Overton Newsletter
May 13-19, 2024

Monday, May 13 is a B Day!
(Blue= A Day, Yellow= B Day)
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
Friday, May 17: First day of underclassmen exams
Monday, May 20: Graduation
May 20-23: Exams: half days
Softball Champions
Congratulations to Coach Carlson and the Bobcat Softball Team for winning districts on Friday! The Lady Bobcats were undefeated for the season in our district and beat McGavock 11-10 in the final tournament game. Jaida Bridges, Kaliyha Finley-Gray, Trista Norris, Lily Tickle, and Talitha Winningham were named tournament All-Stars. The Bobcats will play Mt. Juliet on Monday, May 13th at 6:30 at Overton to kick off the regional tournament. Everyone come out and support our softball team on Monday!
AP Exam Schedule
AICE Exams
Senior Spotlight
Graduation will be held at Municipal Auditorium at 6:00 PM on Monday, May 20, 2024. Doors will open at 5:00 PM. Congratulations to the Class of 2024!
If your family needs handicap seating or a sign language interpreter, please email Mrs. Spear at sally.spear@mnps.org before May 15.
Caps and Gowns have been handed out. Any student who does not have one needs to see Mrs. Spear immediately.
Graduation Tickets
Counseling and Scholarship Survey
This survey MUST be completed to get your graduation tickets. The counselors need information about your after high school plans, where you want your final transcript sent, scholarships you received, and your overall experience with the counseling department. Click here: SENIOR SURVEY
Senior Meeting Powerpoint
Graduation Rehearsal
Graduation rehearsal is required for all seniors participating in the graduation ceremony. Rehearsal will be at Municipal Auditorium on Friday, May 17 at 11:30-1:30.
- The bus sign up is full.
Senior breakfast will be held on May 17 at 9:15 in the cafeteria before rehearsal. Chick-fila will be served and a coffee truck will be here for seniors.
Save Your One Drive Files
Senior Walk at Norman Binkley
Norman Binkley would like to celebrate the graduating seniors at Overton that attended their elementary school. The students will be honored at a Graduation Walk at Norman Binkley on Monday, May 20, 2024 at 2pm. RSVP using this link: NB SENIOR WALK
Senior Walk at Shayne
Are you a former Shayne Elementary student? Join the "Fly Up" ceremony at Shayne. Come to the Shayne Library between 7:30-8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Refreshments will be provided. You will need your ID to sign into the front office upon arrival. Parking at the church next door is recommended. Nolensville Road is undergoing construction which may affect travel time. Please email lisa.baynes@mnps.org to RSVP.
Senior Walk at Crieve Hall
Crieve Hall would like to celebrate the graduating seniors at Overton that attended their elementary school. The students will be honored at a Graduate Parade at Crieve Hall on Wednesday, May 22 at 7:45am. See flyer for more details. Please RSVP to andrea.walkup@mnps.org
Senior Walk at Cole Elementary
A reception for graduating Cole Elementary Eagles on Wednesday, May 22 at 1pm. Visit your teachers, tour the building, and reminisce. Please RSVP to COLE RECEPTION
Senior Walk at Granbery
Seniors who were former Granbery Students are invited to walk the halls on Wednesday, May 22 at 2pm in Cap and Gown. You must RSVP using this link: GRANBERY SENIOR WALK. Please arrive by 1:45 to be checked in.
Underclassmen News
Attention all 9th, 10th, and 11th graders! This is end of the year info for you!!
May 2024 Exam Schedule
If you are taking credit recovery courses this summer, you will need your laptop! Please click SUMMER LAPTOPS to let us know (or use the QR code in the picture).
From the library:
Save the Date!
Gabby Awards: Wednesday, May 22nd, 7pm
The Bobcat Players present the Gabby Awards, Wednesday, May 22 at 7pm (doors open at 6:45) in the JOHS auditorium. They will award actors and technical crew members for their outstanding work this year as well as have some live entertainment! Free admission! All are welcome!
Cluster Corner
Croft 20 Year Celebration
Croft Middle School is having their 20th year celebration on May 16th from 5:30-7:30 at Croft, 482 Elysian Fields Road.
Event Details:
- Date: May 16th
- Time: 5:30pm - 8:00pm
What to Expect:
- Bounce House/Obstacle Course: Fun and excitement for the kids!
- Food Trucks: Delicious treats to satisfy your taste buds.
- Guest Speakers: Inspirational talks from esteemed individuals in our community
- Cultural/Country Tables: Explore diverse traditions and heritage.
- Zoo Presentation: Discover fascinating facts about wildlife.
- Dr. Battle’s Presence: Our Superintendent will be there to celebrate with us!
Your Participation: We invite you and your family to join us for this momentous occasion. It’s a time to celebrate, connect with fellow families and staff, and food trucks. Plus, we encourage you to volunteer during the evening—your support makes events like these truly special.
Video Montage: We’re creating a heartwarming video montage featuring students, parents, faculty, and staff—past and present. We’d love to capture your memories! Please contact Mrs. Dibb at katherine.thompson@mnps.org with a 10-15 second clip where you share your favorite Croft memory or express your love for our wonderful school.
Let’s make this anniversary celebration unforgettable! 🥳
Please see below for our sign-up genius to volunteer for part of the evening! 🙂
To volunteer click: CROFT20
Basketball Tryouts
Lady Bobcat Basketball Tryouts May 21, 5-7pm. Please have an updated physical. Questions? Contact Coach Gaines at Lisa.gaines@mnps.org
Volleyball Tryouts
Volleyball Tryouts May 15 & 16, 5-7pm. Please have an updated physical. Questions? Contact Coach Gaines at Lisa.gaines@mnps.org
Parents and students can view club information at overtonclubs23-24. New clubs and updated information will continue to be added as sponsors determine their calendars. If you have a question about a club, please reach out to the sponsor using the contact information provided on the list.
All the info you need that was published in previous newsletters.
Academy Showcase
Questions about any of our academies? You can find the information here:
Academy Showcase and Academy One-Pagers and Pathway Descriptions and Academy Videos
Metro Nashville Public Schools interviewed students and staff about the Academies of Nashville that we have at Overton, and then featured it on the district website. Click Overton Academies to read all about it!
Advanced Academic Opportunities
Cambridge Program: Are you interested in joining the advanced academic Cambridge Program? For basic information, please click CAMBRIDGE INFO. If you would like to apply to the program for next school year, click APPLICATION. Any questions? Contact todd.douthit@mnps.org or michael.pintz@mnps.org
John Overton High School provides students many opportunities to enroll in advanced coursework. Students are encouraged to challenge themselves academically and take advantage of advanced courses that best align with their postsecondary aspirations and goals. To learn more about other advanced academic offerings available, please visit https://bit.ly/overtonaa
2023-2024 Academic Calendar
The 2023-24 academic calendar is available to download on the MNPS website.
District Calendar - Metro Nashville Public Schools (mnps.org)
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
The MNPS district academic calendar for next school year is now available. It is currently available in seven different languages which you can find here: CALENDAR
New Schedule for 2024-25
Schedule Redesign Family Meeting 041124.mp4
We hosted a family meeting on Thursday April 11th for families interested in learning more and connecting about the schedule redesign for next school year. Here’s a recording and if any family wants to learn more we encourage you to contact AP Crutchfield (amy.crutchfield@mnps.org) or your student’s academy counselor.
All MNPS high schools, Overton included, are moving away from the traditional A/B schedule and to a new modified block schedule starting in August. Click the links below to learn more about how many classes students will have next year, Overton’s bell schedule, and how this impacts the schedule requests your student made this spring with their Academy counselor.
Video from Dr. Garner and AP Crutchfield going over all the changes.
4.2 Scheduling Video for Students.mp4: Video shown to students on April 2nd during 2nd block.
Schedule FAQ parent and student.docx: Example schedules, more answers to FAQs you may have!
Parent Facing Master Schedule Rollout.pptx: Slide deck used in family video.
Student Facing Master Schedule Rollout.pptx: Slide deck used in student video.
Attendance Matters
When students miss school, they miss out. Students who are in school learn more, achieve higher and are more likely to graduate. We all want the best for our students, and together we can make sure they’re reaching their full potential. Help us reach our attendance goal this year! Linked is the 2023 - 2024 Overton High School Attendance Expectations Letter. If you have additional questions, feel free to email julie.keeton@mnps.org any time throughout the school year.
Bell Schedule
This year, we are running on a five block day. Click the link BELL SCHEDULE to access this new schedule. In case of inclement weather where we would be on a delay, or half days, you can click ALTERNATE SCHEDULES to view.
Credit Recovery
Beginning February 6th, we are offering after school credit recovery for students who are interested on catching up on credits. It will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:15-3:45. Please fill out this CREDIT RECOVERY FORM to register.
Find My Bus Stop
The Find My Bus Stop online tool provides families with the planned school bus route/stop information. Actual route/stop times could vary due to driver shortage route coverage, traffic or mechanical breakdowns. If your student’s bus is more than 15 minutes later than expected feel free to call (615) 259-INFO (4636).
