Patton 7th Grade Newsletter
October 25, 2024
Important Dates
October 28 - November 1 - Red Ribbon Week - Spirit Wear
Friday, November 1- Early Dismissal
Tuesday, November 5 - Library Checkout in ELA 7 Classes
Monday, November 11 - Veteran's Day - No School
Friday, November 15 - Early Dismissal
November 27 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break
Core Classroom Updates
English Language Arts
This week in English Language Arts, students read "Thank You, M'am" by Langston Hughes and analyzed characterization and setting within the short story. They followed it up with an article titled "A Police Stop Changed This Teenagers Life" by Amy B. Wang. Next week, students will participate in a Socratic Seminar where they will compare characters and people from each selection.
Students will also take their ELA KITE Interim next week. This is a practice test issued by the state to help prepare students for the new format in the upcoming State Assessment. The data from this test will be use similarly to STAR Test data.
We hope you have a nice weekend!
Ms. Paradies
Ms. Behrens
We have completed our study on writing an essay. This week we will study text features in nonfiction texts. Students will learn how authors use text features to help readers understand the information they are reading about.
Ms. Hewitt
7th grade math students are solving problems involving unit rates. We are also learning about proportions and proportional relationships, identifying proportional relationships from tables of data. We'll continue this work next week, identifying proportional relationships from graphs and equations.
Mr. Ragan
This week in Science, we learned about the organization of organ systems. On Monday, we had the opportunity to the dome at MacArthur to watch Astronaut, a 23-minute show explaining the effects space travel can have on the human body. We will have a short quiz on Tuesday before starting about how these human body systems interact with each other.
Mrs. Raymond
Social Studies
Next week we will be wrapping up Lesson-1 Topic -5 -Culture and Society and taking the assessment Thursday, October 24,2024.We will then start Chapter 6 Economics Basics .Topics that will be covered are Economic Concepts and Making Goods and Services. I hope everyone has a safe and healthy weekend.
Mrs. Johnson
Students have been working hard on their ABCs of Culture project! On Monday, we will begin presenting our projects to the class. I cannot wait to see what the students have come up with. Next week, we will wrap up our Culture and Society unit and move on to Economics Basics in November! Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Nelson
Elective Class Updates
7th, 8th and 9th grade artists have been working with linear perspective this week. 8th and 9th grade artists are drawing abandoned houses in 2-point perspective, and 7th grade artists are drawing Fictional Characters’ Dream Bedrooms. 6th grade artists are drawing 3D word art designs.
Ms. Miller
Automation and Robotics
Build and program a cam and follower system to move autonomously.
Create and follow a plan to solve a problem.
Decompose a problem into smaller parts.
Build a chain drive system to move cubes.
Create and follow a plan to solve a problem.
Decompose a problem into smaller parts.
Mrs. Bargmann
This week in AVID students finished up our unit on the Critical Reading Process. We used strategies such as "Reading for the Gist" and "Says, Means, Matters". Both of these strategies they can use in other classes to help with reading different content. We also started our next unit on "Empathy" in order to create stronger relationships among family, teachers and peers.
Ms. Bessette
Mr. Hunter
Drama 7
The students began blocking their scenes in preparation for our December 17th show. In addition, our stage managers have pulled props and are working with set design. The light team began developing their light plan. Next week we will add the microphones and sound effects so that the sound team can practice their cues also.
Ms. Paradies
Energy and Environment
Students designed and presented solutions to our dependency on nonrenewable resources. This week, students will learn about the impact of oil spills and design a method for cleaning such spills up. After conducting research, they will design and test their prototypes to see if they can recover oil from water. They will share their designs with the class.
Mrs. Rolf
Magic of Electrons
Students will learn computer processors are the key component of electronic devices and function based on logic. Students will understand logic gates are depicted by their schematic symbol and truth table. Students will then create truth tables for logic scenarios and match those gates to truth tables.
Students will learn digital wave forms that communicate binary digits are the means of communication within and among digital electronic devices. Students will create a digital wave form and graph it for a binary sequence.
Student will understand engineers decide upon inputs, outputs, and the logic necessary for an electronic device and communicate with them using electronic circuit diagrams. Students will create circuit diagrams to communicate their circuit builds.
Mrs. Bargmann
Medical Detectives
Mrs. Elder
Physical Education
All is well in PE! Mr. Amon’s classes will be playing Alaskan Kickball and Mrs. Dreiling’s Scatterball. Students in Sports Conditioning have finished fitness testing and are back to normal workout routines. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have for your student!
*We will look to go outside as much as possible for PE (weather permitting). Please help us in reminding our students to bring water bottles and tennis shoes every day they have PE.
Coach Amon
Coach Dreiling
7th Grade Spanish will be doing their presentations for <El Día de los Muertos>> next week.
DIcho Quiz is scheduled for November 1st.
Nuggets 1-5 for <<Las Exusas>> are due on November 8th.
Mrs. Ford