Summer Update
North Branch Elementary
Important Dates
> Class Lists in Skyward - August 6th, 2024 After 5 pm
- To view your child's homeroom teacher you will need to be able to login to Skyward Family Access. You will need to have your child enrolled before trying to access Skyward Family Access. If your child is enrolled and you are struggling to access your account please reach out to our office secretaries during office hours. The homeroom teacher will be listed under the Student Info tab.
> Open House/Meet the Teacher Night - August 14, 2024 (4:30 pm - 6:00 pm)
> First Day of School - August 19th, 2024
2024 - 2025 Class Supply Lists
Please click on the image to the left to access school supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year. Teachers work diligently to make sure that everything on the list is necessary and will be utilized - which is why there are multiple lists. We realize, especially in the older grades, this means that you will have to wait until you know your child's teaching assignment in August to buy everything, though many lists have common items. Back-to-school sales usually begin in July. If you need help with supplies (including backpacks) please reach out to the office this summer during our business hours.
2024 - 2025 School Calendar
Please click on the image to the left to view the 2024-2025 school calendar. This calendar will have important dates for your family to know throughout the upcoming school year.
2024 Summer Office Hours
Summer Office Hours is as Follows:
> 7/29/24 through 8/16/24 - 8 am to 4 pm
Classroom Happenings
Students in Mrs. Thompson's kindergarten class have been counting down the last few days of school with a fun alphabet inspired calendar.
Each day included a fun activity that began with that letter. For example on B day we made butter, received new books, and played with bubbles.
Kids were so excited for Z day- Zooming into first grade! Look out first grade here we come!
Mrs. Friday's class building at the SMART Lab with Turkish Scholar, Dr. Bay.
Safety Patrol - The elementary would like to thank all of the safety patrollers that have dedicated their time and efforts into keeping our students safe. We appreciate it and couldn't have done it without their help!
4th Grade Handprints - This year's graduating 4th graders made their mark in so many ways while in NBE. Mrs. Opperman has kept the tradition going with letting the students make their literal mark on the wall. We wish the students the best as they travel up to middle school next year!
Students celebrated their last week in PE with an obstacle course!
Fine Arts Night
On Friday, May 17, 2024, Fine Arts night was held at NBE. Though it was a stormy night, we had over 500 people in attendance! 4th grade recorders, Ukulele Club, Hula Club, and members of the high school band performed for a very large, receptive audience. Family and friends were able to enjoy each student’s artwork on display throughout the school. In addition, all in attendance could participate in art, creative movement, and music stations such as sand art, keyboarding, or yoga to name a few. Kona Ice and BBQ Guys provided refreshments and food for anyone interested. It was a very enjoyable evening, and we look forward to our 4th annual Fine Arts Night next year!
Wellness Week
Ms. F's class being flexible.
Mrs. Conley's class showing their balance.
Mrs. Ludwig's class on kick-off day.
Our 5th Annual Wellness Week was a huge success! Students kicked off Wellness Week by supporting one another in promoting healthy habits with a walk around our playground. We had over 370 students participate in their at home wellness Bingo board and were able to choose from over 500 prizes! There were 170 families that participated and submitted photos for our family fitness activities, with over 100 students earning a prize! None of this would have been possible without support from our sponsors!