The IMS Connection
Volume 21, Issue 9: May 2024
May 2024
Greetings Islip Middle School Families,
Those April Showers certainly brought the May flowers. The weather seems to have finally made the turn towards the sunny days we have come to appreciate on Long island. It really is wonderful to get outside and enjoy the fresh air, and we encourage our students to disconnect and experience what Mother Nature has bestowed on us.
Joining our newsletter distribution for the first time are our incoming 6th grade parents! On Thursday, May 9th, at 7:00 pm, all 5th grade students and parents are invited to attend our 5th to 6th grade orientation in person in our Middle School auditorium.
Our Middle School musicians are excited about the upcoming concerts and the dates are located within the calendar portion of the newsletter.
Please continue to reach out to our team with any questions you may have regarding both this year and next year.
Extending positive thoughts from a friendly middle school,
Timothy P. Martin
May 2024
Islip Middle School Families,
It’s May!
It’s the home stretch and we can see the finish line. This wonderful school year will soon come to a close, but not before we visit Washington DC with our 8th graders (soon to be high school students), have another spirit week, and a 5th to 6th grade orientation. Not to mention a host of other activities.
Testing Dates
NYS Math Assessment, April 30th and May 1st, ELA Assessment, May 6th and 7th, and the Science Assessment, May 13th
Algebra I Regents, June 4th @ 8:00 am (Location: Islip High School)
Earth Science, June 20th @ 8:00 am (Location: Islip High School)
Checkpoint A, June 24th @ 8:00 Location: Islip High School)
The Washington D.C. trip will be amazing. Special thanks to as Ms. Cabanas for spear heading and organizing. The Lincoln Memorial, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Vietnam, WWII, and the Korean War Memorial not to mention James Madison University and an Orioles/Yankees game (Go Yanks!). It was truly something to remember! Also, a shoutout to our chaperones who took precious time from their families and friends to enjoy the trip. And as for the students who were tremendous and solidified the experience being one we will never forget. THANK YOU!
June brings with it the opportunity to reflect and sharpen the saw. Our advisory activities will be focused on considering where we have been throughout the school year, where it has taken us, and where we’ll be going. It’s a very exciting time of year with much influx and the scent of opportunity, warmth, and new beginning in the air.
Always enjoy,
Be well,
Curt Juengerkes
Islip Middle School
Assistant Principal
May 2024
We are coming to our busiest time of year here at IMS! We have so much going on in the spring! Keep an eye out for updates on Parent Square regarding our June calendar, field days, concerts, and other celebrations.
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6th - May 10th. We are looking forward to celebrating our amazing staff here in Islip. Please join in by thanking a teacher for something they’ve done to help brighten your child’s year.
In May we will be starting the exciting journey of welcoming the 5th graders from Commack Road and Sherwood Elementary Schools to find out more about our school. Our counselors will be visiting 5th graders at their schools as well as students joining us for an orientation here at IMS on Thursday, May 9th.
The following week we will be celebrating academic achievement with our National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony. These students have shown excellence throughout their journey here at IMS and we celebrate them.
Happy Mother’s Day to each of the wonderful women that celebrate this month! Whether you be a mom, grandma, aunt, or caregiver, our students would not be the same without you, and we appreciate you!
We look forward to an amazing final two months of school and as always, we are here to support your children. Reach out with any questions or concerns.
Ms. Wright
Dean of Students
May-School Spirit
Students will learn about the history of Islip's schools and will have their Islip knowledge tested this month as we learn about our community and celebrate being a part of Islip Middle School during Spirit Week!
Renaissance Rave
RENAISSANCE: April showers brought May flowers! The last raffle was a HUGE Success! A bunch of prizes were won. SAVE THE DATE: Celebrating Quarter 3 Achievements; The Final Raffle Date is Friday, May 31st! Listen for announcements to find out important information. Replacement cards are available for purchase, $5, in the Assistant Principal's office. Replacement cards are not available the week of the raffle. As always, continue to work hard and be kind! LOOK GOOD! FEEL GOOD! DO GOOD!
Dear Fifth Grade Parents/Guardians:
On behalf of the faculty at Islip Middle School, I would like to cordially invite you and your fifth grader to a special evening. Soon your child will be an official "middle schooler!"
The sixth-grade staff of Islip Middle School is preparing to welcome the class of 2031 at our annual orientation program on Thursday, May 9, 2024. This informative evening, which begins promptly at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium, will include presentations by our sixth-grade staff, tours of the building, and more!
Please plan to attend this evening with your fifth grader. Our orientation program will help answer your child's questions and concerns about life at our middle school. We look forward to meeting you and your child on Thursday, May 9, 2024.
May 2024
The end of the year is rapidly approaching – it sure feels like September was just last week!
We have some exciting activities coming up this month for our transitioning students!
During the month of May, middle school counselors will visit the 5th grade classes to share all of the wonderful things about the middle school! Incoming 6th graders and their parents should also be sure to attend our 5th to 6th Grade Orientation Night on Thursday, May 9th at Islip Middle School.
8th graders will be visited by members of the high school’s Buccaneer University to answer any questions they might have about high school. Following their visit from the high school, on Friday, May 20th, 8th graders will participate in “Transition Day” where they will come together as teams and compete in various games and activities on the high school field while getting to know some high school students. It is sure to be a day of fun!
Our very own National Junior Honor Society student, Max, and his mom initiated a remarkable campaign with Mrs. Gallagher and NJHS members, to help animals in need, at Islip Middle School. This month-long campaign brought together our students and staff in a heartwarming display of generosity and compassion.
Throughout the month of March, IMS students and staff have generously donated various items to support this cause. From pet food and toys to blankets and supplies, the outpouring of support has been truly remarkable. Thanks to the efforts of Max and his fellow National Junior Honor Society members, numerous boxes have been filled with these donations.
We are proud to announce that these boxes have been delivered to Almost Home Animal Rescue and Adoption in East Patchogue. This wonderful organization provides shelter, care, and love to animals in need, and Max is a dedicated student volunteer there. The donations from IMS will undoubtedly make a significant impact on the lives of these four-legged friends.
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Max, his mom, Mrs. Gallagher, and all the IMS students and staff who contributed to this campaign. Your kindness and generosity have made a difference in the lives of animals who deserve a second chance.
Thank you for being a part of this incredible initiative. Together, we can continue to make a positive impact on our community.
1-BOE Meeting, 7:30pm, HS Auditorium
2-SEPTA Awards, 7pm, HS Auditorium
9- 5th to 6th grade Orientation, 7pm-9pm, MS
13- BOE Public Hearing on Budget, 7:30pm, HS Auditorium
16- NJHS Induction Ceremony, 7pm, MS
17-MS/HS Progress period ends
21- Budget Vote, HS
24-Schools Closed
27-Memorial Day, Schools Closed
28-Schools Closed
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 PM. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 PM.
3- MS Academic Awards, 7pm, MS Auditorium
4- 7th & 8th Grade Spring Concert. 7pm, MS Auditorium
10- BOE Meeting, 7:30pm, HS Auditorium
13- 6th Grade Spring Concert, 7pm, MS Auditorium
19- Juneteenth, Schools Closed
21- 8th Grade Dance, 6pm, MS
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 PM. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 PM.
Website: islipufsd.org
Location: 211 Main Street, Islip, NY, United States
Phone: 631-650-8500
Facebook: facebook.com/IslipMS
Twitter: @IslipMS
Instagram: @IslipMS