CES Judy Center Newsletter
October 2023
Calvert Elementary School Judy Center Early Learning Hub
Calvert Elementary School
1450 Dares Beach Road, Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Twitter: The Judy Center Early Learning Hub at CES
Judy Center at CES October 2023
Collaboration and partnerships with the community lie at the heart of Maryland's Judy Center Early Learning Hubs. Judy Centers are not childcare centers but a comprehensive hub where families can participate in family learning experiences and receive services and support. In Title I and high-needs elementary schools in every Maryland jurisdiction, Judy Centers empower a child's first teachers - their families - by supporting child development and early learning skills for our youngest learners from birth to kindergarten.
Trunk or Treat
Infants and Toddlers Trunk or Treat Event
Don your costume and join us for some family friendly, spooky fun. The Judy Center will be in costume and ready to share a fun treat with you!
To register, click the flyer below.
Date: October 25, 2023
Time: 4:30 - 5:30 PM
Location: Calvert County School
1350 Dares Beach Rd, Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Horseman Farms Pumpkin Patch
Horseman Farms Annual Pumpkin Patch!
The Judy Center visit to the Pumpkin Patch will be October 12, 2023 10AM-12PM.
Each registered child who attends will receive a pumpkin and a book.
NOTE: Registration is required, and space is very limited. This event is open to registered Judy Center families not enrolled in another program (Pre-K, Kindergarten, Head Start, etc.).
If you meet the requirements and you have secured a space, you will receive a confirmation email that will serve as your 'ticket' to the event.
Cooking with Kara - October 2023
Cooking with Kara is back and we are super excited to whip up some tasty, nutritious, healthy dishes with you!
Join us for the virtual cooking class where Kara will walk you through preparing each month's chosen recipe. She'll offer you tips and tricks along the way!
This month's recipe is: MyPlate Pizza. To see the recipe, click the attachment below.
The CES Judy Center will provide ingredients to confirmed registrants. Ingredients will be available for pick up at the Judy Center Trailer prior to the event. Once your registration has been confirmed by a Judy Center staff member, you will be sent a link to join online and details regarding ingredient pickup times and dates.
Space is limited and registration is required. Registration will be capped at 15 families. To register, please click here:
Calvert Basics: Basics of Reading
Calvert Basics are beginning again for the new school year!
These Calvert Basics events are open to anyone in the county with littles! This first event is for ages 0-3 (residing anywhere in the county).
The theme this month is: Read and Discuss stories.
These events help families to embed reading into everyday routines. If you have littles, please register for the event. If you know someone who has littles, feel free forward the registration information for Calvert Basics to them.
Date: September 27, 2023
Time: 5:30PM - 6:30PM
Location: Calvert Country School
To register: https://forms.office.com/r/JNXnnXe042
Please note that registration is required for all playgroups
Baby Eagles Playgroup
Baby Eagles playgroups will be held at the Judy Center trailer (1450 Dares Beach Road, Prince Frederick, MD 20615)
* All playgroups will be held at 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM
* Playgroup is open to children ages 0 to 12 months old.
* Space is very limited and registration is required. If you are unable to attend, please contact us as soon as possible so that we may offer your spot to a family on our waiting list.
October 10, 2023 at 10AM at the Judy Center Trailer
October 24, 2023 at 10AM at the Judy Center Trailer
To register, please click here:
Little Eagles Toddler Playgroup
ATTENTION: This group has become so popular we are splitting this playgroup in two in order to better accommodate our families!
We are also capping attendance at each session to 6 families.
New times will be from 9:45AM-10:20AM and 10:30AM -11:05AM. Please choose one time per date.
Little Eagles Toddler Playgroup at the CES Judy Center
Come play with us! We will read a book, craft, play and make new friends!
Registration is required. To register: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=yp8tAqNgrEqakMGOUaxSfhrqFuVeZPZDsX5rkFsd4wdUM1dJR1U3V1FPTDJBRFZSTURRVjI3SE5PQi4u
October 5, 2023:
9:45AM - 10:20AM at the Judy Center Trailer
10:30AM - 11:05AM at the Judy Center Trailer
October 19, 2023:
9:45AM - 10:20AM at the Judy Center Trailer
10:30AM - 11:05AM at the Judy Center Trailer
Let's Play Playgroups
All playgroups will be held at Let's Play Indoor Playgroup located in the Giant Foods shopping center at 735 Solomons Island Rd N, Prince Frederick, MD 20678.
* Please choose one date per month as this is very popular playgroup.
* Space is very limited and registration is required. If you are unable to attend, please contact us as soon as possible so that we may offer your spot to a family on our waiting list.
PLEASE NOTE: Completion of this registration form does not secure a spot. You will receive a follow up email confirmation of your registration or notification that you will be placed on our waitlist.
October 6, 2023 at 9AM
October 30, 2023 at 9AM (Come in costume if you dare!!!)
To register, please click here:
Little Eagles Bike Club
Grab your bike, trike, balance bike or scooter and come wheel away with the CES Judy Center. The paved area around the Judy Center trailer will be turned into a safe and fun raceway.
