Woodside TK-8 Family Newsletter
May 4, 2024
Coming Up This Week At Woodside
Staff Appreciation Week
This week is Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week! Our PTO Board has been busy planning this year's theme and calendar. The theme is HOLLYWOOD VIP RED CARPET and suggested ways to contribute to the fun are pictured below. Small acts of gratitude will add to a positive week!
Woodside Cheerleader Try-outs for 2024-25
Cougars interested in becoming a Woodside Cheerleader for next year have turned in their Participation Form on Friday and need to come to practice on May 6th & 7th after school 2:35-3:15pm. Try-Outs will take place on May 13th after school 2:35-3:15pm. Contact Mrs. Andino for any questions.
CAASPP English Language Arts and Math Testing in 3rd-8th Grade Classes
Most of our third-eighth grade classes will be administering the CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) focused on Math this week. Some 4th and 5th grade classes will be beginning their English Language Arts (ELA) portion. These assessments are administered online. There are two parts to both portion:
1- Computer-Adaptive Test, which include multiple choice questions. For ELA this includes reading, listening comprehension, spelling, vocabulary, and more. For Math this includes a range of standards-based questions including computation, geometry, measurement, data, and word problems.
2- Performance Task, which includes reading longer texts and writing responses to the texts. Expectations differ by grade-levels. For Math, this includes problem solving with expectations of explaining strategies for solving.
For more information, check out the Parent's Guide to Summative Assessments below.
Tropical Summer Middle School Dance, Tues. 3-5 pm
Our Middle School Cougars that meet the behavior expectations are invited to enjoy the last dance of the year this Tuesday, May 7th from 3:00-5:00 pm in the MPR. The Leadership elective students have been busy making TROPICAL SUMMER-themed decorations. Permission slips required and phones will be collected at the door. Some water and snacks provided, others will be available for $1. We hope this fun celebration adds to the end of year joy!
Woodside's Got Talent! Friday, May 10th at 6:00pm
Everyone is welcome to attend our production of Woodside's Got Talent 2024! Thirteen acts have been perfecting their performances and can't wait to share with the community. Please join us on Friday, May 10th at 6:00pm in the MPR.
Mark Your Calendars
May 5 - TRAILBLAZE Grand Opening of Arcade Cripple Creek Trail 9:30 am - 1:00 pm at Tempo and C-Bar-C Park
May 6-10: Staff Appreciation Week, CAASPP Math administered in most 3rd-8th classes, some 4th/5th ELA administered
May 7 - Tropical Summer Middle School Dance, 3-5 pm
May 10 - Woodside's Got Talent! 6:00 pm in the MPR
May 13-17 - CAASPP Math administered in some 4th/5th classes
May 16 - PTO Meeting, 4:30 in Design Lab or Zoom
May 17 - Career Exploration Assembly for 7th & 8th Grade, 9:00 am in MPR
May 20-24 - CAASPP make-ups
May 27 - NO SCHOOL Memorial Day Holiday
June 3 - Field Day, Middle School Awards Assembly, 1:45 pm
June 4 - Last Day of School, Eight Grade Promotion, Dismissal at 11:25 for TK/K, 12:00 for 1st-8th
Highlights of Last Week
Thoughtful Decision Making Assemblies
On Friday, students in K-5th celebrated the skills they've been practicing for Thoughtful Decision Making. This includes understanding how to show Integrity and Citizenship. Skills include: 1-Stop and Think, 2-Think about Options, 3-Avoid Peer Pressure, and 4-Predict Outcomes. Each classroom recognized students that emulate these important social-emotional skills!
Below are pictures of award recipients and video recordings of the Assemblies for your viewing pleasure at home! Thank you to our middle school videographers!
Kindergarten Awards
Ms. Anderson's First Grade Awards
Ms. Clark's First Grade Awards
Mr. Elliott's Second Grade Awards
Mrs. Andino's Second Grade Awards
Third Grade Awards
April Attendance
Once again...Fifth Grade has come in with the best monthly attendance percentage with 95% for April! Our entire school had another strong showing with 92% overall. Grade level breakdowns are:
TK:89%, K: 89%, 1st: 92%, 2nd: 92%, 3rd: 94%, 4th: 93%, 5th: 95%, 6th: 91%, 7th: 90%, and 8th: 87%. Thank you for keeping up the efforts to have students at school on time each day! We continue to "Strive for Five!" Five or less days absent for the year. Way to go Fifth Grade!!
Upcoming Events at Woodside
Lifetouch Pictures Update
School pictures are ready! To order, log in to your account on or create an account using your student's school ID number. All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card. More about the Smilesafe program here.
Middle School Career Assembly, May 17th
We are excited to welcome Junior Achievement ambassadors to talk to our 7th & 8th Grade students for a Career Exploration Assembly! In the upcoming days, the students will complete a skills and interest survey and worksheet that will guide the direction of the assembly.
