Watkins Mill High School
Home of the Wolverines - Building Greatness
February 2 - 8, 2025
Hello Watkins Mill High School Community,
We are started off our new semester strong. Students followed their new schedules, got to know their teachers, and got to class on time. Let's keep that up for the remainder of the year.
February will bring us opportunities to celebrate our students and staff with a number of special events happening starting off with Black History Month. Our staff and students have numerous events on our calendar to celebrate Black History and Culture. Please look at the calendar attached to the email and in our newsletter for Black History Month calendar.
We also get to celebrate the heart of our school, our school counselors! February 3 - 7 is Counselor Appreciation Week. We appreciate all our counselors do for our students and community. Please take time to recognize them this week.
February 4th and 5th we will be running on a modified bell schedule for WIDA/ACCESS testing. School will begin at the regular time. Students taking the exam will report to their testing locations and students that are not taking the test will have the opportunity to engage in activities taking place during this time such as SAT practice, District Assessment make-up exams, College Tracks/ACES Meetings, academic intervention, and SSL support.
Thursday February 6th is report card distribution day. Students will be reporting to their homeroom and will receive their report cards, attendance status letters, obligation notices, and seniors will be receiving their graduation status letters.
Students don't forget to bring your IDs to school everyday. We will be checking IDs at the door. If you do not have an ID you will need to sign in and don't forget to bring your chromebooks to school fully charged. Let's keep up the good work and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Thank you for all you for our students and community,
Vilma Najera
Watkins Mill High School
February - Black History Month
2/3-2/7 - Counselor Appreciation Week
2/4 & 2/5 - WIDA/ACCESS Testing
2/6 - Report Card and Attendance Letters Distribution
2/11 - African American History Museum Field Trip
2/12 - Attendance Celebration
2/18 & 2/20 - Honor Roll Recognition
2/19 - SMOB Election
2/21 - Ain't No Back to the Merry-Go-Round Documentary
2/26 - Black History Month Assembly
Administrative Information
We want to make you aware of the state of MD compulsory attendance policy that states students who do not attend school for 10 consecutive days or demonstrate an ongoing pattern of non-attendance. must be withdrawn from high school. A student is considered absent when they miss 50 % or more of the school day. A student is also considered absent if they miss 20 minutes or more of a class period. If your child is ever in danger of being withdrawn, you will receive a phone call to make you aware and ask for your support in encouraging your child to re-engage with school. If your child is withdrawn due to attendance, they will not be able to return to school until there is a re-enrollment meeting. Re-enrollment meetings can be set up by calling the following number: 301-284-4420.
Tardy Policy
Our teachers strive to make every moment of every period meaningful. We expect that students arrive to all classes on time. Please see our tardy policy linked here.
Parents, this past week (on Thursday), we began recording students’ tardiness to all periods, including 1st period. Please note that 1st period begins promptly at 7:45. Please plan for unexpected traffic or delays in dropping your child off at school and ensure that they are in the building by 7:40 so they can be in their 1st period on time.
In both homeroom and grade level town halls, we spoke to students about the importance of daily attendance. Research correlates both academic success and school connectedness to daily attendance. Please see the Attendance Works Resource that is linked here: (English/Spanish)The attendance tracker that is linked here (English/Spanish) was shared with all students. We strongly suggest students miss NO MORE THAN 9 DAYS for the ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR. Many general questions regarding attendance are answered in this Frequently Asked Question document (English/
Spanish). Any specific questions about your child’s attendance can be directed to your child’s counselor or administrator at 301-840-3991.
Breakfast and Lunch
Watkins Mill provides free breakfast and lunch to all students. Juniors (Class of 2026) and Seniors (Class of 2025) are permitted to have open lunch, meaning that, with their parent’s permission, they are allowed to leave campus for lunch. Open lunch for juniors and seniors is a privilege and students must ensure they return to school on time to maintain that privilege.
Cell Phone Policy
We expect all students to be fully engaged in their learning. Teachers will explicitly share cell phone expectations with students daily. Students are expected to follow teacher expectations related to cell phones. See the school’s cell phone policy linked here.
Testing Information
IB Testing
IB Exam Requirements and Policies
While IB exams are free for all students enrolled in an IB course, please note the following fee-related policies:
No-Show Fee: Students who are absent for the IB exam will be obligated for the $123 IB testing fee.
No Internal Assessment Fee: Students who do not turn in a completed Internal Assessment by the teacher deadline will be obligated for the $123 IB testing fee. Additionally, students will be required to submit a completed IA that will count for 25% of the course's final marking period grade.
Late Drop Fee: Students who drop the IB exam or the class after January 15th, 2025 will be obligated for the $123 IB testing fee.
