What's Up Westside
September 13, 2024
At A Glance
- September 13: Yearbook Presale Ends ($55.00 via SchoolPay)
- September 17: Picture Day (Order online)
September 19: PTSA Presents: How to High School (WSHS Library, 6pm)
September 25: College 101 (WSHS Library, 6:30pm)
October 10: Curriculum Night (WSHS Commons, 6:30–8pm)
November 15: PTSA Fall Fundraiser (WSHS Commons, 5–7pm)
For WSHS Families
2024–2025 Yearbook Pre-Sale
Through Friday, September 13, $55.00 via SchoolPay
Purchase your 2024–2025 Kimtah Yearbook in advance as availability is limited! Purchase online or bring $55 in cash, check (payable to WSHS), debit card or credit card to the Fiscal Office during lunch or before and after school. Questions? Email Maria Penner, Fiscal Specialist, mpenner@seattleschools.org.
WSHS Picture Day
Tuesday, September 17, Order online
Students will have their picture taken during their Language Arts class. Questions? Call the Main Office at 206-252-8800.
PTSA Presents: "How to High School"
Thursday, September 19, WSHS Library, 6–8pm (updated time)
All are welcome! You do not have to be a PTSA member.
High School comes with a whole new vocabulary and list of concerns. Navigating the first few months can be challenging for both parents and students as they adjust to a new normal. While this panel of students, administrators, support staff, and parents will address the basics, this is not solely an opportunity for 9th grade families. It's amazing how much things change year to year and what gets missed! Everyone will learn a thing or two about how to make the most of your time as a student at WSHS.
College 101
Wednesday, September 25, WSHS Library, 6:30–7:30pm, or Join Via Teams
It's application season! Parents of seniors, please join the WSHS School Counselors to learn all about the college process—from selecting a school, to navigating online applications and deadlines, to writing the college essay. Counselors will be presenting a similar lesson in senior English classes, so you can discuss with your student what you've learned.
Curriculum Night
Thursday, October 10, 6:30–8pm
This is a chance for parents and guardians to go through your student’s class schedule. During each period, teachers will introduce their course and share classroom expectations.
Student Life
Class of 2025 Cap and Gown Meeting
Wednesday, October 2, During Advisory
This is a mandatory cap and gown meeting for all seniors! National Achiever will explain the ordering process.
PTSA Presents
Join the PTSA!
The WSHS PTSA advocates for our students, supports school staff, and builds community. It takes members like you to do this well! Become a member of the WSHS PTSA today. The WSHS PTSA offers membership scholarships to those who are unable to afford our membership fees; please email membership@wshsptsa.org. Be a part of making WSHS the school community you want!
First Tuesdays Parent Social
Tuesday, October 1, Larry's Tavern (3405 California Ave SW), 7pm
All are welcome! You do not have to be a PTSA member.
Socialize with other WSHS parents while benefitting our students! Every first Tuesday of the month, Larry’s Tavern donates partial proceeds to the WSHS PTSA. Board members will be available 7–8pm to greet you and answer your questions. Bingo starts at 8pm.
Save the Date for Our Fall Fundraiser
Friday, November 15, WSHS Commons, 5–7pm
This annual event is an evening to celebrate with each other as well as raise money to fund staff and student needs. Join us to feast on appetizers prepared by students in the culinary program, enjoy an assortment of top-notch mocktails, bid and win at the auction, and raise your paddles for our school. We are now accepting event sponsorships and donations for the auction. To sponsor the event or to donate an item for the auction, please email Fred Northup at fred@frednorthup.com.
Staying Connected
The WSHS PTSA aims to be your most reliable source of up-to-date information. Please bookmark our website and like and follow us on social media.