From the PTO
Thank you to everyone who helped make the Jog-a-thon successful! We appreciate our volunteers and all who supported the cause. We raised $2,321 from the Jog-a-thon! The classes that ran the most laps were 7th grade Mrs. Lyndaker's for middle school and Mr. Cerecedes'/Mrs. Lunardi's 4/5th class for elementary classes.
We also had a great turn out for Skate night at RollerKing. We raised $480 for our school.
Our last fundraiser is a Dine-and-Donate on Tuesday, May 7th from 4:00-9:00 pm at Leatherby's Family Creamery in Citrus Heights. This is open to all friends and families of Woodside!
Our next PTO Meeting will be May 16th at 4:30 pm in the Design Lab. There will also be a Zoom option. Please join us for the voting of Board Members for the 2024-25 School Year!
As we get close to wrapping up our year ending, we thank all the parents who have helped at all the events and contributed to the fundraisers.
Nicole Goss - President
Ciara Compton - Vice President
Bri Dasaro - Secretary
Treasurer - Carli Krebs
email -
Follow us on Facebook:
From the Design Lab
- Belonging & Wellness
Experiential Learning
Leadership & Connection
We look forward to seeing you at the Trailblazer Event on Sunday, May 5th!
We are excited to see our Outdoor Learning space been getting daily use from classrooms! Teamwork is evident for watering, planting, and daily set-up and clean-up.
From the Wellness Center
Link to our April Newsletter for more:
FACE Learning Opportunities
May Family Education Events
San Juan Unified invites you to join us at our upcoming family education events for parents, guardians, and community members this month:
The Resource for Summer Learning virtual workshop on Monday, May 13 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. via Zoom is an informative forum to learn about academic and recreational summer enrichment programs available in the district and community. Participants will also learn about ways to encourage learning during the summer through family friendly activities, web tools and learning apps for kids, and exploring community resources. Additionally, the workshop will cover important information and helpful strategies to help prepare for the next school year.
The Signs of Suicide family workshop on Thursday, May 16 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. will be held in person at San Juan High School (7551 Greenback Ln, Citrus Heights) and virtually on Zoom. This workshop will focus on learning about suicide prevention and awareness topics from mental health professionals. Join us to learn about how to recognize common risk factors and warning signs of suicide, the ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell) Intervention skills, building coping skills to support someone who is at risk, and resources for getting help. There will also be time for a Q&A session with participants.
The Mind-Body Wellness virtual workshop is on Monday, May 20 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. The workshop is presented in collaboration with Kaiser Permanente and will cover topics such as understanding the mind-body connection and strategies to manage daily stress to feel better mentally and physically.
Translation services, childcare and dinner are provided for participants at the in-person event. You can learn more details and register for these family education opportunities online at or by calling (916) 971-7929.
Thank you for your continued support.
From the Community
MVP Recognition
We were excited to acknowledge and celebrate our Most Valuable Partners: Heights Church, CHASEN, Rotary of Citrus Heights, Kiwanis, Project Optimism and more at an appreciation reception at Barrett Middle School on May 2nd. Woodside is proud to have strong connections to our community partners and appreciate their support!
Sunrise Parks and Recreation
Our 2nd/3rd Grade Girls Basketball Team will play what could be their last game this Friday at 7:00 pm at Rusch Park. All are welcome to come cheer on these girls. Good luck Cougars!
Project Optimism
Our students have kicked off their presentations! We're gearing up for one final presentation date on May 6th from 2:30 pm to 4:55 pm. We'd greatly appreciate your support as we're currently immersed in creating vision board posters that reflect our students' personalities and future aspirations. This project is a fantastic opportunity for them to dream big and showcase their voices.
On May 6th from 2:30 pm to 4:55 pm, we're looking to have at least two representatives from your school site join our panel. If you're interested, please reply to this email. Your presence would mean a lot to our students!
Please join us for our CHASEN Meetings the third Tuesday of each month at Foundation Christian Church. To learn more about us, visit
Citrus Heights Metro Fire Camp
FIRE CAMP is an excellent opportunity for our firefighters to help 11, 12 and 13-year-old kids build a sense of teamwork and responsibility while learning what it’s like to be a firefighter for Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District. On day one, campers will be organized into "strike teams," which consist of 8 campers who are mentored and supervised by two professional firefighters. As the week progresses, the teams take on a character of their own as they learn about the job of a firefighter and experience the following:
Putting out a flammable liquid fire with a fire extinguisher
Climbing a 105-foot aerial ladder truck
Developing the traditional bucket brigade and hand pumper crew skills
Learning life skills such as Hands-Only CPR
Water rescue skills at SunSplash, and much more!
FIRE CAMP will be held on June 25-28 and occurs at Fire Station 21, 7641 Greenback Lane, Citrus Heights, 95610. Cost is $125 and campers will rely on a parent or guardian for daily transportation.
