HES Library Media Center
April 16, 2024
NEW Debit/Credit Payment Option for LOST Library Books through MySchoolFees
CREDIT/DEBIT Payment option for overdue/lost library books:
If overdue books can’t be located…
Replace the book with another hardback book with the same title
Pay for the cost of the book which is $10
$10 CHECK made payable to Harvest Elementary
$10 CASH
$10 CREDIT/DEBIT CARD through MySchoolFees
1. https://secure3.myschoolfees.com/start_v2.aspx
2. Click "Sign In" at the top right corner
3. Click "Sign In as a Guest" at the bottom
4. Click the drop down arrow on the screen that pops up and type in the
search box "Madison County Schools - Harvest"
5. Close the box that pops up saying, "It appears that some versions of Safari
and Internet Explorer are causing issues with MySchoolFees.com."
6. Click the drop down arrow and choose "Library" to pay for Lost Library Books, $10.00
FREE eBooks or Audiobooks Available Online:
Password: 2020
Access Code to Join the Course - oyrlil2
Educational Resources
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
We received our 3rd STEM tool from UAH Engineering Department Tuesday, Nov. 5. Mrs. Bodine's 5th Grade ACE Kiddos were able to participate in the introduction of this STEM tool. Videos are on our Harvest Elementary Library Facebook page. ALL 1st - 5th Grade kiddos will get to utilize this awesome STEM tool when they come to the Library Maker Space STEM Friday!
The tool is an enclosed marble roller coaster made with 3D printed tracks. Students will be able to discuss such topics as velocity and speed with the coaster. They can also weigh the marbles to compare/contrast the various types of marbles. Then make predictions on whether or not one type might win over another type.
Huntsville Madison County Public Library Summer Reading
Harvest Elementary Library PR
About Us
Email: cowen@mcssk12.org
Location: 8845 Wall Triana Highway, Harvest, AL, USA
Phone: (256) 851-4590
Facebook: facebook.com/HarvestElemLMC
Twitter: @HarvestElemLMC
Harvest Elementary School 8845 Wall Triana Blvd. Harvest, AL 35749