To find your student's route and stop:
- Use the Find My Bus Stop online search tool.
- Enter your student's grade and your address for the result to generate.
Homework Hotline
Free homework help and tutoring for students K to 12 is available from the Homework Hotline. It's a great resource and available Monday to Thursday 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Call 615-298-6636. We offer help in: English, Arabic, Spanish, French, Hindi, and Farsi. https://homeworkhotline.info
Infinite Campus Portal
Campus Portal allows families to see real-time class and assignment grades, homework, test scores, upcoming due dates, attendance information, and discipline incidents.
To create your Campus Portal account, email Mr. Krech for your activation code: austin.krech@mnps.org. Once you have a Campus Portal account, you can receive notifications through the mobile app. For step by step instructions follow this link: Receiving Notifications.
Parent-Student Handbook
Engaged parents and guardians are critical partners in student success. The more you know, the more you can be involved — and we want you to be fully involved!
MNPS Handbook
MNPS wants to encourage you to take full advantage of the resources and information provided in this ONLINE PARENT-STUDENT HANDBOOK.
Overton Handbook
Access the parent-student handbook specific to Overton by clicking: Overton Handbook
Overton FAQs
Do you have questions about Overton? Click Overton FAQs to link to the answers of some of our mostly frequently asked questions.
Promising Scholars
Promising Scholars - May 30 to June 28, 2024
- Registration for Promising Scholars 2024 opens January 22.
- The priority window closes March 29.
- Information for students affected by the third grade retention law will be shared.
- To register in Promising Scholars, you will need the student's 9-digit student number and an email address.
- If you do not have the student number, you can find it in Campus Parent, our district's parent portal.
- Please allow 24 hours for the enrollment website to update with information you have added, or updated in Campus Parent
Permissions Portal
In January, the Lifetime Wellness Classes will begin the Family Life and Sexual Health Education curricular unit, which is part of the State's approved Lifetime Wellness standards. Students must give consent to participate, a form that can easily be filled out through the link: MNPS Permissions Portal which will allow a seamless completion of the form electronically. If you want a hard copy, print this consent form (translations available in Arabic, Burmese, English, Kurdish, Somali, Spanish, and Swahili). If you would like to view the content in this portion of the curriculum, there will be a copy available in the front office.
Have you checked yes on the permissions portal to allow for your child's picture to be taken? If not, please visit the MNPS Permissions Portal and check yes today!
Schoology Parent Account
Student work also can be reviewed in Schoology, the district's learning management system. Families can sign up to receive an update on student work via email from Schoology. To create your Schoology Parent account, email Lori Bervoets for your activation code: lwbervoets@mnps.org. If you’re having trouble with your account, Ms. Bervoets can contact the appropriate providers for help.
SchoolCash online payment system
Parents can create an account by visiting the SchoolCash Online webpage on our website. They can then attach their student(s) to their profile.
Trip to Europe
You can still sign up to travel with other OHS students to Italy, France, and Spain in Summer 2025.
Enroll and see our trip website at www.eftours.com/2723958UN
Still have questions on how it works? Visit EF’s How it Works page.
If you have specific questions, please email Anna.Levy@mnps.org or visit her room 178. You can also chat with EF’s Travel Support Team online at https://www.eftours.com/contact-us or call them at 1-800-665-5364. Also, if your student has friends who have not signed up yet, feel free to pass this message along to their families, too.
We can't wait to travel with you!
Dr. Levy (Room 178) and Mrs. Fitzgerald (Room 229)
Please note this is a non-school sponsored trip.
How to view the Newsletter in additional languages.
To translate the newsletter into another language, click anywhere on the newsletter so that it opens in a browser. At the top of the screen will be a "translate" dropdown box where you can choose which language and have it translated (see picture).
Para traducir el boletín a otro idioma, haga clic en cualquier parte del boletín para que se abra en un navegador. En la parte superior de la pantalla habrá un cuadro desplegable de "traducir" donde puede elegir qué idioma y traducirlo (ver imagen).
لترجمة النشرة الإخبارية إلى لغة أخرى ، انقر فوق أي مكان في الرسالة الإخبارية بحيث يتم فتحها في المستعرض. في الجزء العلوي من الشاشة سيكون مربع القائمة المنسدلة "ترجمة" حيث يمكنك اختيار اللغة وترجمتها (انظر الصورة).
Social Media
Follow Overton on different social media platforms by clicking the red bars below.
The weekly newsletter is linked to the homepage for easy access.