AJS Weekly Bison Tracks
October 20, 2023
*NEW* - Cafeteria payment methods - Debit Cards
We are excited to announce that you can now use your debit card to pay for your delicious lunches in our cafeteria!
New payment method starts on Monday, Oct. 23.
- October 24, 11:37 a.m. - University of Alberta Presentation - Theatre
- October 24-27, 11:37 a.m. - Pumpkin Scavenger Hunt - Student Council
- October 26 & 27 - Band Camp Gr 7-12
- October 26 & 27, 11:37 a.m. - Pumpkin Painting - Student Council
- October 30, 11:37 p.m. - Mummy Wrapping Contest - Student Council
- October 30, 4:30 p.m. - Halloween Drama Show
- October 31, 11:45 a.m. - Halloween Costume Contest - Student Council
- November 1, 2:16 p.m. - Early Dismissal
- November 1 - Take Our Kids to Work Day Grade 9
- November 2 - Holodomor Tour (Gr. 11 & 12)
- November 3 - Remembrance Day Ceremony
- November 6-10 - November Break - No School
- November 10 - Young Women In Trades Camp (register at student services)
- November 11 - Remembrance Day
- November 13 - First day back from break
- November 14 - RAP Information Session (info below)
- November 13-17 - Bully Awareness and Prevention Week
- November 17, 9 a.m. - ELAA Career Fair @ AJS
- November 20 - National Child Day
- November 21 - Your Future Post-Secondary and Career Fair (Strathcona County Agora)
Pumpkin Scavenger Hunt - October 24 & 25 - 11:37 a.m.
Find the pumpkins hidden around the school and return them to the office for sweet treat!
Grad hall at lunch.
Pumpkin Painting Contest - October 26 & 27 - 11:37 a.m.
Sign up in groups of 2-3 using the QR code! Prizes awarded to the top 3 groups.
Grad hall at lunch.
Mummy Contest - October 30 - 11:37 a.m.
Sign up in teams of 3 using the QR code.
Grad hall at lunch.
Take Our Kids to Work Day
November 1 is Take Our Kids to Work Day. Parents of Grade 9 students should have received a Permission Click form this week. Please ensure that you complete the form to let us know whether your student will be participating at a workplace or at the school. We encourage parents to take students to their workplace, where appropriate. If parents are not able to host their student at their workplace, they are able to find a relative or friend to host their student. These real-world experiences are most beneficial for students.
Take Our Kids to Work with Alberta Health Services - Virtual
Students in Grades 9-12 are invited to join Alberta Health Services in virtual presentations as an extension of Take Our Kids To Work Day. This is a great opportunity for students to register for a virtual presentation.
Interested students can register at Student Services.
Ardrossan Drama Club
Calling all writers! If you are interested in being a part of the writing team creating ADC's Variety Show this season, please fill out the form below. Being in the writing team does not eliminate you from being a part of the performance or technical roles. Open to all grades.
We will be meeting in the theatre green room:
Monday, October 24 - 3:30-4:30 pm (Possibly Wednesday, October 25 3:30-4:30 pm)
COMING SOON - Sign up for auditions
Sign up for auditions for this year’s show will be out this week: both performers, backstage and technical roles! Stay tuned to announcements and posters around the school. Any questions please email Mrs. Webb at diane.webb@eips.ca
AMPS is selling BEAR TRACKS in support of AJS Band Students
BEAR TRACKS ice melter provides a safe and efficient way to melt ice and compacted snow on sidewalks and driveways. It is a useful product for both residential and commercial areas to ensure that traffic areas are kept ice-free and safe for pedestrians.
Use the QR code or use the link to order yours today!
If you ordered pictures for pick up at the school, they are available in the office.
If you haven't ordered yet, your child's school pictures are available for viewing and order at the Icon/Lifetouch website. Use your student number to gain access.
If you weren't able to make the Award's night please pick up your certificates at the office.
2022-2023 Yearbooks are in!!!
