May PTA Newsletter

MAY 2024
A Note from our President, Tara Patrick
We had a great meeting on Wednesday - if you weren't able to attend below is the link to the recording!
Passcode: A3D4kW+E
Please join us for our last meeting of the school year on Wednesday June 5th at 8:30am in the Staff Lounge. We will be voting in the new Executive Board and approving the budget for the next academic year.
Kickball is ON tomorrow afternoon!
We are hopeful the AM rain showers will clear in time for the kickball game tomorrow afternoon. We have a great event planned so now is the time to BUY YOUR TICKETS and support our players!
Pizza will be available for purchase from the Genoa Pizza Truck ($16 each) and the RES PTA will be selling snacks. We hope you'll join us for a fun afternoon!
Spirit Friday May 10th
Students and Staff are invited to wear either their RES gear or one of the team colors in support of the Parent/Staff Kickball teams! Check out the teams below!
SAVERS Drive - Friday May 10th!
Drop off your SAVERS donations tomorrow May 10th between 4-6pm. There will be a trailer in the preschool parking lot ready to accept your donations! The PTA will receive money based on the weight of the collected items so bring as much as you can!
Glow Ball: May 18th
Tickets for this year's **GALACTIC** Glow Ball are on sale NOW!
May 18th, 4-7pm at the Redding Community Center
Tickets are $19 each
Ticket price includes: pizza, DJ and dancing, Photo Booth, glow swag and face painting.
Click here to purchase: https://auctria.events/GALACTICGLOW
All RES students (Pre-school - Grade 4) are invited to attend with a supervising adult (note this is not a drop off event) - both students and their attending adults must have a ticket. Tickets must be purchased in advance and will not be sold at the door. The event has sold out in the past so we recommend purchasing your tickets as soon as possible.
We can’t wait to GLOW into outer space with you!
RES/Quassy Takeover: June 7th
Join the RES PTA as we TAKE OVER Quassy for a year end celebration! The amusement park and rides will be reserved just for this event.
Friday June 7th from 4:30-8:30pm at Quassy Amusement Park in Middlebury, CT.
Tickets are $20 for PTA Members, Non-Members $26 each. Children under 2 years old do not need a ticket to attend. Pay with cash, check or Venmo.
School of Excellence Program Application: Spring Follow-up Survey
The Redding Elementary School PTA is continuing our participation in the National PTA School of Excellence program to grow our family-school partnership and enrich the educational experience and overall well-being of all students in our community.
As part of the process, National PTA requests feedback from families, administrators and teachers at two points in the school year - the beginning and the end. We used your responses from the first survey to implement an action plan for continuous school improvement, and decided to focus on "Education and Enrichment: Communicate Effectively" for this school year.
Now it’s time for our second survey! We are proud of what we have accomplished so far, and kindly ask for your feedback one again. Your responses will not only help us show our improvements but will also provide us with more information as we continue to build upon our efforts to enhance family-school partnerships in the future.
Click here for the survey: https://forms.gle/83vjtgKK3GUaVCoc6
Please take 5-10 minutes to reflect on your experience at this school by completing this follow up survey. Please return this survey by May 17th. Send an e-mail to respta4kids@gmail.com that you have completed the survey and you will be entered to win a free ticket to our end of year Quassy event on June 7th or a RES spirit wear item of your choice!
Thank you for your continued support and collaboration as we work toward becoming a National PTA School of Excellence!
Display My Art - last chance!
This is your last chance to support the RES PTA through the Display My Art fundraiser! All orders must be placed by Friday May 10th to benefit RES.
You should have received a personalized brochure in your child's backpack that features unique artwork created by YOUR very own artist! There are many items to choose from featuring your child's creations from mugs to keychains to t-shirts that are perfect for celebrating your young artist as well as gifts for grandparents, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, friends, neighbors and more!
Visit www.displaymyart.com and enter the unique code on the back of your student(s) brochure to purchase.
Additional Custom Art Option
There is an additional option to upload your child's artwork from home, a family photo, your favorite saying or a school/business logo into a custom keepsake or gift. Best of all, RES will earn a profit from each item ordered. Enter discount code (RES37) upon checkout for 37% OFF your entire order. Click here to order!
May 10: Kickball Game & SAVERS collection, Spirit Friday
May 13: Author Visit - Alicia Klepeis (during school hours)
May 18: Glow Ball at Redding Community Center, 4-7pm
June 5: PTA Meeting, 8:30am RES Staff Lounge
June 7: RES/Quassy Takeover at Quassy Amusement Park, 4:30pm-8:30pm
A note from the JRMS PTA:
Attention 4th Grade Families! Feeling those pre-middle school jitters? Join the John Read Middle School PTA executive board and partner up with a dynamic team, get to know other parents, develop community partnerships and collaborate with the administration to provide an enriching, safe environment for our students. We're seeking volunteers to fill the roles of VP of Fundraising and Treasurer. Some positions allow you to co-share duties with a buddy. If you're interested, or if you know someone who would be great in one of these roles, please reach out at jrmsptainfo@gmail.com.
There is also JRMS Spirit Wear available for purchase! This is a great gift idea for 4th Grade graduates. Shop here: https://www.jrmspta.org/spirit-wear
If your student is in need of spirit wear and unable to purchase due to financial reasons, please e-mail us. The RES PTA has angel donations that can cover spirit wear. We do not want any students to feel left out. All requests are kept confidential.
Featured Sponsor
Why Sponsor?
With the support of our community members, businesses and parents, the RES PTA provides teacher grants, supplies books and materials to the RES library and classrooms, aides in school beautification projects, hosts cultural events, a STEAM fair and numerous enrichment programs for over 500 RES students, their families and the community.
Please consider joining our community with your tax-deductible sponsorship and supporting the students at Redding Elementary School for the 2023-2024 school year.
How to Sponsor
Provide your company name, contact information, and a digital copy of your current company logo with payment to:
Kristina Scaviola
RES PTA Sponsorshio Chair
203-470-0244 (call or text with questions)
Checks are payable to "RES PTA"
33 Lonetown Road
Redding, CT 06896
Credit Cards are accepted and subject to a 5% Processing Fee
In- Kind and angel donations are always welcome!
It is time to register as a RES PTA member! Click here to purchase your membership - family memberships are $25. There are a lot of exciting things on deck for 2023-24 and we hope you will join us for the coming school year!
There are many benefits to being a member of the RES PTA - the most important: COMMUNICATION! We cannot send you any emails regarding our monthly meetings, members only events or fundraisers if you are not a member!
Additionally, we host a number of events throughout the year that are FREE for our members (previous years’ events have included: members only movie at the Prospector Theater, ice skating in Westport and more!) Members also receive discounted prices on tickets to our events.
Tara Patrick, President
Questions? respta4kids@gmail.com
2023-24 RES PTA Membership Rates
$25 Family Membership | $10 Faculty Membership
If you are interested in becoming a PTA member but unable to purchase for financial reasons, please email us. We have angel donations to cover memberships to make sure that no family is left out. All requests will be kept confidential.