Newcomb News 9/29/24
Vol. 4 Issue 8 ("B" Week)
Dear Newcomb K-8 Families and Friends,
The Garden Program for Elementary School Kicks off this week. In addition, Shared Science will be back on campus to continue Elementary Robotics this Wednesday and Friday.
Thanks to everyone who joined us for Friends and Family Friday. I was great to see so many loved ones on campus. Thanks to PTSA for hosting the event. Our next Friends and Family Friday is scheduled for 10/25.
Middle School sports this week- both volleyball and football are away @ Washington on Monday and then both our teams take on Tincher at home on Wednesday at 3:45. Come out and cheer on our athletes.
Our Next on Campus Community event is Coffee with Chris on the morning of 10/11 at 8:00 am in the Auditorium. Mr Thompson will be discussing important updates and answering questions.
We need to change the date of Lunch with a Loved One from 10/11 to 10/18. Families will be able to come to school and have lunch with their Spartans. More details to follow. Have a great week.
Lastly, please check out updates from PTSA and Foundation on upcoming events and membership information.
Go Spartans!!!!!
Trunk or Treat/Fall Festival Volunteers
PTSA is asking for volunteers to help support Trunk or Treat and Fall Festival. These amazing events can't happen without the help of our community and volunteers. Please consider donating your time to make this the best event possible. Here is the sign up link-
Boo Grams
Lunch With A Loved One (Rescheduled)
Moved to Friday, October 18th. More details to follow.
October Lunch Menu
Pictures from the week
Frozen Jr.
The Book Fair is Coming!!!!!!
Please use this link to access the Book Fair information-
PTSA/Foundation Updates
Thank you to all the parents and caregivers who came out to our first Newcomb Academy Foundation/PTSA Meeting of the year and/or the Community Mixer on Friday night! We know this is an incredibly busy time, and we are grateful for your dedication and commitment you're putting in for your student's future! If you missed it - don't worry! There will be more opportunities to join us!
The link to the presentation from the joint meeting is linked here. In that presentation, we've included links to everything that was shared. The next Newcomb Academy Foundation Meeting is on October 15th at 6:30pm at 7134 E Pluribus St. The next PTSA meeting is November 19th at 6:30pm in the Newcomb Library. Don't forget to Sign up here to join the volunteer list!
PTSA & Foundation Updates & Information
Sign Up to Volunteer with the PTSA and/or the Newcomb Academy Foundation
Are you interested in volunteering with one of our parent/caregiver organizations this year? The Newcomb Academy Foundation and PTSA put on events throughout the year and need your help! Sign up here to join the volunteer list! We'll reach out to you whenever there is an opportunity to volunteer. Make friends while giving back to your student's school community!
Newcomb Academy Foundation Fall Donor Drive
The Newcomb Academy Foundation has launched our Fall Donation Drive. This year our net goal is to raise $150,000 to continue our support of vital programs. The Foundation has already committed $143,840 to Newcomb Academy for the 2024/2025 school year! This funding will profoundly impact our students by supporting STEAM enrichment programs, including Science Lab, Music, Art, Middle School Drama, and an exciting new Robotics program for TK-5. Additionally, we've protected our Literacy and Math Intervention for K-5 and are continuing STAR Tutoring to provide essential support in core subjects. The Foundation is also proud to support the Middle School Scholarship Program, fostering community service and academic excellence among our middle school scholars.
Go here to donate today to ensure our students continue to have access to these phenomenal programs and opportunities!
Newcomb Foundation- Cowboy Casino Night
Save-the-Date: Cowboy Casino Night
Y'all are invited to saddle up and join the Newcomb Academy Foundation for an unforgettable evening at Cowboy Casino Night fundraiser on Saturday, November 16th, from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM at the American Legion in Los Alamitos! Dust off your boots and get ready for a night filled with delicious dinner, refreshing drinks, lively dancing, thrilling casino games, and a spirited auction. Tickets will go on sale in October, but donors to our Fall Donation Drive will get early access!