The 2022-2023 Yearbooks are now in!!! Drop by the office on your break or for our Grads between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m if you ordered a copy last year.
ELAA Post Secondary Fair at AJS
The Educational Liaison Association of Alberta (ELAA) is hosting a post-secondary fair at Ardrossan Junior Senior High School on November 17, 2023. Students will have the chance to learn more about post-secondary opportunities available in Alberta, exploring a variety of career options, programs and course offerings.
For more information about the school’s ELAA Post-secondary Fair, contact the school office at 780-922-2228.
Pay School Fees Online!
School fee information for the 2023-24 school year is now posted on the PowerSchool Parent Portal. All fees are due within 30 days of being posted. To access your fee information, simply log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and go to “Student Fees.” There you can view your fees and pay them online.
Don’t forget to also log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal regularly throughout the year. Fees are often added to your child’s account to cover the cost of various school activities such as field trips, class projects, extracurricular activities fees and more.
If circumstances exist where you’re unable to pay your fees, you can apply to have certain fees waived by submitting an Application for a Waiver of Fees. The application deadline is Dec. 15, 2023.
For more information about school fees, waivers and payment deadlines, visit www.eips.ca/schools/fees and www.ardrossan.ca/about/fees. Alternatively, contact Suzanne Cleet, Business Manager, at Ardrossan Jr. Sr. High School at 780-922-2228.
Join the Canadian Parents for French committee
Have a French Immersion student at Ardrossan? Become a member of the Canadian Parents for French (CPF) Alberta chapter, furthering bilingualism by promoting and creating opportunities for students to learn and use French.
CPF meet just before all AJS School Council meetings at 6:00 p.m.
Upcoming Events:
October 20 -22, 4:00 p.m. - CPF AB - Falling into French
What's Happening
Chemistry Demonstration for Grade 9 students by Dr. Lucio Gelmini
Chemistry 30 experiment - Titration analysis of hydrogen peroxide
Check out the new and improved athletics web site here or click the button above. All information regarding teams, including schedules, tryout dates, games, and forms will be located here.
Athletic Dates
- October 20 & 21 - Jr. Jr. Volleyball Wooly Bully Tournament
- October 20 & 21 - Jr. Sr. Volleyball Salisbury Tournament
- October 23, 5:00 p.m. - SV Womens Volleyball vs McNally
- October 23, 6:30 p.m. - SV Mens Volleyball vs Archbishop O'Leary
- October 23, 3:30 p.m. - Jr. Jr. Girls and Boys Volleyball vs LLR
- October 24, 3:30 p.m. - Jr. Sr. Girls and Boys Volleyball vs RHJ
- October 24, 5:00 p.m. - Jr. Jr. Girls Volleyball vs RHJ
- October 24, 5:30 p.m. - JV Womens Volleyball vs Louis St. Laurent
- October 25, 6:30 p.m. - SV Womens Volleyball @ St. Oscar Romero
- October 25, 5:00 p.m. - SV Mens Volleyball @ Archbishop Jordan
- October 27 & 28 - Jr. Jr. Volleyball Teams Lakeland Ridge Tournament
- October 27 & 28 - Jr. Varsity Volleyball Teams Tri Volley Tournament
- October 31, 3:30 p.m. - Jr. Jr. Boys and Girls Volleyball vs SWH
- November 3 & 4 - Sr. Varsity Mens Volleyball Strathmore Trip
Inclement Weather
With the winter season almost here, we want to remind families to dress children appropriately for the weather when getting ready for school or the bus. The weather often changes unexpectedly throughout the day, so please select suitable outerwear and ensure your child is prepared for changing conditions.
If inclement weather conditions occur, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) advises families of any bus cancellations using various communications tools—automated-telephone messages, email, SMS, alerts posted on eips.ca and school websites, Twitter, Facebook, local radio stations, and notification through both the Bus Status and the Ride 360 apps. Morning bus cancellations are posted on eips.ca by 6:30 a.m.
