Skyview January Family News
Skyview Eagle Families,
Happy 2025 and welcome to January!
Huge THANK YOU to Skyview parent - Justin Butts -JustinButtsFilm, whose son is in 2nd Grade, for donating countless hours and resources to paint the Skyview mural near the bike rack over winter break. We are so thankful!!!
We have finished our second round of state testing. The expectations are to be at the 50th percentile or above. Please make sure to review the test results with your child and their teacher to find out how you can help support your child at home. Test results are available in FOCUS in Clever.
Staff Compliments can be entered at: https://forms.office.com/r/6XkSNAnAfh
We are on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/skyviewelm
Instagram: skyview_eagles https://www.instagram.com/skyview_eagles/
School Website: https://www.pcsb.org/skyview-es
~Mrs. Hamm
Skyview - 727-547-7857
my cell phone 727-423-0270
Attendance Matters!!!
Upcoming Assessments by Grade Level
Data Collection Sheets for Quarter 3
ELA, ISIP = Jan 6-10
PMPs due = Jan 31
Potential Retainees, Parents Notified & documentation due = Feb 12
1st Gr:
ELA, ISIP = Jan 6-10 (used for PMP status)
Math, Topic F/Benchmark 2 = Jan 10
PMPs due = Jan 31
Science, Physical Sci Formative = Feb 3-5
ELA, Mod E = Feb 3-7
Potential Retainees, Parents Notified & documentation due = Feb 12
2nd Gr:
ELA, ISIP = Jan 6-10 (used for PMP status)
Math, Topic F = Jan 31
Math, Benchmark 2 = Jan 24-31
PMPs due = Jan 31
Potential Retainees, Parents Notified & documentation due = Feb 12
3rd Gr:
ELA, ISIP = Jan 6-10 (used for PMP status)
Math, Topic F = Jan 13
Math, Benchmark 2 = Jan 7-13
ELA, Portfolio #3 = Jan 13-24
Science, Physical Sci Formative = Jan 23-29
Math, Topic G = Jan 29
PMPs due = Jan 31
ELA, Mod E WRITING = Feb 3-7
ELA, Portfolio #4 = Feb 10-Mar 7
Potential Retainees, Parents Notified & documentation due = Feb 12
4th Gr:
ELA, ISIP = Jan 6-10 (used for PMP status)
Math, Multiplication RR = Jan 7-31
Math, Topic G = Jan 17
PMPs due = Jan 31
5th Gr:
ELA, ISIP = Jan 6-10 (used for PMP status)
Science, Mid-Year formative = Jan 21-31
Math, Topic H = Jan 24
PMPs due = Jan 31
***NEW Communication App***
Parent Portal or the PCS app are the best ways to check on attendance, grades, and communication.
If you need help - stop by our Front Office, we are here to help you.
**this FOCUS PCS app is replacing PBIS app and DOJO**
Ways to help your student with reading at home:
- who are the characters?
- where & when is the setting?
- what are the actions/events?
- how the character has changed over time?
- why do you like or dislike the book?
- what was the author's purpose?
- what is the main topic?
- what text features were there? If the author includes them...they are important
- bolded text
- captions
- illustrations / photos
- Glossary
- Table of Contents
- index
- diagrams / charts / graphs / timelines
- subheadings
- labels
- sidebars
- how did the text features help you better understand the content?
- what kind of research did the author need to do?
- does the location / setting / geography matter to the topic?
- why do you like or dislike the book?
- what was the author's purpose
Math - play games, look for numbers, shapes, patterns around you
Sign up for free books to be mailed to your home
Dreambox Math
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade students are expected to complete 5 Dreambox lessons per week independently.
3rd - 5th Grade students are expected to complete 10 Dreambox lessons per week independently.
I-Station - ELA
Students take a monthly assessment which provides important information about their progress in ELA. They are then provided lessons specific to their needs. It is important that students spend 30 minutes per week on their I-Station pathway.
All student absences should be sent in via the "Report Student Absence" on our school website. You could also call or send an email to Mrs. Diaz at727-547-7857 ext. 2007 or diazl@pcsb.org or upload documentation into FOCUS.
