Doyle Weekly Newsletter
February 3 - 7
UTK-5 Blacktop Assembly 2/3
Monday, February 3rd at 7:40 am on the blacktop
Students will be encouraged to sing along together to : The Seven Healthy Habits of Happy Kids - There's a Leader in Me.
Lyrics can be found HERE if you'd like to sing along with your student.
[LINK] to YouTube video of song
2025-2026 School Year Enrollment
We are open for enrollments for next school year! Tell your family, friends, and neighbors 😄
All enrollment forms can be found on our website at: https://doyle.sandiegounified.org/enrollment
Families may also come into the office between the following times to pick up an enrollment packet and/or enroll.
- M, T, Th, F 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Weds. 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Current Students:
Do I need to submit new enrollment forms?
- if your student is currently enrolled and you are within our boundaries - NO
- if your student is currently enrolled and CHOICED in and you have not changed your address - NO
- if your student is currently enrolled and CHOICED in and you have moved - YES
EdUCate! Taste of the Triangle
EdUCate! is a volunteer run organization that aims to serve the needs of ALL students in the University City public schools, their teachers, principals and school staff. One of their biggest fundraisers to support our school is the Taste of the Triangle.
This year, Taste of the Triangle is on Friday, March 1st at the Farmer & The Seahorse. There will be many restaurants sampling their cuisine, a silent auction, and much more.
More information and to purchase tickets at: https://uceducate.org/taste-of-the-triangle/#modal-tb_98g8752-1
2025-2026 School Year TK Enrollment **UPDATE**
San Diego Unified School District is still working on details regarding TK enrollment for next school year. We do not have much information to share at this time.
- TK enrollment will be fully online - website TBA
- We will have more information the first week of March. We ask that all TK enrollment questions/requests hold until that time. The district office has updated their timelines and will no longer have important information available to the office until the first week of March.
No School Feb. 14 & 17
President's Day Weekend is right around the corner!
There is no school on the 14th and 17th. School resumes on Tuesday, February 18th - regular day schedule with dismissal at 1:45 for UTK and 2:00 for K-5.
Spring Picture Day
Keep an eye out for details and a flyer to come home in the coming weeks.
No School March 7th
March 7th, 2025 is a non-instructional day. San Diego Unified School District schools will be closed and re-open on Monday, March 10th.
Reporting Absences
If your student is going to be absent, please inform the front office using one of the below methods:
- Doyle Elementary Attendance Reporting form : this can be found on our school website - just scroll down on the homepage and click "Report an Absence"
- Call the front office at 619-605-4500 and select Option 2 for Ms. Venus in Attendance.
- Email us at doylelm@sandi.net
- Message us at ClassDojo School
Independent Study Contracts
This is an official contract that requires parent, student, and teacher signatures, and provides the opportunity for your student to complete work and earn attendance credit upon return.
Please keep in mind that this is optional for teachers. When teachers agree to an Independent Study Contract, they take extra time out of their planning and personal days to create a packet of work for your student to complete while out of school. If your student does not complete the required work, a certain number of days can and will be marked "unexcused".
We are not able to accommodate Independent Study Contracts beyond 15 days.
Student Illnesses & When to Stay Home
Attendance matters, but so does your students health! Check out the district recommendations on when to keep students home:
If your student has tested positive for COVID, the district would appreciate information using this link: https://hitl-healthyreturns-sdusd.my.salesforce-sites.com/COVID19SelfReporting/SelfReportCase?sitekey=SDUSD
Stay Connected
Email: doylelm@sandi.net
Website: https://doyle.sandiegounified.org/
Location: 3950 Berino Court, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 605-4500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoyleElementarySD/