Low Ash Weekly Update
May 23rd, 2024
Low Ash Weekly Update - Week ending 24.5.24
Thank you for all of your support in this first part of the summer term. It has flown by! A reminder that we break up today for 2 weeks holiday and return on Monday 10th June.
This week's school attendance: 94.3%.
Attendance this year so far: 95.1%
Well done to classes 6LH - 98.4% and Rec Base 2 - 97.1% who are the classes with the best attendance this week.
Remember we aim for at least 96% attendance. Thank you for your support in this.
Staffing updates
Goodbyes and hellos
As the school year nears its end, we have a number of staffing changes to make you aware of.
Firstly, after 20 years at Low Ash Primary School, Mrs Fiona Meer (Co-Headteacher) is due to retire at the end of the summer term. Mrs Beth Medhurst will become the sole Headteacher of the school. Mrs Meer has worked at Low Ash as a class teacher, key stage leader, Assistant Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and, finally Co-Headteacher, leading the school through lots of change (not least a global pandemic!). Mrs Meer will be sorely missed by all at Low Ash but she has promised us that she will stay in touch and be a regular visitor.
Miss Janina Grimshaw - Director of Inclusion - will also be leaving Low Ash at the end of the summer term to pursue her career in counselling. Some of you may already know that Miss Grimshaw is a trained counsellor and, although desperately sad to leave the school, thinks this is the right time to take her next step. Mrs Carmel Spedding - Assistant Headteacher - who joined the school at Easter will lead on SEND and Inclusion from September. Miss Grimshaw will be sadly missed by the whole Low Ash team.
Mr. Tom Handley - Year 4 class teacher - will be leaving us in July to re-locate overseas. Mr. Handley will be continuing his teaching career in Singapore! Mr. Handley has worked at Low Ash for 5 years and has been an invaluable member of the team. Thank you for all you have done for Low Ash Mr. Handley.
Mrs Saskia Rhodes - Year 3 class teacher - will be leaving us at the end of the summer term to continue her teaching career at another primary school. We wish her the best of luck for the future and hope she is very happy.
Finally, Mrs Diana Deas - teaching assistant - is retiring at the end of the summer term. Mrs Deas has been working at Low Ash for 17 years and has had such an impact on so many children's lives.
Although not leaving, Mrs Charlotte Scaife - Year 5 class teacher - will be going on maternity leave in July. Congratulations and good luck Mrs Scaife!
We have appointed 3 new class teachers to the school who will begin working at Low Ash in September. Mr. Ben Whitaker, Mr. David Burgess and Mr. Stan Midgley have all previously taught in the Leeds authority. They are all very excited to be joining Low Ash.
Mrs Christie Petty - our new Early Years Practitioner - will also be joining us after the May holidays.
Shortly after half term, we will let you all know in which year groups the teachers will be next year and start preparing the children with transition activities.
A week of Science, Technology, Maths and Engineering
We have had a wonderful Low Ash STEM week, culminating in a full day of activities yesterday linked to Miss Briggs' stolen doughnuts! Yesterday pupils spent the day investigating the crime by studying fingerprints, footprints, learning how to extract DNA and even using chromatography to identify a person's handwriting! Our young investigative scientists did a fabulous job and discovered that Miss Briggs, in fact, stole her own doughnuts! (Apparently she had a memory lapse and couldn't remember eating them..!)
As well as yesterday's fun, throughout the week, pupils have had visitors from a range of people with careers related to STEM. From in-person visits from technical architects to a materials engineer who 'remoted' in from New Zealand, the pupils' eyes have been opened to further possible careers. Thank you to all of those who came in to visit. A big thank you also to Mr. Moorhouse, Mrs Gรถksu, Mrs Hooton and Miss G Gray for organising the week.
Young investigative scientists at work
Who ate my doughnuts?!
I wonder who these footprints belong to....
OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning)
Opal Platinum Award
Yesterday was a busy day as, in addition to the 'doughnut crime', we also had our OPAL assessment. As you will know, for the past two years we have been working hard to develop our breaktime and lunchtime provision for all pupils. Yesterday was our final 'assessment' where our lunchtime provision was watched and assessed, staff and pupils were spoken to and the Low Ash play team presented all of the work they have done over the past two years such as a grounds plan, play policies and risk/benefit assessments (and so much more!). OPAL recognised all of our hard work and have awarded the school with the platinum OPAL award which is their highest level of award. We are the first school in Bradford to achieve this! We are very proud of our playtime provision but can't wait to develop it even further! A huge well done and thank you to Mr. Amrik Singh - our play learning mentor - and the play team for their hard work and this fantastic achievement!
Outdoor water play
Low Ash has achieved the Platinum Opal award
Performing on the stage!
Dates for the Diary
Friday 24th May - Non-uniform day in aid of Diabetes UK
Friday 24th May - Break up for the May holidays (school closed for 2 weeks)
Monday 10th June - School re-opens
Week commencing 10th June - Year 1 phonics screening check and Year 4 multiplication check
Thursday 13th June - 2M school trip
Friday 14th June - FOLA Father's Day Secret Room
Thursday 20th June - 2B trip
Thursday 20th June - New Reception intake parent / carers evening (6.00pm-7.00pm)
Monday 24th June - 3T school trip
Tuesday 25th June - Reception Base 1 school trip
Wednesday 26th June - New Nursery intake parent /carers meeting (6.00pm-7.00pm)
Thursday 27th June - 3B school trip
Friday 28th June - Reception Base 2 school trip
Week commencing 1st July - Year 6 'show' week (more details to follow)
Thursday 4th July - 1P school trip
Tuesday 9th July - 1RW school trip
Wednesday 10th-Friday 12th July - Year 6 residential
Thursday 11th July - Summer discos - Nursery to Year 5 (more details to follow)
Week commencing 15th July - Healthy Schools Week (sports days will be this week)
Thursday 18th July - Year 6 leavers' disco (more details to follow)
Friday 19th July - 'Break a rule' day (more details to follow)
Monday 22nd July - Low Ash summer fair (from 3.45pm - more details to follow)
Tuesday 23rd July - Year 6 leavers' assembly
The Low Ash U9s cricket team who came 3rd at the Bradford cricket finals
The Low Ash triathletes!
The materials engineer who joined us from New Zealand!
Useful link
Click on the link below to find some information about how to help your child foster healthy friendships.