Mustang Monthly Round Up
September 2024
Easy Way to Help the School Earn Money
Reminder: Picture Day is September 5
ALICE Drills
ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate)
To ensure schools are prepared to proactively handle the threat of an intruder or dangerous stranger, all principals and teachers have been trained in ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate).
ALICE drills will be taking place regularly in order for students and teachers to practice being safe if a dangerous stranger enters our building. Teachers have read the book "I'm Not Scared, I'm Prepared" to students within the first two weeks of school in order to help students understand what to do in case of an emergency. Students are taught to listen to their teacher for directions. In elementary we focus on two main responses: barricade and evacuate.
On September 6 , our school resource officer will come to Morningside and we will conduct a barricade drill. We want parents to be aware that this is taking place because you may see a few police cars outside of our school. Our goal is to ensure all students are safe and know what to do if teachers tell them to help barricade the classroom. These drills will be done in a kid-friendly way, as we don't want to worry or scare our elementary aged students.
This is an opportune time to talk with your children about safety and discuss how they can play an active role in keeping our campuses safe. We encourage all students to be aware of their surroundings and let a trusted adult know if they see or hear something that makes them feel unsafe. If you have any questions or concerns about the upcoming ALICE drill, please reach out.
Books, Blankets, and Bingo - Family Reading Night
Hold a spot on your calendar for Sept. 17! We will be having a family night - more details will be coming shortly.
Upcoming PTO Meeting - Sept. 23 @ 6:30 PM
August PTO Meeting
August 26, 2024 @ 6:30 PM via ZOOM
- Welcome and Introductions
- Alyssa Jones and Jennifer Stokesberry welcomed the attendees and introduced themselves.
- Highlights from Last Year
- PTO funded
- Vinyl “RACER” wall
- Jennifer Stokesberry and Erin Heileman explain what “RACER” is.
- Rock your school day supplies
- Discussed the themes from last year.
- Field Trips (over $9k)
- Popcorn machine was donated to Morningside PTO
- Project ideas for this School Year
- Digital Reader Board
- Playground Equipment
- Upcoming Events
- Kona Ice for September Mustang Day Sale (third week in September)
- Naomi Juarez volunteered to take charge of this
- Family Night (BINGO, books, and blankets) September 17th
- Rock your School Day
- PTO to provide pizza on decorating/setup night
- Butterbraid kickoff (September 30th)
- Title 1 funding - parent engagement money
- Jennifer Stokesberry went over funding for being a Title 1 school.
- Must be for things that are educational
- Must have two family nights a year
- Ideas
- Positive parenting class
- Maria Rojas is willing to lead this on
- Carnival night
- Annie Bingham is willing to lead this on
- Sugar beat factory will lend cotton candy machine
- Sawtooth has supplies that we can borrow for carnival
- Silent auction
- Businesses donating things for baskets
- Art night
- Treasurer’s report
- Checking ($12,699.58)
- Savings ($101.85)
- Next meeting scheduled via ZOOM - September 23rd @ 6:30 PM
- Meeting adjourned at 7:12 PM
Rock Your School Day - Sept. 27 - YOUR KIDS WON'T WANT TO MISS THIS DAY!!!
Rock Your School Day is an annual event that's part of the "Get Your Teach On" (GYTO) movement, which encourages teachers to use innovative ways to engage students in learning. The day is meant to be fun for both teachers and students.
Some activities that teachers may do on Rock Your School Day include: Transforming their classrooms, Wearing costumes, Having themed lessons, and Decorating their classrooms.
The GYTO movement has a number of goals, including: Injecting creativity and enthusiasm into classrooms, Encouraging teachers to improve their teaching, Engaging students in innovative ways, and Turning everyday lessons into extraordinary experiences.
Here are some pictures from last year.
Morning Drop Off
Breakfast starts at 7:30 am. Students eating breakfast enter through the front doors and exit out the back when they have finished eating.
Supervision on the playground starts at 7:45 am.
If students are arriving by car, please drop off in the front of the school. Students will then walk to the back of the school and play on the playground or go inside for breakfast.
Please help remind children to use crosswalk areas. We want students to be safe.
Afternoon Pick Up
Students being picked up are picked up in the front of the school or from the driveway next to the gym.
Please help remind children to use crosswalk areas. We want students to be safe.
Please use the crosswalk to meet your child across Morningside. We do not want students running to their parents on the other side.
Please try to let the school or teacher know in advance if children will have different plans for after school. It is really hard to get notes to students when the school bell is about to ring.
Parent Volunteers
Click the following link to complete your background check.
Prescription orders must have the med order signed by a doctor.
Thank you for your cooperation; attached is the medication form.
Important Dates:
Sept.2 : No School
Sept. 5: Fall Picture Day
Sept. 6: Barricade ALICE Drill
Sept. 13: Data Day - No School for Students
Sept. 17: Books, Bingo, and Blankets Family Night
Sept. 19: Hearing/Vision Screening
Sept. 27: Rock Your School Day
Sept. 30: Butterbraid Kick-Off