We're also rounding up some great silent auction items and experiences and looking for some and we're wrangling up some business sponsors —if you’d like to contribute or you know of a business that wants to help, we'd love your help! Here is an auction item request letter to share with businesses. You can also share the sponsorship packages. Mark your calendars, and we can’t wait to see you there! Remember - the Foundation only has 4 fundraisers per year - Fall Donor Drive, Cowboy Casino Night, Apex Spartan Sprint, and Golf Classic - to raise our net goal of $150,000 and we need your help!
Our next Planning Meeting is on Friday, October 4th at 6:30 at Jessica's House located at 3195 Marna Ave! We would love your help with logistics, decorations, getting silent auction items, or even just moral support!! For questions reach out to and/or!
Ground Education- Starts this week!!!! Thank You PTSA!!!
Newcomb Sankofa Parent Village Corner
School Site Council
Thanks to everyone who participated in this Fall's School Site Council elections. I am please to announce that Chris Jackson & Miho Shindo have been elected to this committee. Our first SSC meeting was held on Tuesday at 2:30 pm. Here is the Agenda
Please No Food Deliveries
Parents and Guardians-
Please do not have fast food delivered or dropped off in the office. This creates problems for our office staff. The food also attracts ants. In rare cases food is picked up be the wrong person. We do not have the staffing to monitor items left in the office. If a student forgets their lunch, all students have access to a free breakfast and lunch in the Cafeteria. Thanks for your help with this.
The Newcomb Team
Friday Night Lights @ Poly
LB Polytechnic High School would like to invite all LBUSD middle schoolers to a free Friday Night Lights game, this September 27th, starting at 7:00 PM. Our marching unit, pep squad, and football program will be working with our ASB students to highlight the Friday Night Lights experience of high schoolers.
For students to attend for free, they must complete the Google form with the link pasted below. Please help us invite your students by downloading the flyer and sharing it with your families. Thank you all so much!!
Important Dates
Family & Friends Fridays (These are days that we will be inviting families on campus before school to hang out and build community) 10/25, 11/22, 12/20, 1/24, 2/21, 3/28, 4/25, 5/30, 6/12 (Last Day of School)
Coffee with Chris (These are informal parent meetings with the Principal to discuss important topics) 10/11 (Auditorium), 12/12 (Library @ 6 pm), 2/21(Auditorium), 4/25 (Auditorium)
Lunch With A Loved One- 10/18/24 and 3/21/25
Click this link to access Newcomb's Google Events Calendar. You should be able to add to your calendar so that you can keep up to date on all Newcomb Events. (Calendar Link)
2024-2025 Schedules / Important Policies / Procedures
After School Supervision
After school playground supervision will begin on the 2nd day of school. Supervision will run from the end of school until 3:00 pm M-F. All students must be picked up by 3 pm. After 3 pm we do not have any adult supervision. Any students who are not picked up will be brought to the main office.
***The only exception will be on minimum days, when supervision will go from 1 pm to 2 pm.
Staff Contact Information
Chris Thompson, Principal-
Ross Morinaga, Counselor-
Dylann Castro, Office Supervisor-
Nurse CJ-
Judy Caceres, Attendance-
Sharon Onaroti- Enrollment-
Kids' Club Contact Information
Newcomb Kids' Club Directors-
Lacey Rogers-
Stephanie Blaser -
Newcomb Kids' Club Main Line- (562) 430-7104
Kids' Club District Contact Information-
Shannon McCone, Manager, at (562) 627-1022, extensions 296, 297, or 299.
Emergency Drill Schedule
Below is our emergency drill schedule for the entire year. We practice each month evacuating the entire school. Staff and students prepare for fire and earthquake emergencies and we also practice Lock Down Drills (in the event there is an intruder on campus or police activity in the neighborhood). We also practice Shelter in Place Drills in the event their is an environmental emergency like heavy rain or a lightning storm, bee swarm or gas link. All classrooms are equipped with first aide kits and emergency supplies. This year we will be practicing a full scale disaster drill in February. The Newcomb team is fully prepared to ensure the health and safety of all our students and staff.
If you should have any questions about emergency drills at Newcomb please e-mail Mr. Thompson at-
Title IX Parent Notification
Newcomb K-8 Academy
Principal Email:
Location: 3351 Val Verde Avenue, Long Beach, CA, USA
Phone: (562)430-1250
Instagram: @newcomb_k8_lbusd