Pirates Post
Week of March 6th
Message from Principal Drew...
As we near the end of the nine weeks grading period a couple of reminders for students to be as successful as possible. Any missing work should be made up now. Students should speak with their teachers to see what missing work can still be submitted and get it turned in as quickly as possible. Attendance is also critical to student success. Being present for all classes each day allow students to be fully informed and aware of the material taught in class and the expectations for deadlines and work submissions. Being on time and in class each day are key indicators to student success. Students can not miss more than 10 days in a class and still receive a credit for that class.
We have another busy week at PCHS this week:
Monday - This is the beginning of National School Breakfast Week. Thanks to Mrs. Biter and the cafeteria staff at PCHS for making sure our students and staff have healthy breakfast and lunch options each day.
Tuesday - All Juniors will take the ACT beginning at 8:00 AM. This test is critical to college acceptance as well as school performance grades. We encourage all Juniors to get a full night of rest the night before and be sure to eat breakfast the day of the test. All students will need a fully charged chromebook on the day of the test. Baseball and Softball will host Pasquotank in games that afternoon.
Wednesday - the North Carolina statewide tornado drill will take place on this day. ACT makeup exams will be given. Track will run at Edenton at 4:30 PM, JV Baseball will host Camden at 6:00 PM and Softball will be at Northside at 5:00 PM.
Thursday - Any Juniors that have not taken the ACT will do so on this day during makeup exams.
Friday - Baseball will play at JH Rose starting at 4:00 PM.
Saturday - The Winterguard ensemble will compete at Panther Creek High School in Cary.
Other important dates for PCHS:
March 23 - PCHS Band will participate in the Music Performance Assessment at 1:30 PM in Williamston, NC
April 1 - Winter Guard will perform at the Hampton Coliseum in the championship competition.
April 10-14 - Spring Break
April 22 - PCHS Prom will be held for Seniors, Juniors and their guests at Albemarle Plantation
May 18 - Baccalaureate Service
June 9 - Graduation
PCHS Highlights...
Math Department> Students of the Week...
Mrs. Baker - Alayna Damron - PreCalculus
Ms. Carver - Anaiya Almodova - Math 3
Mrs. Riddick - Anthony Colucci - Math 2
Mr. Spruill - Jaeon Sutton - Math 1
Social Studies Department> Students of the Week...
American History/Mr. Castle: Krista Linton
World History/Mrs. Jackson: Aniston Sawyer
Civics/Mrs. Jackson: Kaylee Anderson
CTE: Early Childhood Education & Fire Tech II> The following Early Childhood Education and Fire Tech II students earned their American Heart Association CPR, AED, and First Aid certification at COA on Monday:
Bristyl Riddick
Brianna Gilbert
Kenneth Barnes
Waylon Davenport
David Adkinson
Troy Sutton
Jacob Nixon
Kiersten Bennett
Aniyah Harney
Nakira Jones
Savana Decker
Jessica Sykes
Kyasia Mabine
CTE: CPR - AED - First Aid Certification
"PQ Champion"
Ms. Kristie Thach is dedicated to the success of all students in her classes and the entire school community. Her caring and calm demeanor, along with her respectful nature and patience, aids in creating a safe, caring, and positive learning environment. She has built positive relationships with her students and set high expectations for them. Ms. Thach uses various instructional practices to engage students in the lesson activities and make learning fun. She praises her students often as they work independently or collaboratively to complete assigned tasks. Her teaching style is complemented by her exemplary coaching skills. Ms. Thach is a professional role model and has a great rapport with colleagues, parents, and the community. She is a teacher leader, an award-winning Volleyball Coach, and an asset to our team. Hats Off to this PQ Champion, Ms. Kristie Thach!
Coach Aaron Burke does a little bit of everything to make PCHS a better place. As the supervisor for ISS he takes time to talk to students about making better decisions. You can find Coach Burke in the mornings driving a school bus and in the afternoons he will be in the gym or on the field coach a sport. He is also a co-sponsor of the BoyzN2Men Club. Coach Burke takes pride in all he does and has high expectations for his students and athletes. He is a valuable member of our team and he is a PQ Champion!
Most Common Suffixes Used...
Counselor's Corner: Student Services...
STEM/Engineering & Construction Camps SAME has been supporting science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) events for over 30 years and conducting camps for almost 20 years.
College Center with Ms. Gray...
March Madness College Rep Edition
For the Month of March, we will be hosting a March Madness "College Rep Edition '' event, where representatives from a variety of colleges will be tabeling in the cafeteria during student lunch periods.
This weeks line up:
- Monday 03/06: North Carolina Wesleyan University
- Tuesday 03/07: Winston - Salem State University
- Wednesday 03/08: Fayetteville State University
- Thursday 03/09: University of North Carolina at Pembroke
- Friday 03/10: Chowan University
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application opened Oct 1st. If you intend to attend college or think you might attend college after high school, and are looking for money to help pay for school, you will need to complete the 23-24 FAFSA Application.
It is never too early to start thinking about funding college and start the scholarship application process. Please check out the Student Scholarship Spreadsheet for a list of current and active scholarships.
It is post graduation planning season! Ms.Gray, the College and Career Advisor, will continue to meet with juniors 1:1 to discuss their post graduation plans.
COA C2C Day:
COA is hosting our annual College to Career Signing Event on March 23rd. This event will be held on the Elizabeth City Campus beginning at 4 PM. It does include the opportunity for a $500 scholarship as well. I have included the flyer below.
UNC Chapel Hill
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s (UNC-CH’s) Order of the Bell Tower, is hosting a Shadow Day, where we invite high school Juniors to visit campus. They attend a class with a UNC student, take a tour, eat in our dining hall, and learn more about Carolina and college life.This Spring’s program will take place on April 14th. Lunch in one of our dining halls will be provided for students and their parents/guardians they bring with them.Attending this event is entirely free and students are not committing to anything by coming. They will need an adult to accompany them and transportation to and from UNC-CH. Application for Students: https://unc.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1Lo1WBM07emkjps
Academic Summer Campapalooza
Campapalooza is a 5-day academic summer camp for rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors. They will live on campus, have their meals in the University cafeteria, and spend their days engaged in exciting academic activities with our University Faculty! The QR code provides a link to a form where students can choose the camp topic they are interested in and connect with the faculty.