Evergreen Middle School
December13, 2024
Message from Principal Collins
Hello Evergreen Families
We had a packed-filled week. This week we had a Beat the Bell grade level challenge. Beat the Bell challenge was set to see which grade level could get to class on time to cut down on tardies. Our 6th-grade scholars won the challenge hands down. They earned a grade-level recess.
During winter break, we would like you to remember to have your child read for 20 minutes or more each day. Reading is a powerful tool for building your child’s mind. We want our families and community to help us achieve our high expectations for each student.
Facts on Attendance
- 2 Absences Per Month X 9 Months of School = Less Likely to Graduate from High School
- Did you know? People with a High School diploma make more than $1,000,000 in a lifetime over those without a High School diploma.
- A child who is 10 minutes late misses 32 hours a year of lost instruction.
- Poor attendance can influence whether children read proficiently by the end of third grade.
Being in school daily means your child won't miss out on learning. Please try to schedule appointments and family trips outside of school hours and during school breaks.
We want to help remove any barriers to school attendance.
I would like to remind parents when you pick up your child(ren) make sure to park in our school parking lot. Do not pull into the bus loop. Please do not stop on 40th Ave S. or make U-turns on 40th Ave S. Most importantly do not block the busses trying to get out of the bus loop. They are on tight schedules and need to leave as soon as possible. Please use Evergreen’s parking lot. The traffic does flow through the parking lot quickly, thank you.
As we move into the final month of the year, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for the support and partnership of our families. Evergreen Middle School continues to thrive because of the dedication of our staff, students, and the commitment from you, our families, to ensuring the success of every learner.
December is a time of reflection and celebration. In our classrooms, teachers are focused on reviewing concepts and preparing students for the transition into the second half of the school year. It’s a great time to encourage your child to check their grades in StudenVue, stay organized, and finish their assignments with care.
Since we are mid-way through December, the school year is more than 1/3 of the way through. Shortly after we return from the holiday break we will be preparing to celebrate the hundredth day of school! Holiday decorations are sprouting up everywhere as families in our area begin their thinking about holiday shopping, vacation plans, and dinner menus. Many of our evenings and weekends will be spent getting ready for holiday celebrations. While visions of sugar plums, reindeer, and peppermint mochas may arise at times, our Evergreen Grizzlies continue to have math facts, essays, favorite books, and science experiments dancing through their heads. Please help us encourage our students to stay as focused as possible and include homework and study time in your holiday plans.
Looking for a few gift ideas, especially ones that don’t cost a lot of money? This holiday season give your child and family the gift of time.
- Relax at a park for a day and have a picnic.
- Take a nature walk at a local preserve.
- Visit the local library.
- Enjoy a meal together as a family.
- Have a night in with the family and play a favorite board game.
The most important things in life are family and friends, so this holiday season make an effort to spend quality time with both. As parents, you are extremely important to your children. This month, make it a goal to spend an evening, day, or weekend with them. Remember, bigger is not necessarily better. The time you spend with them does not have to be at a theme park or fancy resort!! It can be reading a book together, playing catch, decorating cookies, or telling stories together. This is the time to provide your child with the memories he/she will never forget. The holiday season is all about giving, and the quality time you spend together can be better than anything wrapped up in a bow under the tree! Please remember that students should continue to read, write, and practice their math facts over winter vacation! Reading and writing can be about topics they enjoy and share with parents and siblings alike. Students can also write some resolutions to ring into 2025!
In Partnership,
Mrs. Collins
253 945 5100
Yearbooks- $25 each. Purchase yours now before the price increases to $30 in Jan
Parents/Guardian: If you know you will be picking up your child early from school; we ask that you send a note with them to the office. This way we can write them a pass with a dismissal time and they can arrive at the office at the requested time. This is beneficial for you with less wait time and we do not have to interrupt important class time.
Reminder: if your student would like to watch a sporting event after school, they must have good attendance & good grades to attend. They must also leave campus after school and return no earlier than 10 minutes before the event starts. Games start @ 3:50pm
Because of You Award
Scholars in grades 3–12 have a chance to nominate any Federal Way Public Schools staff member in the district they believe has positively influenced them, their school, and/or their community with the Because of You award.
The Superintendent’s Scholar Advisory team reviews these nominations, and each month selects recipients to be recognized at a board meeting to receive the Because of You Award and recognize the incredible things they do for our scholars every day, and making a difference in our scholars' lives!
Nominate a FWPS staff member for the Because of You Award here!
- Early Release Fridays- out at 1:15pm
- Girls Basketball VARSITY- SAC @ Evergreen- 3:50
- Girls Basketball JV- SAC @ Evergreen- 5:15
- Popcorn Wednesdays- $1 a bag...yummy!
- Wrestling: Evergreen @ Sacajawea
- Girls Basketball JV Evergreen @ Kilo- 3:50
- Girls Basketball VARSITY- Evergreen @ Kilo- 5:15
- Winter- Band Concert 6:30-7:30pm
- Winter concert- Choir/Orchestra 6:30-7:30pm
- Early Release Fridays- out at 1:15pm
- 2 hour late start- school starts at 10am