Welcome Back, South Park!
July 29, 2024
Getting Ready for 2024-25!
We have been busy planning all summer for an exciting school year for the students of South Park! This newsletter will share some important details with you about the following:
- Class Placement
- New Staff for the 2024-25 School Year
- PTO Information
- School Supply Info
- Save the Date Info for Early Learners, Kindergarteners, and New Students - August 15th
- Park District After School Enrichment Information
- Still Hiring Lunch & Recess Supervisors
- Other Important Dates for the School Year
On Monday, August 12th, South Park families can expect a more detailed communication about arrival and dismissal procedures, lunch information, bus routes, and a few other back-to-school reminders.
In the meantime, check out this back-to-school page from the District. If you have a middle schooler going to Caruso, expect to hear from Principal Schwarz on Wednesday, July 31. Then on Thursday, August 1, look for the DPS 109 Back To School Checklist from our district communications team.
Enjoy the last few days of summer before we kick off the 2024-25 school year!
Class Placement Information
Official class placements will be available in Family Access on Monday, August 5, 2024 after 3:30 p.m.
Developing class lists at the elementary level is an extremely complex process including the input of dozens of staff members at our school. This past spring, we put a significant amount of time into creating balanced classes that meet student needs and are in the best interest of an entire grade level. When you log in on August 5 after 3:30 p.m., the teacher listed represents the final class placement for your child. Please do not call South Park's administration to request a placement change. Changes to class placements will not be made.
Our teachers are very excited about their new classes and have been working hard to prepare for the new school year! Thank you for respecting our placement process at South Park.
New Staff at South Park
Our South Park staff continues to grow and change. We are thrilled to welcome the following new staff members to South Park Elementary School:
- Stephanie Monaco - Assistant Principal and Early Learners Program Coordinator
- Hannah Epstein - Coach
- Jackie Wood - 5th Grade Teacher
- Julia Kanter - 5th Grade Teacher
- Laura O'Dell - Resource Teacher
- Taylor Woods - Music Teacher
- Sally Yik - Orchestra Teacher
- Amanda Prause - Early Learners Teacher
- Amy Regenbaum - Early Learners SLP
- Jenn Williams - Intensive Teaching Assistant
- Jillian Acuña - Intensive Teaching Assistant
- Wendy Correra - Intensive Teaching Assistant
- Shannon Stoneberg - Intensive Teaching Assistant
- Becky Crawford - Standard Teaching Assistant
- Save the date for the Ice Cream Social- 8/22, 5:30-7:30pm
- Room Rep Sign up by 8/7
- Begin purchasing PTO Membership and Fun Lunch on 8/5
- Park District South Park Fall Enrichment Guide
- Save the date for Family Field Day- 9/14, 2-3:30pm
- and much more...
School Supplies Info
The South Park PTO sold school supply kits last spring. If you ordered by June 9, 2024, your child’s school supplies will be delivered directly to the school and will be in your child’s classroom on opening day. If you were unable to order this kit, click the link below to see a list of school supplies.
As a reminder, all K-5 students are required to have headsets, which may be used daily in all classrooms. These are included in the kindergarten school supply kit but not included in the school supply kits for the other grade levels unless ordered. Students should bring headsets from home during the first week of school if headphones were not ordered for the 2024-25 school year.
Save the Date - Thurs, 8/15 - Early Learners Meet & Greet and Kindy Orientation
All Early Learners and South Park kindergarten families will receive an email on Tuesday, August 6th at 12:00 p.m. with sign-up instructions for our Early Learners Meet & Greet and Kindergarten Orientation. Both events will take place on Thursday, August 15th with sessions running from 3:30-3:50, 3:50-4:10, and 4:10-4:30.
To limit the number of individuals in our classrooms and to help parents attend to their child, we encourage families with multiple children to leave siblings at home, if possible. Parents of twins can either divide and conquer with a second adult or bring both students with them to spend time in each classroom.
Families who still have their child's medical forms are encouraged to drop them off at this event or email them to our nurse Nora Moskos at nmoskos@dps109.org.
Save the Date - Thurs, 8/15 - New Student Orientation (Grades 1-5)
All new students and their families are invited to New Student Orientation which includes a tour of South Park School on Thursday, August 15, at 3:45 pm. Please meet in the South Park foyer located right inside the front doors of the school. We will share important information with you about South Park School and you will also have an opportunity to ask questions.
Who should attend: Any 1st-5th grade students who are new to South Park this school year.
Please click here to RSVP.
Park District After School Enrichment Information
Before & After School Club registration is already open, and you can find out more information and start the registration process by visiting www.deerfieldparks.org.
The After School Enrichment brochure can be found here.
Registration opened today (July 29th) for residents.
Registration will open on Wednesday (July 31) at 9 a.m. for non-residents.
All registration is done through the Deerfield Park District, not DPS 109. All questions should be directed to the park district at info@deerfieldparks.org or by calling (847) 945-0650.
We're Hiring Lunch & Recess Supervisors
We are still looking for supervisors for lunch and recess Monday-Friday during the first lunch hour which runs from about 11:20-12:20.
If you know someone looking for part-time work, this is a great opportunity to get involved in our school and make a difference for our kids! Our lunch supervisors earn $38/session. Interested candidates should reach out directly to Marcie Faust (mfaust@dps109.org).
Important Dates
Mark your Calendar...
- Class Placements are posted in Family Access at 3:30 p.m.
- Signs ups for 20-minute time slots will be made available at 12:00 p.m. for Early Learners Meet and Greet as well as Kindergarten Orientation. Be sure to check your email!
Thursday, August 15
- Early Learners Meet and Greet - 3:30-4:30 p.m. (20 minute slots for each student)
- Kindergarten Orientation - 3:30-4:30 p.m. (20 minute slots for each student)
- New Student Orientation - 3:45-4:15 p.m.
Monday, August 19
- First day for students (Half Day) - 8:45-11:40 a.m. (Doors open at 8:35 a.m.)
- First FULL day of school - 8:45 a.m. - 3:25 p.m. (Doors open at 8:35 a.m.)
Wednesday, August 21
- Early Release begins - Dismissal is 2:25 p.m.
Thursday, August 22
- Low sensory Ice Cream Social - 5:30-6:00 p.m.
- Ice Cream Social from 6:00-7:30 p.m.
- Curriculum Night - Anticipated Schedule
Monday, September 2
- No School - Labor Day
Picture Day