NSCSD Superintendent Updates

Summer 2024
Mid-Summer Update
I hope this message finds you enjoying a wonderful summer with family and friends. As we prepare for the upcoming school year, I want to share these updates. We have been working diligently to ensure a smooth start in the fall. This year, we are excited to introduce a few new programs and resources aimed at enriching our students’ learning experiences.
We are committed to fostering a supportive and engaging environment for all students. Thank you for your continued partnership and support.
Joe Stutting, Superintendent
First Day of School 2024-25
Friday, August 23
Full Day of School
Online Registration
Online registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open via Infinite Campus.
If you already have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account, please follow the steps below to complete the registration process:
- Follow this link to log-in to the Parent Portal
- Select "More" at the bottom of the dark menu on the left
- Select "Online Registration" at the bottom of the menu
- Note: there are two sections on this page: Existing Student Registration & New Student Registration - be sure to click "Start" in the correct section
- Click the "Start" button next to "24-25 Student Registration"
If you do not have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account, please follow this link to create an account and register your student(s).
Note: Even if you registered in May or June fees should have appeared in your account July 1, 2024.
For assistance, please contact Dan Marceau at dan.marceau@north-scott.k12.ia.usor 563-285-3208.
2024-25 Free and Reduced Meal Applications are now being accepted
NS Vision 2025 Update
- Regional Innovation Center: The cement inside the RIC is complete. Walls and drywall are being completed. Slated for Spring 2025 completion.
- Wrestling room floors are being put in and paint is going on the walls. This should be finished the beginning of August.
- Neil Armstrong: Gym roof is on, walls for addition are being finished.
- Junior High: New addition is going well, and updates are being completed. Slated to be completed first of the year.
- Welding: Finishing touches on doors, ceiling and windows are being done. This will be done by the few weeks of August, for use once school begins.
- Lancer Stadium: Stadium is complete, press box is continuing to be wired, turf is complete, track's second layer is being completed with the restroom and and building on final steps. Finishing touches to be completed by second week of August. Ribbon cutting is slated for the first football game of the year.
- Solar project: Plans are underway. Determining placement that won't impact future use. Maximizing location.
High School Bell Schedule Change / 24-25 School Year
The high school bell schedule is changing for the 24-25 school year. To learn more about this change, please see this letter. Thank you.
Kindergarten Assessments 24-25 School Year
Kindergarten Kick Off: 5-Year-Old PreK & Kindergarten
- Thursday, August 15th 8:30 - 3:00 pm
- Location will be at the building the student will attend
- Follow this link for 5-Year-Old PreK or Kindergarten Registration
Welcome to Peachjar!
Great news, everyone! We're teaming up with @Peachjarinc to make school communications better for all our families. Stay tuned for helpful resources soon appearing in your inbox as digital flyers! Don't forget to check your district and school newsletters for more details. Can't wait for you to see what we have in store!
For now, Summer camp information and registration links are currently live on Bound or can be found on our website .
2024-2025 School Calendar
The North Scott School Board approved next year's school calendar at the January 8 board meeting. It may be viewed and downloaded here.
The first day of school is on Friday August 23. This will be a full day of school.
North Scott Community Feed Our Children will be offering FREE sack lunches this summer to children in the NS area on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from June 11- August 15. We invite your staff and coaches/teams to help us prepare/assemble lunches. Teens are welcome to help prepare lunches, but we ask that only adults drive/distribute lunches (both for safety and for the privacy of those receiving lunches.)
This is a great team building opportunity, and helps out many children and families in our NS neighborhoods throughout the summer. Lunches are prepared at Faith Lutheran Church, 500 W. LeClaire Rd, Eldridge, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, from 10-11:30. Lunches distribution runs 11:15 am -12:30 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Faith Lutheran Church at 563-285-4501.
Thank you!
To Volunteer:
North Scott Community Feed Our Children Ministry: VOLUNTEER HELP 2024 (signupgenius.com)
To donate supplies:
North Scott Community Feed Our Children Ministry: DONATION OF ITEMS 2024 (signupgenius.com)
We serve breakfast!
Did you know we serve breakfast at all 7 North Scott school buildings? We do! Check out our menus here: https://north-scott.nutrislice.com/menu.
Iowa Substitute Teaching Authorization Online
Becoming a substitute teacher in Iowa is now available online. Learn more about the 15 hour course, price, and how to get registered here.