Decisions regarding bus cancellations are guided by EIPS administrative procedures that state, “school bus service may be suspended…when there is a forecast or current temperature of -40 C, including wind chill factor, in one or more regions.” Other reasons for suspending or delaying school bus services include adverse weather and poor road conditions. When school bus services are suspended, schools remain open to students. EIPS believes families have the right and responsibility to make choices for their children based on their beliefs and perceptions of safety during times of inclement weather.
For more information, contact EIPS Student Transportation at 780-417-8151.
Your Future: Post-Secondary and Career Fair
Thinking about attending post-secondary school after graduation? Not sure on the career or sector? Plan to attend this year’s Your Future: Post-Secondary and Career Fair on Nov. 21, 2023.
Hosted by Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS), in partnership with the Educational Liaison Association of Alberta, Your Future is an annual educational fair that brings together colleges, universities, polytechnic schools, and sector experts in one place—one of the largest events of its kind in Alberta.
The event is free and open to all students in grades 9 through 12 from EIPS and Elk Island Catholic Schools. Both students and family members will have the opportunity to meet with representatives from attending post-secondary institutions; ask questions; talk to experts about various career sectors; learn about future career trends; and much more.
Event Details:
Date: Nov. 21, 2023
Time: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Location: Strathcona County Agora
401 Festival Lane, Sherwood Park
Navigating ADHD: Understanding, Managing, and Thriving
Join us for a Parent session at Sherwood Heights Junior High on WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 29TH at 6:30pm.
We will be hosting ADHD Edmonton’s President Rachel Rogers who is a psychologist that specializes in supporting families with children managing ADHD.
Rachel has worked with Edmonton Public Schools as a teacher, counselor, and Psychologist on multidisciplinary teams and is a wealth of knowledge to parents.
Rachel will be talking about the history of neurodivergences, what is ADHD and the brain, will briefly talk about the role of medication, multimodal treatment, strategies, and self-regulation. She will also talk about ADHD Edmonton and the supports available (there’s a lot!) and finish with Q&A to address questions.
This session is open to caregivers and professionals and will be held in person at Sherwood Heights Junior High as well as a virtual option.
To help us gage numbers:
Please click on the google form link above ^ to RSVP to this parent night.
Career Pathways - Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP)
The Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) is a highly competitive program that requires significant student preparation to be successful. Career Pathways will be hosting monthly virtual RAP Prep information sessions to help students, families and staff better understand the requirements:
- November 14: 6:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Join the meeting
- December 13: 2:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. Join the meeting
For more information, contact Kristin Oleksyn.
Enhancing Literacy and Numeracy
As part of Elk Island Public Schools’ (EIPS) ongoing efforts to enhance the literacy and numeracy of students in all grade levels, the Division is once again administering the Star Early Literacy, Star Reading and Star Math assessment tools in the 2023-24 school year. These tools focus on literacy and numeracy, are digitally based and offer an opportunity for students to demonstrate their learning. The goal: To provide timely information to teachers, help enhance classroom instruction and identify student learning needs.
Three times a year, EIPS students in Grade 1 complete the Star Early Literacy assessment and students in grades 2-12 complete the Star Reading assessment. Both assessments are administered electronically and take about 20 minutes. Students in grades 2 through 10 also complete the Star Math, a mathematic screening tool. It, too, is administered electronically and takes about 30 minutes for students to complete. The results offer teachers a clearer picture of a student’s learning needs and help determine if subsequent instructional planning is required. NOTE: Semester students complete the Star Math twice, at the start and end of the course.
In addition to the Star assessments, Alberta Education now mandates all students in grades 1-3 complete additional literacy and numeracy assessments. Students in Grade 2 and Grade 3 complete these provincial assessments in September. Grade 1 students will complete the assessments in January 2023.