Students who want to withdraw from IB testing must inform the IB coordinator by January 6th. If the coordinator is not informed of the student's desire to withdraw, the student will be obligated for the $123 IB testing fee. Additionally, students who withdraw from the exam by January 6th but remain enrolled in the course must submit a completed IA that will count for 25% of the course's final marking period grade.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns about the IB course or exam, please do not hesitate to contact Reina Flores, the IB Diploma Program and Career-related Program coordinator. Thank you for your attention to this matter and for supporting your students in their academic journey.
AP Testing Information
24-25 AP Letter to community Exam Only Option
Students interested in taking the exam for an Advanced Placement course they are currently not enrolled in have the option to register by following the steps below.
Look at the available exam options by clicking here to view the College Board exam calendar. Students can select any exam even if Watkins Mill High School does not offer the course.
Email Ms. Melissa Ashby (melissa_a_ashby@mcpsmd.org) or see her in B127 (Math Office) to register for the exam by October 31, 2024
A $17 financial obligation will be assigned to the student’s account. Payment must be confirmed prior to the exam date
AP Exam Requirements and Policies Please be aware of the following important details regarding the AP exam: - No-Show Fee: If a student does not show up for the AP exam, including the make-up exam, a fee will be assessed to cover the cost of the unused exam. ($40.00) - Late Drop Fee : If your student decides to drop the AP exam after November 15th, 2024, a fee will also be assessed to cover administrative costs. ($40.00)
Let's make mental health a priority - your involvement can make a difference!
Important links
Class of 2025 - Senior Class News
YEARBOOK RECOGNITION ADS!! Celebrate your students for their accomplishments and achievements this year! Last day to order is 1/31/25. If you are ready to order your Recognition Ad, click the link here. Select the tab “Yearbook” then “Recognition Ads.”
If you need help with designing your Recognition Ad, please call 1.877.767.5217 8AM–5PM CST MONDAY–FRIDAY
Cap and Gown fees can be paid at school cash online or cash/check with Ms. Holderman in the financial office (before school, after school, STE) The senior cap and gown fee is $65.00.
Cap and Gown Order Form is linked here. All seniors must complete this form. Make sure you have accurate height and weight information and you know your counselor’s name!
Graduation Student Speaker Application is linked here. Complete this form below if you are interested in auditioning to be the student speaker at the 2025 Commencement ceremony. You DO NOT need to submit a speech with this application. The application is due Friday, December 6, 2024 at 3 pm
Senior Shirts are still for sale! If seniors have purchased a Class of 2025 shirt, they should pick their shirt up in Dr. Cloyd’s classroom after October 23rd. Senior shirts are sale online for $20.00 at school cash online.
SENIOR PARENT MEETING! We were very happy to see so many parents at our senior meeting in mid October! If you were unable to join us, the link to the presentation is here!
CTE News
ATTENTION 10th and 11th grade students!
Want to learn about a career during the summer? Student registration for the 2025 Summer RISE program will open at 8AM on Monday, January 13, 2025 and will close at 5PM on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 and can be accessed at http://bit.ly/SummerRISE2025. This FREE program gives you a chance to learn about a career during the summer. To learn more about the Summer RISE program, sign up for a Parent/Guardian and Student Information Session, visit the Summer RISE website at www.MCPS-SummerRISE.org, and be sure to visit with program staff here at school to learn more about the program.
¡ATENCIÓN estudiantes de los grados 10 y 11!
¿Quieren aprender sobre una carrera profesional durante el verano? Las inscripciones estudiantiles para el programa de Summer RISE 2025 abren a las 8AM el lunes, 13 de enero de 2025 y cerrarán a las 5PM el martes, 18 de febrero de 2025. Pueden acceder al formulario de inscripción en http://bit.ly/SummerRISE2025. Este programa GRATUITO les da la oportunidad de aprender sobre una carrera profesional durante el verano. Para obtener más información sobre el programa de Summer RISE, inscríbanse para una sesión de información para padres/tutores y estudiantes, visiten el sitio web de Summer RISE en www.MCPS-SummerRISE.org y asegúrense de visitar al personal del programa aquí en la escuela para obtener más información sobre el programa.
College and Career Center Information
Community Schools Information
We are excited to announce that Watkins Mill High School has become a community school this year! This designation means we will receive additional resources and funding from the state over the next couple of years.
As part of our Needs Assessment this year, we will be collecting data and feedback from students, care givers, and staff to better understand the needs of our school community. We kindly ask all caregivers to complete the following survey to share your thoughts and the needs of your students from your perspective.
Caregivers survey- https://forms.gle/5TZo5fRhTYeckbwM7
As a thank you for your participation, everyone who completes the survey will be entered into a raffle to win gift cards and self-care items!
