Parent Memo
Week of September 4, 2023
Important Dates
Important Dates for September
National Hispanic Heritage Month (9/15/2023 - 10/15/2023)
National Library Card Signup Month
Monday, September 4th - Labor Day - No School
Tuesday, September 5th - National Cheese Pizza Day!
Tuesday, September 5th - PTO Meeting 7pm (In-person in the Cook Hill Library)
Wednesday, September 6th - First Day of School for Preschool
Friday, September 8th - World Literacy Day
Friday, September 8th -Town Meeting
Sunday, September 10th - Happy Grandparents Day!
Sunday, September 10th - Preschool Touch a Truck Fundraiser 10:30am-1:30pm @ Cook Hill
Tuesday, September 12th - Cook Hill Open House 6pm
Thursday, September 14th - CH/PF PTO Welcome Back Picnic 5-7pm
Friday, September 15th - CH/PF PTO Welcome Back Picnic 5-7pm (RAIN DATE)
Monday, September 18th -Board of Education Meeting 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm - BOE Conf Room
Tuesday, September 19th - System-Wide PTAC Meeting - 6pm - 8pm - Virtual Meeting
Thursday, September 21st - International Day of Peace
Thursday, September 21st - 2-Hour Early Release
Tuesday, September 26th - Masonicare Friends 9:30am - 10:45am
Wednesday, September 27th - Picture Day
Thursday, September 28th - Picture Day
Summer Learning Calendar, Math Passports, Wallingford Public Library certificates, and/ or Reading Logs
Welcome Back to School!
We have loved being back with your children these past two days! The energy and enthusiasm for learning and having fun have been contagious.
But let’s not forget all the fun many of you had learning over the summer!! We want to recognize and celebrate your child(ren) for all their dedication and hard work. If you have not done so already, please help them remember to return their Summer Learning Calendar by Wednesday, September 6, 2023.
We will also accept Math Passports, Wallingford Public Library certificates, and/ or reading logs. Remember, if your child participated in the Wallingford Public Library Summer Reading Program the WPL librarians will inform us.
Have a wonderful long weekend!
Ashly Skiffington, Math Coach
Stephanie Niezgorski, Literacy Coach
Anna O'Brien, librarian
Community Center
School Contact Information
Amy Yost ~ Principal
Kara Piper, Secretary - kpiper1@wallingfordschools.org
Amy Yost, Principal - ayost@walllingfordschools.org
PreSchool Office
Kelly Vallancourt, Secretary - kvallancourt@wallingfordschools.org
Email: ayost@wallingfordschools.org
Website: https://www.wallingford.k12.ct.us/our-schools/cook-hill-elementary-school
Location: 57 Hall Road, Wallingford, CT, USA
Phone: (203)284-5400