- WSHS PTSA Website: https://wshsptsa.org/
- WSHS PTSA Facebook Page: facebook.com/westseattlehsptsa
- WSHS PTSA Instagram Page: instagram.com/westseattlehsptsa
- Email questions to: president@wshsptsa.org
Counseling Corner
Book an Appointment with Your Counselor
You can book a 30-minute appointment with your counselor! Meetings are held via Microsoft Teams. Counselor caseloads this year are as follows;
- Last Names A–Et, Book an appointment with Erica Nguyen
- Last Names Ev–Mad, Book an appointment with Kinsey Hedeen
- Last Names Mah–Pet, Book an appointment with Mallory Neuman
- Last Names Ph–Z, Book an appointment with Christine Nutters
Parent/School Work Authorization Forms
Brian Fitzgerald, Career Connected Learning Coordinator, will sign all Parent/School Work Authorizations. Please email digital forms to bjfitzgerald@seattleschools.org or have your student drop them off at the Career Center in the cafeteria.
Athletic Announcements
This Week's Varsity Sports Schedule
- September 13: Golf vs. Lakeside (Jackson Park, 3:30pm)
- September 13: Football vs. Interlake (SWAC, 7:30pm)
- September 14: Sehome Cross Country Invite (Fulton HS, 10am)
- September 17: Girls Soccer vs. Lincoln (Walt Hundley, 4pm)
- September 17: Volleyball vs. Ballard (Ballard HS, 7pm)
- September 18: Golf vs. Ballard (West Seattle Golf, 3:30pm)
- September 18: Cross Country Meet (Lincoln Park, Boys 3:40pm, Girls 4:10pm)
- September 19: Girls Soccer vs. Roosevelt (Walt Hundley, 4pm)
- September 20: Girls Swim vs. Cleveland and Franklin (Rainier Beach Pool 4pm)
- September 20: Football vs. Chief Sealth (SWAC, 6pm)
New Voluntary Athletic Fees for High School Sports
SPS is introducing a new voluntary fee for high school sports to help cover growing costs like transportation and officials. The fee is $200 per student per sport, with a maximum of $400 per year for students who participate in more than one sport. Pay online via SchoolPay; the item is named “24–25 Sports Fee.” This fee is optional. A student can still participate in sports even if a family chooses not to pay.
WSHS Duffel Bags on Sale
Orders Close Friday, September 13, $75 from WS Booster Club
Pre-order your customized WSHS duffel bag now! Before placing your order, please remember to include your student's last name in the "Order notes" section.
Seattle Public Schools News
Well-Resourced Schools Hub
SPS has launched its Well-Resourced Schools webpages, with key information on school consolidation plans, timelines, a racial equity analysis, and FAQs.
School Board Regular Meeting
Wednesday, September 18, JSCEE, 4:15pm
The Seattle School Board welcomes members of the public to the Regular meetings of the Board. Meeting agendas and relevant materials are posted at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. This meeting will be live streamed on SPSTV .
ITAC Membership Application
Application Due September 22, Apply Now
SPS is seeking members for the Information Technology Advisory Committee. The committee will advise on the strategic alignment, planning, prioritization and implementation of current and future information and education technology projects.
Community Meeting with School Board Director Gina Topp
Join School Board Director Gina Topp (District 6) at a community meeting to listen to your input about Seattle Public Schools.
Community Connections
OneWorld Now After-School Program
October 21, 2024–June 13, 2025, Registration due October 6
The OneWorld Now After-School Program combines world language learning and leadership development. The program is open to students in grades 8–12. Choose the after-school track that's right for you:
- World Language Track: Students study Arabic, Korean, Russian, or Mandarin Chinese twice a week and can earn 1.0 World Language credits
- Leadership Track: Students develop their self, social, and global awareness and build skills to enact positive social change for 0.5 Elective credits, plus community service opportunities
- Global Citizen Track: Students participate in both Language & Leadership
STEM Expo at UW
Sunday, November 3, UW Campus, 8:30am–2pm, FREE, Register Now
This event aims to help high school students explore STEM majors and careers. This free admission fair will exhibit UW STEM departments, student organizations, and research. It will also include informational sessions to help attendees navigate college decision-making and opportunities to explore STEM careers with STEM professionals.
Helpful Links
If you would like to share news or publicize an event or opportunity relevant to the West Seattle High School community, please contact us at communications@wshsptsa.org.