The scores of the assessments aren’t used toward a student’s grade, and there is no need to study ahead of time. The tools simply provide the teacher with information to better understand where each student is in terms of reading comprehension and mathematic ability. If, after analyzing the results, it’s determined a student can benefit from extra support, the teacher will contact the family to discuss possible support strategies.
For more information about the Division’s Star and MIPI assessment tools, contact EIPS Supports for Students at 780-464-3477.
Respiratory Illness Guidance
The health and safety of staff, students and visitors is a top priority. Continue to reinforce the following hygiene habits to protect staff and students from spreading respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19.
- Stay home if you’re feeling sick.
- Wash or sanitize your hands often.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces regularly.
- Wear a mask if you get sick or develop symptoms while at school or work.
As per Alberta Health guidelines, staff, students, contractors and visitors who have symptoms of respiratory Illness or test positive for COVID, should stay home until:
- symptoms have improved,
- they feel well enough to resume normal activities, and
- they have been fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medications.
For anyone who has a respiratory illness or has tested positive for COVID, it is recommended that they wear a mask for a total of 10 days from the onset of symptoms—even if the symptoms have resolved or improved—when in indoor settings with other individuals.
Student Parking
Please scan the QR code to fill in the online form to receive your parking pass. Passes will be available during lunch in the office.
• Traffic flow is one way entering and exiting the student parking lot.
• Grade 12's can park in any of the parking stalls available. This will be enforced.
Grade 10/11 students may park in any of the areas highlighted in orange.
Counsellor's Corner
Is your dream to study in the nation’s capital? Are you fascinated by politics? Are you bilingual?
Perhaps you should consider the Parliamentary Page program.
Parliamentary Pages are first year university students, who work in the House of Commons supporting MPs. It’s a paid position, with travel paid to and from Ottawa.
Applications are being accepted now until November 5.
Visit https://www.ourcommons.ca/about/pageprogram/index-e.html for more information.
University of Alberta Information Session - October 24
The University of Alberta is visiting our school on Tuesday, October 24.
Please join us in the theatre during lunch, 11:37 a.m., for this information presentation. It will be a great opportunity to learn more about what the university has offer and to ask any questions.
Join NAIT on their main campus to experience the hands-on, technology-based learning environment that prepares NAIT students for meaningful careers.
Saturday, October 28
9:00 am - 3:30 pm MDT
Main campus, 11762 - 106 Street, Edmonton, Alberta
Free Visitor Parking in all zones. Please visit the parking tab below for more information.
At Open House, you'll get the opportunity to:
- Explore NAIT programs and services
- Chat with instructors and students
- Get hands-on demonstrations
- Tour our state-of-the-art labs and equipment
- Attend an info session to help you find which NAIT programs fit your interests and skills
Cafeteria Menu
Community News
From Alexa to Algorithms: Parenting in the era of AI
Join the University of Alberta and Amii for an engaging 45-minute online webinar designed to boost AI literacy for parents of kids of all ages, from kindergarten to graduate students. The session will focus on global citizenship, online safety, and education and career guidance.
Don't miss this fun and informative opportunity to empower your parenting in the age of AI, ensuring your kids thrive in tomorrow's tech-driven world.
Event Details:
Date: Nov. 2, 2023 Time: 10:30 a.m. to 11:15 p.m.
Location: Virtual REGISTER NOW
Caregiver Education Sessions
Alberta Health Services hosts a variety of virtual caregiver information sessions throughout the year focused on ways to support students’ mental health. The sessions are free and geared toward parents, caregivers, teachers and community members who want to learn more about challenges impacting children and adolescents. Session topics include anxiety, ADHD, depression, self-harm, technology, teens and teaching leadership skills, communication, resiliency and more. Visit Caregiver Education to see the monthly caregiver sessions.
Ardrossan Junior Senior High
Email: general.ajs@eips.ca
Website: https://www.ardrossan.ca/
Location: Ardrossan Junior Senior High School, Range Road 222, Ardrossan, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-922-2228
Twitter: @ArdrossanJrSr