Heights Highlights
April 29 - May 3, 2024
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WHES Newsletter for 04 29 2024
Highlights for this thirty-first week of school are:
- COLOR RUN & EPIC SPORTS DAY FUNDRAISER: WE NEED YOUR HELP. We have heard from families that they love the FREE weekly after-school instrumental music, chess club, Makerspace, yoga, fun field trips, Open House Math and Family Night, and art class. While some of these are paid with school funds, many of these buses and activities are paid for with the support of our school Parent Support Club fundraisers run by President Melodey Colyer. Our last fundraiser of the school year is EPIC Sports Day and Color Run. This fundraiser is unique in its structure. It is unique in that the students will be able to participate in the sports activities that our partner will bring to campus in a fundraiser that is healthy (not candy, popcorn, or cookies 😃) HOWEVER, to participate in the COLOR RUN portion of the event students must raise a minimum of $40. See sample of Color Run here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7Gv5NT21y8 Please ask your child's teacher on how to send the link to your family and friends to raise the $40 to sponsor your child for the event and support Westport student activities, too! Public education is free, but many of the enrichment activities are not! Let's do this together!
- State testing continues for 3rd - 5th grade students this week. Please be sure to bring students on time so that they may test with their class in their typical environment. Late students will have to test with makeup session separately.
- Student Success Ceremony Honoree Names for Monday, May 6th assembly - Please look inside this weekly.
Kind regards,
Mrs. Hughes
Monday - 04/29/24
- 8:35 am Morning Message Assembly: UTK/K for District Topic (classes in auditorium) TOPIC: CyberSecurity and Digital Safety
Tuesday - 04/30/24
- Library Open for Classrooms: Ms. Lumsden On Campus
- 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Principal & Family Office Hours: LINK HERE Meeting ID 832 5401 3486 TOPIC: Q& A
- 11:00 AM Monthly Earthquake Drill* (* = rescheduled from last Tuesday)
- Art Class with Ms. Terri
- 1:38 pm Early Day Dismissal EVERY Tuesday (Please make sure your child is picked up on time if he/she is not enrolled in the Kids4College or Youth Services after-school program.)
- 1:50 pm Teacher PD TOPIC: MATH: Grade Level Planning with Data; Review iReady Data with ILT Teacher Leaders and Create SSPT List after reviewing math data Submit to Principle in Main Office (Complete Grade Level Planning forms for all Grade Level Planning Meetings) TEACHERS: Always bring your fully charged device, please.
- 2:50 pm Teacher: Announcements -NO STAFF MEETING
Wednesday - 05/01/24
- Wednesday Folder Goes Home: 5th Grade Culmination Letter; Returning to WHES Letter; Permit Letters
- Makerspace Class with Mr. Emeka and Ms. Sam
Thursday -05/02/24
- Library Open for Classrooms: Ms. Lumsden On Campus
- YMCA Play for Grade Span Collaboration and Student Physical Play Activities
- Art Class with Ms. Terri
Condor Spirit - Wear your Condor Blue!
- Library CLOSED for Classrooms: Ms. Lumsden OFF Campus
- Chess Tutors on campus
- YMCA Yoga for all classes
- Art Class with Ms. Terri
- Chess Tutors After School Program
Monday, May 6th - Monday Morning Assembly; Makerspace Class with Mr. Emeka and Sam; Monthly Fire Drill
Tuesday, May 7th - Tuesday Minimum Day Dismissal; Art Class with Ms. Terri; Library
Wednesday, May 8th - Makerspace Class with Mr. Emeka and Sam
Thursday, May 9th- Library; Art Class with Ms. Terri, YMCA Play; SSC Meeting; Teacher Eddy Awards
Friday, May 10th - Wear CONDOR Blue; Chess After School Club Continues; Art Class with Ms. Terri;
Student Success Ceremony - Monday, May 6, 2024
Multicultural Festival - May 31, 2024, Minimum Day
Culmination 5th Grade - June 11, 2024 (Correction: June 11th and not May)
Click this link for the Community Letter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vZSSsonkJrhzb1XOsStBAoJA4eH6uDPN/view?usp=sharing given to families the first week of school!
Literacy Prize Activity for Students
Westport Student JOY: Grateful 4 Teachers/Staff Who Document Student JOY
See AN EXAMPLE of a Color Run - Fun, Fun, Fun!
Digital Updates as of Monday, April 29, 2024
- DEVICES for students at home: Time is runnign out to sign up to receive devices from district to use at home. The program is closing soon after funding comes to an end. Please go to device.lausd.net if you want a device for your child enrolled in LAUSD to use at home in addition to their school device.
- Attendance Reminder & Tardy Policy: Student success starts with great attendance! Missing just 10% of the school year can leave students struggling and/or not reaching their full potential. Students should not have more than 1 absence for every 25th day of school. We give prizes and incentives and special recognition for attendance. Please note that it is important to be at school on time. Students must be in-seat with their teacher by 8:15 a.m. or they will be marked tardy. Even Breakfast in the Classroom is a part of the regular school day. Every part of the school day counts!
- Birthday Acknowledgment: See Below and contact teacher directly for treat-giving requests and policy (REVISED February 2024)
- Los Angeles Public Library Student Success Cards: LAUSD students are automatically assigned a Student Success Card. That means they can use their cards to access ALL our online resources. They don’t need the physical card, just the library card number and PIN. Please inquire by emailing studentsuccess@lapl.org.
- Borrow up to 5 books
- Instantly get digital books, magazines, music, movies, and newspapers
- Find an online tutor every day from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m
- No fines and fees ever
- Volunteers Needed: We need Volunteers for Morning Valet 7:40 am - 8:10 am, Breakfast in the Classroom 8 am - 8:30 am; and Stuffing Wednesday Folders for Classrooms on Tuesday and/or Wednesday Morning. Please contact Blanca Espinoza, Community Rep, for more information on how to get involved. You can email her at Blanca.E.Espinoza@lausd.net or call the school to get her number.
