IB Learner Profile: Caring
Caring creates an endless ripple.
IB Learner Profile: Caring
As IB learners, we strive to be caring. We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.
This IB learner profile is one of 10 attributes recognized and valued by IB World Schools. We believe these attributes, and others like them, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities.
-The International Baccalaureate Association
How can parents encourage their children to be caring?
- Start by practicing empathy. Model the caring behavior you would like to see in your child. Your child notices everything you do! Using kind words, helping others and being an active listener will show your child that you care about other people.
- Help your child consider the feelings of others. Ask, "What do you think she's upset about?" "How would you feel if that happened to you?"
- Read books that demonstrate caring and kindness. Discuss the message of the story and how it can be applied in your every day lives. Ask, "What are some things we can do to show kindness?" "Is there anyone we know that could use some extra caring right now?"
- Brainstorm ways your family can get involved in the community. Send cards to residents of a local nursing home. Donate food, clothing or toys to those in need. Place inspiring quotes around the neighborhood for others to see.
- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Sometimes this can be challenging for busy families, but make an effort to establish these habits in your home. By developing children who care about the environment, you are helping the future of the globe.
- Emphasize social skills like saying please, thank you, sharing with siblings and recognizing when others may be having a difficult day.
- Smile.
Suggested Books, Activities, and Games
Game: Neighbor Day
It’s a good feeling when children can be a part of something in Daniel’s neighborhood, and in their own neighborhood too. They feel proud to know they can be helpers, and that their choices matter, as they learn there are many ways to be a good neighbor.
Click the image to play the game.
Game: Kind Kingdom
Vibes of all kinds are contagious, for better or for worse. In the sunniest corner of town, aggressors are running amok, spreading negativity everywhere. Block and report the aggressors to stop their takeover and be kind to other Internauts to restore the peaceful nature of
this land.
Interland has been particularly well-received by kids ages 7-12, but can certainly be enjoyed by older and younger kids, too.
Click the image to play the game.
Free Educational Websites for Home
When balanced and managed appropriately, screen time can be a valuable asset to learning in today's educational landscape. The following sites will allow students to explore the concept of caring through multimodal learning opportunities:
- https://openlightbox.com/lightbox/?bookCode=1074 -This link will take you to a Lightbox interactive book called "Caring". The interactive features include audio, video, activities, weblinks, maps, quizzes and vocabulary related to the IB Learner Profile: Caring.
- https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ - Incorporate this online learning site that teaches the students about the world around them and encourages caring with a global perspective
- https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome.html?caching - This link provides day by day projects to keep students learning, thinking and growing
- https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/ - During difficult times, we often see the most beautiful acts of kindness. If you’re home and looking for things to do to keep busy, scroll down for a list of resources to help!
Activity: Kindness Rocks
Kindness rocks are positively designed rocks that can be left around the community for people to find. This brings positivity and a smile to others. Click the picture for a blog with more information.
Learning Strategy: Mindful Breathing
Mindful breathing techniques can be used to control your feelings and think before you act.
Story Time
Enemy Pie by Derek Munson
Anticipating the best summer ever, the young narrator of this engaging picture-book about turning enemies into friends laments the arrival of new boy Jeremy Ross in his neighborhood. Although they don't get off to the best start - Jeremy laughs at him when he is struck out in a game of baseball, and doesn't invite him to his trampoline party - the boy's wise father tells him he has the perfect way to deal with enemies: Enemy Pie. But in order to convince Jeremy to eat it, first the boy must spend an entire day with him.
Enemy Pie is an engaging story about social dynamics among young children, and offers a well-told lesson about building friendships and community, even when we haven't gotten off to the best start with newcomers.
Discussion Questions for Enemy Pie
Can you make a connection to the main character or Jeremy Ross?
Why do you think the dad doesn’t tell his son what’s in the pie?
Why do you think the enemy pie smells so good?
Why does Jeremy feel confused when the main character asks him to play?
Why doesn’t the main character want Jeremy to eat the pie?
What do you think will happen to Jeremy when he eats the pie?
Was there anything nasty about the pie?
Why do you think the dad called it enemy pie?
Strictly No Elephants by Lisa Mantchev
Strictly No Elephants is a picture book about a boy and his elephant who are excluded from the local Pet Club because of their unusual pet. The book's message is about inclusion, friendship, and helping others.
Play-doh Activity
Use play-doh to design a unique pet that should be included in the pet club.
Bonus: Using play-doh helps children develop fine motor skills, creativity, and emotional regulation.
Stanley Makowski ECC #99- IB World School
Email: nmarciano@buffaloschools.org
Website: https://www.buffaloschools.org/PS99
Location: 1095 Jefferson Avenue, Buffalo, NY, USA
Phone: (716) 816-4180
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MakowskiIBWorldschool/