Talawanda High School
#EducateandPrepare #THSFamily
Sign ups for the PSAT are happening now. If you are a 10th or 11th grader interested in taking the PSAT, please stop by the school counseling office and check in with Ms. Wise. The cost is $20 - cash or check only.
Attention Seniors! Miami University is proud to present the Bridges Program, an overnight visit experience for high-achieving high school seniors from historically underrepresented populations or who commit to promoting a deeper understanding of and appreciation for diversity. Students representing different ethnic/racial, sexual orientation and gender identity, and socioeconomic backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Students who complete the Bridges Program, apply, are accepted, and enroll on the Oxford campus for next fall will be eligible to receive the Bridges Program scholarship. Please visit www.miamioh.edu/bridges for more information and to apply. Applications are due by September 23.
Student Schedules have been finalized and school fees have been assigned. You can make payments in the Main Office via cash or check payable to Talawanda High School. Also, credit card payments are available through the EZPay link.
Talawanda 23-24 yearbooks have been distributed during lunch. If your student did not pick theirs up, they need to go to room 301 before school to sign for it. EXTRA yearbooks from 23-24 are now on sale in room 301 as well, and can be purchased for $65. Checks can be made out to 'Talawanda High School'.
If you want to get EARLY BIRD PRICING for the 24-25 yearbook, visit yearbookforever.com to order yours today! Prices increase September 29th!
Wednesday, September, 4th
3:00pm Robotics Club, Room 412
3:00pm Diversity Club, Room 400
3:00pm Chess Club, Room 603
Thursday, Sept. 5th
3:00-4:30 Drama Auditions,PAC
Friday, Sept. 6th
3:00-4:30 Drama Auditions, Location TBA
Saturday, September 7th
1:45-3:30pm Robotics Club, Room 412 -Pizza @2:00pm
Drama Club Auditions!!
Looking for actors for multiple characters in Alice in Wonderland. Tech and Production dates the week of November 10th - 17th. Auditions Sept 5th and 6th from 3:00- 4:30, in PAC or TBA. Look for posters around school. Additional auditions can be arranged by appointment if necessary. Rehearsals are generally after school and/or on weekends depending on cast availability. Open to TMS students as well.
Looking for 3 female, 1 male and 9 non specific gender performers. No singing necessary. Come prepared with a short monologue, or read from sides (scenes from the show). If you can only stay for a short time, please prepare a monologue. Get in touch with Drama Director Melanie Mortimore for any questions. Mortimorem@talawanda.org.
2024-2025 Talawanda High School Class Officers
President Dominic Pirigyi
Vice President Julian Danoff
Secretary Kylie Cobb
Sentry Lilly Chenoweth
President Sam Yoches
Vice President Lyla Spurlock
Secretary Sadie Abbitt
Sentry Gracie Abrams
Communications Bryce Wortman
Committee Leader Justin San
President Melody Miao
Vice President Megan Watt
Secretary Jaclyn Wynn
Sentry Alexus Milligan
Public Relations Alayna Dunagan
Activities Director Lauren Anderson
President Evan Arnos
Vice President Salamata Ly
Sunday, September 1st
Monday, September 2nd
No School-Labor Day
Tuesday, September 3rd
No School for Students-PD Day
On The Horizon
Friday, September 20th
No School For Students
Community Flyer Page
Please click here for the Talawanda Community Events Page.