- Tutoring Services: There are 4 types of Tutoring/Intervention for reading and math offered at every LAUSD Elementary School. Our Elementary School Qualifies for 3 of the 4 tutoring services available for elementary schools. Two of those three services can be accessed at home by families: On-Demand Homework help with Paper.co and Home-Based (Virtual) Tutoring Services that opened for enrollment on the Parent Portal September 18, 2023, for eligible students. The process to enroll was explained in detail at the Tuesday, September 26th Principal Office hours and also can be explained by contacting our Community Representative, Blanca Espinoza at 310-645-5611. Click the image below for information.
Birthday Acknowledgment Policy 2024: Click IMAGE Below
Video: We Are All Different
Autism: Meet Julia on Sesame Street
Special Principal Office Hours: Every School Safe Parent/Guardian Workshops: Preview Student Info
Here is the list with the Special School events, plus all the dates students do not have school for the school year 2023-2024:
Student Success Ceremony - May 6, 2024
Multicultural Festival - May 2024 at 1:15 pm (SPECIAL SCHOOL EVENT)
Memorial Day (no school) - May 27, 2024
Last Day of School - June 11, 2024. (5th Grade Culmination)
To download the LAUSD 2023-2024 Calendar in PDF, please visit LAUSD's official website or click the image below. A hard copy of this updated calendar will also be sent home with all of the other schedules in the Blue Wednesday Folder.
Westport Heights Participates in LAUSD Community Building
(213) 241-3840
The Student & Family Wellness helpdesk is open 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday. Please call for support with mental health, immunizations, health insurance, food & housing, enrollment, and more.
Steps to Allow Your Child be Issued a Device
- You will need to register on Parent Portal using your PIN, Child's Student ID, and date of birth if you have never done so before. Register here: https://achieve.lausd.net/Page/10470
- Your child and the parent/guardian need to sign and return the Responsible Use Policy (RUP) and other forms that are being sent home during the first week of school. You will need to complete District Device Permission forms in advance of your child receiving a device. THE THREE (3) FORMS ARE ALL LINKED IN THE BLUE BOXES UNDERNEATH THE SCHOOL READINESS BOX BELOW.
4th and 5th only: Your child needs to know their MyMail address ("xxxxxxx@mymail.lausd.net") and password to open the Chromebook. The teacher will provide this information to each student when they receive their device.
TK - 3rd only: Each student has their QR code to access Schoology given to them by their teacher.
Welcome Back Westport Heights 2023-2024 Teacher Roster
We are small but mighty! Welcome back Westport Heights Elementary School Teachers:
UTK - Mrs. Ann Bishay (Room 1)
TK/K - Mrs. Luzveida Hernandez Cruz (Room 2)
K - Mrs. Abby Devlin (Room 3)
1st - Mrs. Linda Recendez (Room 7)
1st/2nd - Mrs. Farrah Cocozza (Room 8)
2nd - Ms. Luz Quintero (Room 11)
3rd - Ms. Christine Grams (Room 14)
4th - Mr. Theodore Fortier (Room 22)
4th/5th - Ms. Brittany Evans (Room 23)
5th -Mr. Seth Faber (Room 21)
RSP Teacher: Ms. Batres
PSW Counselor: Jillian Scognamillo
School Psychologist: Ms. Valle
Community Rep, Blanca Espinoza, will be providing parent support drives at the beginning of the year to meet the goal of 100% family registration on Parent Portal and Schoology access. Please let us know what you need to successfully be connected. We want everyone in the loop! You can call the school to reach Mrs. Blanca or call (424)666-1153.
Bell Schedule: Arrive to classroom by 8:15am to not be tardy!
- 7:40am
Early before-school drop off in the auditorium for PAL - 5th grade.
NOTE: This is not a before school program, but a time that school staff will have activities for the children like reading, coloring, or puzzles. They sit by grade level and sit and talk
- 8:00am Students Line Up Supervision Staff escort students to classroom (put away backpacks and lunches)
- 8:10am Students enter classroom to be in seat before the tardy bell
- 8:15am Tardy Bell Rings
- 2:38pm Dismissal (except Tuesday 1:38pm early dismissal)
- dismissal - 6 pm After School Care (Kids4College or Youth Services) picks up the children whose parents applied for the FREE child care program
Drop Off & Pick-Up Protocols
The front of the school will have signs and cones for areas that are not for parking. There is ample street parking. Please make sure to observe all traffic laws and not block our neighbors' driveways.
Cafeteria Menus
Breakfast and Lunch are free for those families who want to have it for their child. Click this link to find our school menu.
https://achieve.lausd.net/Page/11718More Information
After School Protocols
- TK/K/1st exit from the kinder yard.
- 2ND & 3RD will be escorted outside to front of the school.
- 4TH & 5TH exit from the Yorktown gate.
NOTE: On inclement/rainy days, UTK - K -1st (Including Room 8 Mrs Cocozza) dismiss from their classroom; 2nd - 5th from the auditorium.
School Experiences
- 2nd-5th: Instrumental Music (Teacher Vacancy to fill):
- UTK-5th: MakerSpace Engineering Activities (rediscover Tinker Art)
- UTK-5th: YMCA Youth Yoga
- UTK-5th: YMCA Play
- UTK-5th: Joy and Wellness Center; Calm Center in Class
- Experiences in the class and school garden
How do I get my Parent Portal PIN?
Attendance Matters!
Westport Heights Elementary School
Website: westportheights.org
Location: 6011 West 79th Street, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Office: 310-645-5611
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WHESPTABoosterClub