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This Week at Windsor 10.30.2020
Teachers make a difference at any distance...
Windsor Families,
Happy Halloween Weekend! Thank you to all of the PTA room reps and volunteers for making Halloween a special time for our students! I was able to pop into classrooms to see the students having fun! Please read the important information below regarding arrival and dismissal.
Important information:
- Please remember to stay in your cars at arrival and dismissal if you are in the Drop & Go Line on Windsor Drive or in our Main Entrance circle. If you would like to meet your child outside of your car, please park on any of the surrounding side streets and walk up. This is so important as it keeps the line moving and our streets/intersections safe for walkers and less congested for cars. Remind your children to look for your car and be sure to drop off and pick up on the same side every day, for consistency.
- Students should never be crossing Windsor drive unless they are in the crosswalk with our crossing guard. Please meet your child at that intersection and do not have the children cross in the middle of Windsor Drive for their safety.
- Just a reminder, there are NO pets allowed on Windsor property, we have many students with allergies.
- When calling to report an absence please refer to the self-screener, https://www.sd25.org/Page/1506, and list any of the symptoms your child is exhibiting in your voicemail. If your child has a fever, please state what the temperature is.
- Parent-teacher conference links will be sent out on November 6th.
MAP Testing Information:
The NWEA MAP assessments will take place in the weeks of October 26th and November 2nd. Hybrid students will be taking the MAP assessment when they are in-person. Remote students will take the MAP assessment with their grade level on the day designated by their last name.
Assessment Schedule: (Remaining testing sessions)
3rd Grade Math:
November 4th (Last Names A-K) 1:15 PM
November 5th (Last Names L-Z) 1:15 PM
4th Grade Math:
November 4th (Last Names L-Z) 9:15 AM
November 5th (Last Names A-K) 9:15 AM
5th Grade Math:
November 4th (Last Names A-K) 9:15 AM
November 5th (Last Names L-Z) 9:15 AM
Please continue to check the Windsor Hybrid FAQ You will find updates regarding lunch/snack and the use of desk shields.
Thank you,
Mrs. Anastacio and Mrs. Soprano
Upcoming Events:
- November 2nd- No School- School Improvement Day
- November 3rd- No School- Election Day
- November 4th- Virtual PTA Meeting- 7:00 PM
- November 10th- 5th Grade Virtual Parent Night 7:00 PM- Candor Health Education (more information along with Zoom link will be sent to 5th-grade parents soon)
- November 18th- End of 1st Trimester
- November 19th- National Reading Night
- November 19th- Parent-Teacher Conferences- No School for Students
- November 20th- Parent-Teacher Conferences- No School for Students
- November 23rd-27th- No School- Thanksgiving
- November 30th- First day of 2nd Trimester
5th Grade Parents Only
Below you’ll find the link for the Live Virtual parent overview for Candor Health Education's Puberty and Life Begins programs. The program will be 90 minutes long. If any parents have questions they can email Science & Social Studies Coordinator, Melanie Zenisek (mzenisek@sd25.org).
Date: November 8
Time: 7:00 pm
Zoom Information
Link: https://zoom.us/j/97524002502?pwd=TXlvc2hFeEFZMlRmQXFWUEZWU295QT09
Meeting ID: 975 2400 2502
Passcode: 258332
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abd9RoF9VD
Notes from the Health Office...
Hello Parents!
Thank you for keeping your children home when they are ill! We have had a great first week with getting Hybrid kids back in Windsor!
Important Information/reminders:
--It is cough/cold and flu season AND We are in a PANDEMIC!
--If your child has had ANY of the following symptoms for UP TO 10 DAYS before coming into Windsor building, they need to stay home! IDPH guidelines are to isolate 10 days with ANY of these symptoms from the day the symptoms start:
Headache, fever/chills, sore throat, cough, congestion/runny nose, abdominal pain of unknown cause, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell, fatigue, muscle aches, difficulty breathing, known close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID 19
--If you have MORE than 1 child--all kids need to stay home! All people in the household are considered close contacts and need to quarantine 14 days from the last day of exposure to the symptomatic individual.
Example: Joey in 5th grade develops cold symptoms. Sisters Nellie in 8th grade and Jennie in 3rd grade who have no symptoms need to stay home because they live in the same home until Joey is isolated (own room, own bathroom or separate house) then count 14 days from the last exposure to Joey. Joey shares the same house/bathroom so Nellie and Jennie are home 24 days: 10 days of Joey’s illness + the quarantine 14 days.
IF you decide to go to your doctor and they are sure it is not COVID related illness, you may obtain an alternative diagnosis (ie strep throat) but the note must specify “Joey was diagnosed in my office today with Strep throat and is not suspicious of COVID “ or “Joey is being treated for Strep throat and it is not COVID related”
The exception to above is a negative RT-PCR COVID test for the symptomatic person (Joey in the example). When you get the lab result back, that is everyone's ticket back into school!
In short:
ANY Symptoms listed in D25 self-screener--EVERYONE STAY HOME, call attendance hotline
3 choices:
Isolate child with symptoms 10 days (if siblings quarantine 14 days)
Have doctor evaluate child and if doctor feels it is not COVID related, write a note of the alternative diagnosis (with a statement this is not COVID suspicious or related)
Get a COVID test (must be RT-PCR). When results come back email or fax to dcarpenter@sd25.org or lanastacio@sd25.org
If negative results and OK’d, children may return when feeling well and 24 hours fever free without fever reducing medication (Tylenol, acetaminophen, Advil, ibuprofen, etc)
District 25 Self screener:
Current IDPH COVID-19 Interim Exclusion Guidance:
Important Tech Tip:
Please remind your students that they should power down their Chromebooks at least once a day and maybe at lunchtime as well. That will help the "glitchiness" many are experiencing.
iPads should also be rebooted occasionally to prevent connectivity issues. Instructions are below.
To turn off your Chromebook completely, try one of these options:
- At the bottom right, select the time. Select Power .
- At the bottom right, select the time. Select Sign out Shut down.
- Press and hold the Power key for 3 seconds.
- Press and hold the Power button until you see a menu to Power off or Sign out
To Power Down Your iPad:
- Press and hold the On/Off/Sleep button at the upper-right corner of the iPad. Slide the bar to Power off.
Windsor PTA
Windsor Spirit Wear - Thanks to all who placed orders. More information will be coming about picking up orders in the next few weeks.
Virtual Chess Club - Gather a group of friends and join virtual chess club. Run by the same teachers we have had in person, there are many time options available. Use the coupon codes below for discounts on registration. Go to www.IlinoisChessTeachers.com to register.
Windsor saves $10
WindsorSibling2 saves $20
WindsorSibling3 saves $30
Restaurant Night - Our first restaurant night will be November 5 at Buona Beef in Mt. Prospect. Save the date and more details to come.
Veterans Day - Although we are unable to celebrate with our annual breakfast, the committee is working on other ways to recognize our veterans. More info to come.
2020-2021 PTA meeting dates
Save the date to join us for our meetings for this year! We will be virtual to start and see what happens from there. We are pushing the October date back to let everyone get into the swing of the new schedules. See below for the new dates.
November 4 - 7PM (virtual)
January 13
February 24
April 14
May 12
Mrs. Stella's Station
Happy Halloween! I hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend! With November beginning, thoughts of Thanksgiving come to mind. So you can begin planning activities for your family to celebrate this holiday STEM style, check out vivifystem.com's article about Thanksgiving STEM. It contains some great ideas for families.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Windsor Elementary School
Email: lanastacio@sd25.org
Website: https://www.sd25.org/Domain/16
Location: 1315 East Miner Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847-398-4297
Twitter: @WindsorWildcats