Families, please remember to provide bike / scooter, helmet and water bottle for your little cycler.
WHEN: Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 10AM
WHERE: Judy Center Trailer
Registration is required.
To request registration, please click the link:
Body Percussion Playgroup with Garrett Music Academy
The Judy Center is excited to partner with Miss Krista Garrett of Garrett Music Academy to bring you a new exciting playgroup - Body Percussion!
Body percussion refers to the sounds which are made by body parts such as the hands, feet, fingers and mouth. The body is used like an instrument, to produce rhythmic sounds. In this playgroup, we will be exploring the four main body percussion sounds: clapping and tapping, stamping or stomping, patting and slapping, snapping or clicking. It teaches children about rhythm and other musical concepts, develops their auditory discrimination, builds fine motor and gross motor coordination, develops body awareness, builds social skills as they work together to create musical sounds and improves attention span and focus.
WHEN: Friday, October 20, 2023 at 10AM
WHERE: Judy Center Trailer
Registration is required.
To register:
Little Artists Club
Please only sign up for one session per month as both session will be the same. Offering morning sessions 10-10:45 AM and evening sessions 6-6:45pm. All sessions will take place at the Harriett E. Brown Community Center.
September 2023
Morning Session: September 18, 2023 10:00 am -10:45 am
Evening Session: September 21, 2023 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm
October 2023
Morning Session: October 23, 2023 10:00 am -10:45 am
Evening Session: October 26, 2023 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm
November 2023
Morning Session: November 20, 2023 10:00 am-10:45 am
Evening Session: November 16, 2023 6:00pm-6:45pm
Registration is required and space is limited.
Infants and Toddlers Programs
Infants and Toddlers Outdoor Play Groups
Where Families Come to Have FUN on Fall Funday Fridays!
Join us for free play on the playground!
LOCATION: Calvert Country School - Infants and Toddlers Program Office, 1350 Dares Beach Rd, Prince Frederick, MD 20678 (Outside around back)
First and third Fridays September through November 10-11AM
For more information or to register, please contact Robin Sanders at:
Infants and Toddlers / Judy Center Playgroups
Join Infants and Toddlers and the Judy Center for this fun playgroup!
LOCATION: Calvert Country School - Infants and Toddlers Program Office, 1350 Dares Beach Rd, Prince Frederick, MD 20678 (Outside around back)
Every Monday 10-10:45 AM
For more information or to register, please contact Robin Sanders at:
Judy Center News
The Judy Center is seeking volunteers!
The Judy Center has and is continuing to grow, and we are so thankful! However, we the numbers we have registered, we oftentimes have our hands quite full and are looking for volunteers to help us with various things around the center. If you would like to help out, please contact the Judy Center for more information.
⚠️ Changes to the Diaper Bank ⚠️
- As of June 1, 2023 the CES Calvert Diaper Bank will no longer be contacting families for pick up of monthly diapers.
- Families in need of diapers will need to contact the Diaper Bank each month to set up their diapers for that month. You may contact Allison Vercoe by phone at 443-550-8726 or via email at: vercoea@calvertnet.k12.md.us
- We are unable to serve walk-ins.
- You must contact the diaper bank via phone or email to ensure that we have sizes in stock.
- This is a monthly service, we cannot provide diapers more than once per family, per month.
- The Diaper Bank is a donation-based program and as such, our sizes and availability vary. We may not have your size or enough of a size to provide diapers for your family every month.
Important Online Registration Information
You may have noticed that we have transitioned all of our events to online registration links.
Please note that submission of the form does not guarantee a spot at any of these events. All of our events have a limited number of spaces / supplies and you may be placed on a wait list if all spots are currently filled at the time of your form submission.
You will receive a follow up email from a Judy Center staff member (Sara, Allison or Tiffainy) to either confirm your registration or to notify you of waitlist status. These reminder emails are meant to serve as your ' ticket' for each event.
If you do not receive a confirmation email a few days prior to the event, please contact Tiffainy Stevenson at: stevensont@calvertnet.k12.md.us
Please be mindful that all of our events have limited space / slots available and our numbers / supplies are capped ahead of time.
All of our programs are open to children birth through 4 years of age.
Thank you so much in advance for your patience, understanding and continued support.
Calvert Diaper Bank
Did you know that the Judy Center is a hub for the Maryland Diaper Bank? The diaper bank provides support to families across Calvert County. Maryland Diaper Bank participants will receive 50 free diapers and a set of wipes each month. There are qualifications to be able to access the diaper bank. To see if you or another family qualifies, please contact Allison Vercoe at 443-550-8726 or for more information, click here: About Diaper Provider | Maryland Diaper Bank | Maryland — Maryland Diaper Bank
Adult Education Services
Have you been thinking of finishing or continuing your education?
The Judy Center is offering resources to assist parents in starting Adult Education classes.
For more information contact the Judy Center at 443-550-8726.
Judy Center programming is developed with funds from the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Early Childhood