Bronco Announcements
Bella Vista High School

December 02, 2024
BVTV's Video Broadcast will be back Tomorrow!
Staff Absences
David Gonzalez (1,2) – sub Laura McGeachy
David Gonzalez (3-6) – sub Amy Stockett
Jordyn Miller (5-6) – Teacher coverage
Maria Alvarado – sub Michael Weight
Ross Johnson – sub Jennifer Hoback
Cole Klerks – sub Malia Okin
Angela Murphy – sub Steven Hartman
Deanna Hekeno – sub Julia Limon
Nancy Suarez – sub Leslie Tripp
Maria Perez Puerto (BIA) no sub
Elyna Cespedes
Student Body
- BV Canned Food Drive started TODAY and will run through December 13. Students, bring non-perishable items or donated cash/coins to your first period class. The top 3 classes with the most cans will earn a catered Panda Express Lunch!
- Today kicks off spirit dress up week! If you wore your ugly sweater stop by the mini quad at lunch, take some pics and get some skittles.
- Winter Ball Guest Pass Applications for non-BV students are DUE Tomorrow by 3:30pm. NO EXCEPTIONS!
- Want to win a FREE Winter Ball Dance Ticket for you and your date? Submit your proposal or tag student government's Instagram @bvstudgov for a chance to win. Last day to submit your proposal is Wednesday, Dec. 4.
- Purchase Winter Ball Dance Tickets online at GoFan.co. Tickets $10 w/SB card & $15 without. Last day to buy tickets is this Thursday before midnight. Don’t wait last minute in case unexpected problems occur when trying to purchase a ticket.
- This Friday come watch BV's Band & Dance performances at "Java and Jingle." Cafeteria doors open 6:3opm and performance begins at 7pm. Free Admission. Drinks, pizza, and dessert plate will be available to purchase.
- TOMORROW’s spirit dress up theme is “Family Photo” (Match Outfits with Friends/co-workers) Those who dress up, stop by the mini quad at Lunch for sour patch candy.
Upcoming Meetings
- TODAY: BV Annual Canned Food Drive BEGINS
- Winter Ball Spirit Week Dress up Themes
- TODAY: Ugly Sweater
- Tuesday, Dec. 03: Family Photo (match with friends/co-workers)
- Wednesday, Dec. 04: Snow Gear
- Thursday, Dec. 05: Favorite Holiday
- Friday, Dec. 06: SNOW (WHITE 9/12 grades) vs. ICE (BLUE 10/11grades)
- Tuesday, Dec. 03: 8th Grade Campus Tours 8:45 - 11am
- Tuesday, Dec. 03: Non-BV Student Guest Pass Dance Applications due by 3:30pm
- Thursday, Dec. 05: Winter Ball Dance Ticket Sales CLOSE at Midnight
- Friday, Dec. 06: Winter Rally (Adjusted Bell Schedule)
- Friday, Dec. 06: "Java & Jingle" Band & Dance Team Performance 7pm Cafeteria
- Saturday, Dec. 07: Winter Ball "An Evening in the Alps" 8 - 10pm BV Large Gym
- Tuesday, Dec. 10: Girls Lacrosse Interest Meeting at Lunch Small Gym Annex
- Friday, Dec. 13: BV Annual Canned Food Drive ENDS
- Saturday, Dec. 14: Choir "Dessert Concert" 7 - 9pm Cafeteria
- Monday, Dec. 16: Spring Musical Auditions 3:30-5:30pm Cafeteria
- Tuesday, Dec. 17: Spring Musical Auditions 3:30-5:30pm Cafeteria
- Tuesday, Dec. 17: Cocoa & Cram 3:30-5:30pm Atrium
Athletic Events
Support our Bronco Athletics! Free home admission with your ASB card!
- Girls Lacrosse Interest Meeting is being held next Tuesday, December 10 at Lunch in the Small Gym Annex.
Winter Sports Highlights
vs Cosumnes Oaks Loss
vs Western Sierra Collegiate Academy Won 47-46 - Mitchell Emory led the team with 11pts.
vs Mira Loma Won 46-26 - Mark Otrotsyuk led the team with 13pts.
Boys JV
vs Western Sierra Collegiate Academy Won 73-31 - Vivaan Badhwar led the team with 13pts.
vs Mira Loma Won 54-39 - Vivaan Badhwar led the team with 13pts.
vs Mira Loma Won 56-13 - Odin Spratt led the team with 13pts.
vs Cosumnes Oaks Loss 51-68 - Ellie Thome led the team with 23pts and seven 3-pointers; Paige Hackman had 11 steals and Mackenzie Dean pulled down 13 rebounds with 10 points.
vs El Dorado Won 39-32 - Ellie Thome led the team with 16pts and 7 Steals; Mackenzie Dean contributed 12pts and Emma Givens with 10 rebounds.
Girls JV
vs El Dorado Won 35-23 - Kylie Mullen Ross led the team with 9pts and Niki Keizer led the team with 11 rebounds.
Girls Frosh/Soph
vs El Dorado Won 22-11
WRESTLING – Competed at the Redwood Rumble this past weekend with two of our State Contenders taking 1st Place: Max Keough and Elias Gonzales
On going Reminders...
- CSU & UC Applications are DUE TODAY!
- Are you interested in a paid summer internship with Kaiser Permanente? The KP Launch Summer Internship application is now open. Students must be 16 by June 1st to be eligible. Applications DUE January 06. This is a highly competitive internship so put your best self forward! You can get more information by seeing your counselor or visit the website: https://kplaunch.kaiserpermanente.org/apply-now/
- Seniors schedule your Senior Portraits with Bill Smith Photography ASAP!
- Appointment Link: https://billsmithphoto.com/bellavista/
- Ordering questions: text or call (916)749-1026
- Pre-order Yearbook for $70: purchase online https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ (Use Code 6038) or purchase in the Finance Office with cash/check.
- If you have Lost an item stop by the office front desk to check the Lost and Found! All unclaimed items will be cleared out and donated!