Please note, Parent Orientation on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 7 PM is mandatory.
Hours for FIRE CAMP are as follows:
· Tuesday & Wednesday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
· Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
· Friday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM (approximate end time)
For more information about Metro Fire's Fire Camp visit their website:
Sponsorship or partner with us:
City of Citrus Heights Education and Career Fair
Celebrate National Public Works Week onThursday, May 16th from 3-6 pm at Van Maren Park. See the flyer below for more details!
Public Library Summer Program begins June 1st
Join us for our Summer Reading Challenge, June 1 - August 15.
All reading is good reading. Join our Summer Reading Challenge and read anything you want – books, ebooks, graphic novels, magazines, audiobooks – it all counts. Log your reading and complete activities to earn badges and prizes.
How It Works(Opens in a new window)
1. Sign up or log into Beanstack. You can sign up multiple readers in your household.
2. Join our Summer Reading challenge in Beanstack starting May 15.
3. Read what you love and log your reading.
4. Complete activities to earn badges.
5. Earn prizes for reading.
From the District
Summer School Applications
Incoming students from Kindergarten - 5th grade are invited to participate in District Summer School opportunities. There are two intervention programs being offered: K-1 Boost and Camp Invention. These will be happening at the following campuses: Kingswood, Charles Peck, Cowan, Grand Oaks, and Ottoman. Dates and Times for Summer School are June 7th-July 12th, 8:30-12:30 (no school June 19th & July 4th).
If you are interested, please fill out a Summer School Application and return it to our office.
Dress Code Survey
Over the last several years, the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SSAC), along with students across the district, expressed concerns about the current San Juan Unified dress code policy (Board Policy 5132).
- During the 2020-21 school year, student listening sessions were held to gather feedback at El Camino Fundamental High School, Bella Vista High School and Will Rogers Middle School.
- SSAC brought this issue forward as an area of concern in 2020.
- A student committee was formed and worked in conjunction with SSAC to create a survey, while a survey was also developed for staff and families. To date, over 4,800 staff, students, and families have completed the survey calling out the following concerns with many aspects of the existing policy:
- Exhibiting gender bias
- Exhibiting discriminatory, exclusionary and racially sensitive language
- Concerns about shaming
- Concerns about missed class time
- Inconsistent enforcement
In the 2022-23 school year, a district committee was formed to draft a revised dress code policy. The proposed dress code policy is available in Spanish, Persian, Pashto, Russian, Ukrainian and Arabic.
Complete the SURVEY to provide your feedback on the proposed policy. The survey is open April 8-May 17 and is available in multiple languages.
In addition to completing the survey linked above, the San Juan Unified community is invited to join us to learn more about this process and offer additional feedback on the draft policy. There is one Virtual Informational Session coming up on Monday, May 6 at 6 p.m.
Please register by clicking here.
To learn more, visit this webpage:
Facilities Master Plan Update
San Juan Unified School District is committed to supporting growth and innovation in our schools. An important way to cultivate these values is to provide 21st-century standard classrooms and facilities to our students.
To ensure that we remain on track with necessary facility upgrades, San Juan Unified is updating its Facilities Master Plan, which was developed in 2014. This plan is designed to aid the district in making long-range facilities planning decisions for new construction, modernization and deferred maintenance of projects. We need your help to identify key areas of focus for our ongoing facilities planning efforts.
View the current 2014-2024 Facilities Master Plan.
For more information about the Facilities Master Plan or details about school site assessments, please contact our Facilities Department at (916) 971-5780 or
You can submit your thoughts through an online survey or attend an in-person forum. Feedback collected will be used to update the district’s Facilities Master Plan, which is anticipated to be completed next year. Click for SURVEY
Want us to advertise your SJUSD-approved flyer here? Of course you do! Please follow the San Juan Community Flyer guidelines. Once approved, email Mrs. Johnston to be included.
Office phone - (916) 971-5216
Mrs. Taylor Gonzales-Moore, Secretary -
Mrs. Ana Johnson, Clerk -
Mrs. Deb Johnston, Vice Principal -
Mrs. Beth Wahl, Principal -
The San Juan Unified School District Board of Education is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in district programs and activities. District programs, activities and services shall be free from unlawful discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, and/or bullying based on actual or perceived characteristics of race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information, or on the basis of a person's association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, please contact Equity Compliance Officer: Linda C. T. Simlick, General Counsel, 3738 Walnut Avenue, Carmichael, CA 95608, (916) 971- 7110,; Title IX Coordinator: Katie Fabel, Legal Analyst/Title IX Coordinator, 3738 Walnut Avenue, Carmichael, CA 95608, (916) 971-7110,; Section 504 Coordinator: Dominic Covello, Director, Student Support Services, 3738 Walnut Avenue, Carmichael, CA 95608, (916) 971-7220,