Beck Weekly Update
Parent Info for Friday, March 8, 2024
Beck Centennial Elementary
Beck Attendance Line: 586-797-3999
Location: 54600 Hayes Road, Macomb, MI, USA
Phone: 586-797-3900
Twitter: @beckelementary
5th Graders Share Book-Buddy Fun with 2nd Graders
Mr. Barthelmeh's 5th grade students met and shared their love of reading with their Book Buddies in Mrs. VanDeWinkle's 2nd grade class this week!
Big Shout out to Community Partners Costco!
Our local Costco store employees partner with Beck 2nd graders to help reinforce literacy skills, math knowledge and communication. Their weekly visits are enjoyed by both visitors AND students!
Mark Your Calendar - The Daddy Daughter Dance is Coming!
Don't Miss Out on Ordering Your Yearbook for 2023-2024!
Orders Due by March 22, 2024!
March Is Reading Month Just "GLOWS" with Reading Fun!
Fenway and Hattie: Beck Reads Together!
Don't forget to take pictures of your family reading together! Send the pics for our school wall and get points for "Glow Swag" too! Send the pics to our Media Center Teacher:
Visiting Author Assembly: Alex Willan - March 11
NEHS Basket Drive to Benefit Macomb Foster Closet
Does Your Child LOVE to Play Chess?
It is that time of year again! Registration is open for the 25th UCS Chess Tournament-Saturday April 13, 2024. Perhaps you have a student or two who loves the game!
The UCS Chess Tournament is a perfect first tournament for ANY student in ANY grade. Kindergarten-12th grade sections. This is a fun, unrated event with five rounds. Check-in 8:00-8:30 a.m. with games: @ 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, & 1:00. Awards 2:00-3:00. The tournament is held at Henry Ford High School. Usually there are nine sections: K/1/2/3/4/5/6/7-8/9-12
Visit the tournament website for the registered player list, to download the entry form, and other information: