The Eagle Express
CSSE's Weekly Newsletter - September 11, 2020
Important Dates
Mon., Sept. 14 Happy birthday, Father Wolf!
Tues., Sept. 15 Spirit Tee AND 2 o'clock Tuesday (2pm dismissal for all students)
Thurs., Sept. 17 8:15 am School Mass (5th-8th grades in church)
Fri., Sept. 18 8:15 am School Mass (1st-4th grades in church)
Tues., Sept. 22 Spirit Tee AND 2 o'clock Tuesday (2pm dismissal for all students)
Tues., Sept 22 - Wed., Sept. 23 School Pics
Wed., Sept. 23 Happy Birthday, Mrs. O’Donnell!
Thurs., Sept. 24 8:15 am School Mass (5th-8th grades in church)
Fri., Sept. 25 NO SCHOOL! Teacher professional day
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more!
Dress for the Weather!
Our students are spending more time outside for lessons, recess, snack and mask breaks. Unless the weather is extreme (sub-32°, above 100°, or constant downpour), students should plan on being outside several times a day. This means they should dress appropriately for the weather. Now is a great time to make sure long pants/girls leggings, long sleeves, school fleeces and rain jackets are readily available. Please do NOT send your child with an umbrella. Students should have a hood or rain hat on rainy days. Note that ONLY CSSE logo fleeces, sweaters and sweatshirts, plain navy sweatshirts and fleeces, and plain white or navy cardigans may be worn indoors as part of the school uniform. Other colors of sweatshirts, hoodies, jackets, etc may NOT be worn indoors over school uniforms. They are permitted when students are outdoors.
Changes to School Mass
Closed school masses will now be held twice a week starting next week. Fr. Wolf graciously offered a second mass to accommodate our two mass groups so that all 1st - 8th graders can experience mass weekly.
- 8:15 am Thursday mass - 5th - 8th grades (in dress uniform)
- 8:15 am Friday mass - 1st - 4th grades (in dress uniform)
The day your students attends mass in the church will be the day they should wear their school dress uniform.
Parent/Curriculum Night - All School Follow Up
By now all families should have received their student(s)’ classroom guide and curriculum and had the opportunity to visit with teachers via Zoom. Mrs. Goldsworthy will be sending out all school information and a parent checklist as the alternative to her usual speech at Curriculum Night. Please read through her letter and follow all steps on the Parent Checklist.
School Pictures!
School picture day(s) are coming up Sept. 22 and 23rd. On their scheduled picture day, students may wear their school uniform or dress as they would for weekend mass. Spirit Tee Tuesday will only apply to those not having pictures on Tuesday. Envelopes to choose a photo package will go home the week before.
- Tuesday the 22nd - Kindergarten-5th
- Wednesday the 23rd - Middle School, PreKs/Pre-3 and blended/virtual students
Mass at St. Eugene
Mass is still celebrated daily at St. Eugene, and with the exception of school mass, masses are open for all to come and participate while following COVID precautions. Weekend masses are Saturday at 5pm, Sunday at 9:30am and 5pm in English, and Sunday at 12 noon and 7pm in Spanish. There are also weekday masses scheduled for your to attend. If you are not able to attend mass in person, please participate with your family online. All masses are streamed on the church’s Facebook. You may also stream via the church’s YouTube channel for weekend masses.
School News On Repeat
My Child is Ill. What Do I Do? Allergies or COVID? Stomach bug or COVID? It can be hard to decipher what ailment might be affecting your child. We have created some graphics and flowcharts to help you navigate what steps to take when your child or someone in your household is feeling unwell. Please report concerns or questions about illness to Mrs. Goldsworthy at, and she will consult with our response team - Mrs. O'Connell and Mrs. Rischard. ALWAYS fill out and submit the Absentee Form (or call Ms. Patrick in the office), then notify your child’s homeroom/house teacher each day of absence.
Absences Please use the Absentee Form to report absences AND email your child’s teacher/house homeroom. It is important to communicate why your child is missing school with the teacher and document through the Google form. Please be meticulous in following directions if a child, household member, or close contact has recently tested positive for COVID or is awaiting results of a COVID test. NO ONE IN THE HOUSEHOLD MAY ENTER THE SCHOOL BUILDING if COVID exposure is positive OR in question. Mrs. Goldsworthy MUST clear your household for return to school in all cases where the possibility of COVID is involved. Please use for correspondence regarding illness updates to Mrs. Goldsworthy.
Screening Questions and Carpool Please remember to have your questions answered DAILY and results ready to show on your phone. Students should be masked, on the passenger side for temp checks, and ready to go as soon as carpool teacher opens the door.
Spirit Tee Tuesday is EVERY Tuesday! - Students may wear their regular uniform or a St. Eugene spirit tee with jeans or uniform bottoms. Don't forget ALL students dismiss at 2pm EVERY Tuesday!
PTO News
Consider volunteering your time and talent for your child’s class this year!
Find out more about how you can help and sign up via this link. Click on your class/house to learn more about how to volunteer!
Questions? Contact Homeroom / House Parent Coordinator April Stuart at
Please Pray For...
Please pray for the grandfather of Sarah, Charlotte & William Elder who is in the hospital fighting an illness. | Please pray for Mrs. Lupp's uncle, Dewayne Stewart, who passed away September 2nd. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. Prayers for his sister, Radonna McVay and members of his family. | Pray for all those who have been affected by Covid-19, whether by sickness, loss of job, isolation, or loneliness, etc. May all find strength, comfort and healing in this difficult time. | Pray for our staff who have been putting in many extra hours to prepare for the upcoming school year. Please pray for students and their families. May God grant us all patience and wisdom as we navigate a very different school year. Help us put our faith first and give grace to all.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067