Full-day programs require students to meet specific criteria that are outlined based on the program.
For more information, please contact the Early Childhood Department at (702) 799-7479.
College and Career Week Speakers
Are you passionate about your career? Sign up to be a guest speaker during Cozine's annual College and Career Week from May 13-17th. Guest speakers will have thirty minutes inside a classroom to teach the students about their career and answer any questions. For more information please contact Ms. Holroyd at
REMINDER: Cozine T-Shirts
This post is Carson-approved :)
We have these awesome shirts for sale in the front office! They are $10 and are available in kid and adult sizes.
At this time, the office is only able to accept cash.
REMINDER: Cozine is Hiring!
Cozine is hiring for a Sub on Special Assignment (SOSA) position. A SOSA works directly with our school to fill in any classroom where the teacher is absent for the day and no substitute teacher has filled the position. A person that would be good for the SOSA role is someone who is flexible and can shift mindsets to work with various grade levels on different days. This is a 5-day, full-day position.
A SOSA must hold a substitute license with the District and state, but we can help with that process. If you would like more information about this, please let us know here at Cozine.
REMINDER: Cell Phones and Smart Watches
At Cozine, students are required to keep their personal communication devices off and in their backpacks during instructional hours. Students are permitted to use their phones before and after school. This aligns with District policy that helps prevent bullying, cyber bullying, unfiltered internet access, and cheating. If you have questions about this policy, please reach out to the office or school administration.
5/6-5/10 - Teacher Appreciation Week
5/7 - Fine Arts Night
5/10 - Field Day
5/13-5/17 - College and Career Week
5/15 - U-Swirl Restaurant Night
5/17 - Kindergarten Promotion Day
5/20 - 5th Grade Promotion Day
5/20 - Last Day for Students - 12:30 Dismissal
Steve and Linda Cozine Elementary School
Location: 5335 Coleman Street, North Las Vegas, NV, USA
Phone: (702) 799-0690