Calendar of Dates / Events
January 16 - Report Cards come home
January 20 - NO SCHOOL, MLK Jr Day
January 27 - All Pro Dad's meeting at 7:45am
January 29 - Class/Club Picture Day
Lunch with Loved Ones
Fridays on-going **Must bring your Drivers License or other ID** and be listed on your child's FOCUS account.
You may eat lunch outside with your child (and only your child - no friends, sorry) at one of our picnic tables. Media Center is only for use in the event of rain. Please be sure to arrive early to give time for the signing-in process.
- 10:15-10:45 - 3rd Grade
- 11:00-11:25 - 5th Grade
- 11:25-11:50 - 4th Grade
- 11:50-12:20 - 2nd Grade
- 12:20-12:50 - Kindergarten
- 12:50-1:20 - 1st Grade
New information regarding birthday celebrations:
***We no longer can allow families to send in birthday treats/cupcakes/cookies/etc. We must follow the “Smart Snack” compliance which is a part of statute. Two options...you could send in a gift bag of toys/fidgets/party favors for the classmates to take home OR you could put additional funds on their child’s account to allow them to purchase the “Smart Snack” compliant treats through our Café treats for the whole class on that Friday of their birthday week.***
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SkyviewPTA
What is your child learning about this month?
PreK 3
This month's themes are: In My Neighborhood & Community -> Build, Make & Move!
ELA - Demonstrate understanding of book reading by - Pretending to Read, Hold books appropriately
Math - Number Sense, Counting to 10, Counting objects, Looking at numerals
Science - Environment, Engineering & Technology
This month's theme is: Healthy Me
ELA - Environmental Print; Syllable Blend & Segmenting
Math - Number Sense 5-7; Sorting; Counting Backwards and from a number other than 1
Science - Environment
This month's Learning Topics are...Using Text Features to Learn About Topics (Non-Fiction)
ELA: Reading - Using text features to predict and learn about topics; Writing - Expository to write about things they know
Social Studies: Geography - Describing where a person, place, or thing is.
Math: Understanding Addition and Subtraction as joining and separating groups 0-10
Science: Physical Science - How things move
1st Grade
This month's Learning Topics are...Experiences of Others Can Help Us Solve Problems
ELA: Reading - Exploring the lessons that characters learn in the books we read; Writing - Sharing an Opinion about a topic and listing reasons
Social Studies: Geography - How do we find places on a map?
Math: Place Value up to 100 - Reveal chapter 3
Science: Physical Science - Various ways objects can move
2nd Grade
This month's Learning Topics are...Impact of People on the Environment
ELA: Reading - discover the author's purpose; Writing - Using research to teach our readers
Social Studies: Geography - How to use maps
Math: Solving two-step problems including money and measurement, Reveal chapter 7
Science: Physical Science - How people use electricity
3rd Grade
This month's Learning Topics are...How experiences help us find our way
ELA: Reading - Fantasy Fiction; Writing - - Narrative response to a text
Social Studies: Geography - What are maps? How are countries in North America alike and different?
Math: Fractions - equivalence and comparisons, Reveal chapters 7 & 8
Science: Physical Science - States of matter - solid, liquid, and gas
4th Grade
This month's Learning Topics are...Florida - A Place to Live, Work, & Play
ELA: Reading - Informational about Florida; Writing - Expository and Argumentative
Social Studies: Geography - What are Florida's physical features?
Math: Fraction equivalence; addition & subtraction with Fractions & Mixed numbers
Science: Physical Science - Energy (water and ear as sources) & Motion (changes of position & direction and speed)
5th Grade
This month's Learning Topics are...Revolutionary War
ELA: Reading - Informational regarding the Revolutionary War; Writing - Expository and Argumentative
Social Studies: Geography - What do we learn from maps? How does geography impact society?
Math: Fractions - add, subtract and multiply
Science: Physical Science - Energy - forms of, motion & change, transformation, attract/repel, closed circuit, conductors and insulators; Force & Motion - pushes/pulls, balanced & unbalanced
Resources for Reporting Concerns
Fortify Florida reporting site https://getfortifyfl.com/Tip.html#