Thank you for your support
News and Updates
Please remember when attending events to abide by all rules and regulations. If you have questions, please email our Athletic Specialist.
Class of 2025: Here is a scholarship opportunity for you. See Ms. Magness in G003 during STEP with any questions.
We are hiring for the following positions for the spring season:
JV Girls Lacrosse
JV Boys Lacrosse
JV Softball
If you or someone you know is interested in one of these positions, please email our Athletic Specialist.
Save the Dates Spring Sports Registration:
Registration is OPEN!
Registration Closes 12pm on 2/27 (through ParentVue)
Practices/Tryouts Begin on 3/1
Here is more information regarding Spring Sports Registration
Ms. Magness will begin to process registrations and send emails to those registered beginning on or around February 5th.
MCPS Athletics has made this year, “Year of the Coach”, to align with this, Watkins Mill Athletic Department, is asking stakeholders to submit a thank you note to our coaches by using this link. Please note: only positive responses will be shared with Coaches. The Athletic Department will share these on a weekly basis with our amazing coaching staff.
Tickets for all events can be found here. Season passes are a great way to save money on admission prices for HOME regular season games only! Here is a sheet that shows more information regarding season passes. Please note that we are a cash only school and county. Please be sure to pass that information along to those who plan to attend events.
Please note that all gates and doors for contests open 30 minutes prior to the start of the first contest and all gates (stadium events) close at the end of Halftime and no entry will be allowed. For volleyball the doors will close at the start of the 3rd set in the last contest of the day.
Please be sure to follow the athletic department on the following social media sites to be up to date on all things Watkins Mill Athletics:
Twitter/X: @WMRinesSports
Instagram: @wmrinessports
Facebook: Watkins Mill Athletics
Website: www.watkinsmillathletics.com
Here is a post with our schedules.They can also be found on our website, under the season and then the sport..
Contacting coaches: Here is a list of our coaches that is updated as changes are made. For sport specific questions, please contact the coach of the program.
Email our Athletic Specialist with any questions you may have.
Please join the PTSA Meeting on Tues February 18th, from 7pm to 8pm in the Media Center and via Zoom for a quick review of PTSA News and Administrative News. We will have a guest speaker Lisa So who will discuss what is the School Based Wellness Center and will be doing a Q&A at the end.
To submit questions: https://forms.gle/mFGdaNi9A1X6KKpe9
WMHS PTSA President 2024-2025
Wayman Ka
https://sites.google.com/mcpsmd.net/watkins-mill-high-school-new-s/home (PTSA website)
Wellness Center Activities
Wellness Center Update
FREE Flu Shots- Watkins Mill HS-Wellness Center
We are pleased to announce that the Wellness Center is now offering FREE flu shots for all students and any uninsured siblings. Please come to the health room or call 301-284-4454 to make an appointment and/or fill out the enrollment packet. For more information or if you would like to fill out the enrollment packet online, our website is: https://sites.google.com/mcpsmd.net/wmsbwc/
Nos complace anunciar que el Centro de Bienestar ahora ofrece vacunas contra la gripe GRATUITAS para todos los estudiantes y sus hermanos que no tengan seguro médico. Venga a la enfermería o llame al 301-284-4454 para programar una cita o completar el paquete de inscripción. Para obtener más información o si desea completar el paquete de inscripción en línea, nuestro sitio web es: https://sites.google.com/mcpsmd.net/wmsbwc/
Identity, Inc. | mmorales@identity-youth.org
Mobile: (240) 600-7061 Office: (240) 406-1545x1065
Watkins Mill Cluster Project
Here are the Cluster Project's Weekly Newsletters for 02/07
English Version:
Spanish Version:
Attention Sophomores: the ACES Program is holding a Recruitment Drive event on Tuesday, November 12. If you are interested in applying to ACES or want to learn more about the program, stop by the ACES Office - E107! We will have volunteers available from 8:00am-3:00pm to help you apply and answer any questions you may have.
You can find more information and the link to apply online at https://www.acesmontgomery.org/join-the-program/#apply
If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Moxley at Jennifer.L.Moxley@mcpsmd.net
ACES Student Success Coordinator
Watkins Mill High School
College Tracks Updates
CollegeTracks welcomes juniors and seniors to register to join our program. We provide FREE college and financial aid support to students and families. CollegeTracks does have a capacity limit on the amount of students we serve per class and we are close to meeting that limit. If you have a senior that plans to attend college or trade school and need support through the application and financial aid process have them register for CollegeTracks ASAP. We have begun programming events to ensure students are on track to meet the upcoming deadlines
Dominic Chappell| Program Director
Watkins Mill High School
Mobile: 301.259.1853