Marlette Elementary News
January 2020
From the Principal's Desk
Happy New Year! 2020 is going to be awesome at Marlette Community Schools. We are continuing to focus on students being Ready, Respectful, and Responsible, in and out of school and renew our commitment that together, we will educate every child, in every classroom, every day! January is a busy month with the end of the second quarter only three weeks away. Students will be taking benchmark assessments as we continue to use data to ensure we are doing our best for each student. You will hear from your child about taking the DIBELS and STAR Reading and Math assessments. Please let us know if you have any questions!
If you need to contact me, my office phone number is 989-635-4925, Google voice number is 989-272-3718, and email address is Thank you all so much for trusting us with your children!
Recess during the winter months
If the temperature is above 0 degrees Fahrenheit (including wind chill) and the weather cooperates, students will have outdoor recess. This means that students must be dressed appropriately for cold weather. Students should dress in layers and have a heavy coat, hat, gloves, and boots at a minimum. Snow pants are always a good idea to help keep the children dry. Please take the time to write your child’s name on each article of clothing in case it ends up on the lost and found rack.
Article of the Month
There is no secret formula for helping your child become an effective reader. Reading to your child every night, having daily conversations, and even singing are all ways to improve your child's literacy skills. I truly believe that there is no app that can replace your lap! For more ideas, check out this article-
Attendance Matters
School Calendar and Hours
The Annual School Calendars along with District information may be accessed online at Students are expected to be in class by 8:15 when the second bell rings and stay until the dismissal bell at 3:00. A pattern of late arrivals and/or early checkouts is considered truancy.
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast is served every morning, free of charge, in every classroom. Lunch is available for only $2.45. Milk is available for $.40.
School meals are a great value and a huge convenience for busy families, too! Parents are encouraged to complete the free/reduced meal form application each year as the qualifications change. Furthermore, forms may be resubmitted at any time during the school year if there is a change in financial status with the household. For more information, please contact the Superintendent’s Office at 989-635-7429.
Upcoming Dates
January 6, School resumes
January 13, Marlette Board of Education meets at 7:00 in the Hub
January 24, End of the second marking period (1:00 dismissal)
January 27, No school for students (Teacher professional development day)
January 28, 3rd marking period starts
January 30, Report cards sent home
January 30 & 31, Marlette Basketball Kappen Family benefit games
February 3-7, Winter Homecoming spirit week
Tobacco Free School Environment
Just a reminder that the Marlette Community Schools are a Tobacco Free School environment. Smoking, including e-cigarettes, is prohibited on all school property 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This also applies to your personal vehicle on school property. Please extinguish all tobacco products before entering school district property. Our property is a Drug Free School Zone.
December happenings at MES
Marlette Elementary School
Educating, inspiring, and preparing individuals for their future.
Location: 6230 Euclid Street, Marlette, MI, United States
Phone: 989-635-7427
Twitter: @mesraiders