The Sunrise Press

Hello, DMHS Parents and Families,
I have a couple of announcements and updates for this upcoming week.
Cell Phone Policy Update
Here is a quick update based on the first three weeks of our new cell phone policy. This will probably be the last update for a while, as it seems we are settling into a pattern and the students are adapting very well to the change:
First Infractions
Week 1 (February 18- February 21)-- 43 students or 5.3%
Week 2 (February 24- February 28)-- 22 students or 2.7%
Week 3 (March 3- March 7) -- 25 students or 3.0%
Second Infractions and 5 Day Pouch
Weeks 1-3-- 11 students or 1.3%
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) even though it is not required by UC’s, CSU, we still encourage our students to take the test. Some private universities may ask for SAT scores when applying for college. Our Juniors (11th grade) will take the test on Thursday March 20.
Tips to help your child:
SAT is digital. Help to make sure your child’s Chromebook is charged and packed in their backpack. before leaving for school.
SAT is about 3.5 hours. For maximum performance on testing day, be sure that your child gets a good night's sleep and eats a nourishing breakfast.
SAT will start promptly at 8:30am. Make sure your child arrives at school 15 minutes earlier.
Coffee with the Principal
This is the season of testing, Besides SAT students also will be taking state testing. I will be holding coffee with the principal on Wednesday March 26 at 8:45 AM in the Parent Center. I will present on the SBAC.
Grading Window Opens: Ten Week Midterm Progress Report
10 week progress reports are almost here. Please encourage your child to turn in homework and projects on time so they can count on this progress report. Remember this is just a progress report, but it is important to see if your child is on track. The final grade that gets recorded is the 20 week progress report which will be on June 10.
Stay safe, and see you all soon.
Mr. Teer
Spring Tutoring Schedule
School Experience Survey Flyers in multiple languages
Tools for a better Attendance!
School Attendance A guide for Parents
Asistencia Escolar Una guía para Padres
What the Future Holds - Important Dates
Important Days
3/15/25- Credit recovery 9-1pm
3/17/25-Advisory Block EVEN
3/17/25- St.Patricks Day🍀
3/17/25-Art Event ASB-Advisory in Quad
3/17/25-Plasencia at home game Baseball
3/17/25- Marshall Tennis, Boys 322 Lucas Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90017 (Contreras)
3/17/25- Home Vs. Annenberg JV and VAR Boys Volleyball Roybal
3/18/25-PD Tuesday (1-6)
3/19/25-Advisory Block ODD
3/19/25-How do the results from our School Experience Survey impact DMHS? Parent Workshop by Ms. Martinez-Gertner at 9AM in the parent center. Due to unforeseen circumstances we will need to postpone this workshop. We will let you know about the new DATE once we know it.
3/19/25- Plasencia at Home game Baseball
3/19/25-Credit Recovery Support
3/20/25-Advisory Block EVEN
3/20/25-SAT Day @ Gym
3/20/25-Eagle Rock Tennis, Boys 526 Glendale Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026 (Eagle Rock)
3/20/25- Edgenuity Support
3/21/25-Advisory Block ODD
3/21/25-Credit Recovery Support
3/21/25-ASB Movie Night @ MPR
3/21/25-USC MAE Volleyball, Boys 1550 W 35th Pl, Los Angeles, CA 90018 (Denker Rec)
3/21/25-End Penny Wars
3/21/25-10 Week Grades Due
3/21/25-Panda Express Fundraiser-Sports
3/22/25-Credit Recovery 9 AM – 1 PM
3/24/25-Advisory Block EVEN
3/24/25-DMHS vs Wilson (Tennis)
3/25/25-PD Tuesday (1-6)
3/26/25-Advisory Block ODD
3/26/25-Coffee with the Principal. Topic: State Testing (CAASPP) at 8:45AM in the parent center
3/26/25--DMHS vs Aspire Ollin (Volleyball)
3/27/25-Advisory Block EVEN
3/27/25-Senior Mixer
3/28/25-Advisory Block ODD
3/28/25-DMHS vs Annenberg (Softball)
3/28/25-DMHS vs Animo Ralph Bunche (Volleyball)
3/29/25-Credit Recovery 9 AM – 1 PM
3/31/25-Cesar E. Chavez (School Closed)
Upcoming Schedule
Parent Workshops
Your Voice Matters
Parent Workshop has been postponed.
Parent workshop about the importance of completing the School Experience Survey and voice your concerns and opinions., scheduled for March 19th at 9 AM in the Parent Center with Ms. Martinez-Gertner, our Title I Designee, has been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. We will be contacting you once we have the NEW DATE. Thanks for your understanding.
Coffee with the Principal
Topic: State Testomg (CAASPP)
Mr. Teer, school principal will present about State testing.
Date: Wednesday March 26
Time:8:45 AM
Location: Parent Center.
Welcome back STELLAR educators! We will continue to have STELLAR awards this year. STELLAR students are:
Technologically Savvy
Effective Communicators
Life-long Learners
Aware – Globally, Socially, & Environmentally
See the DMHS Mission here!
Maria Almario
Siyeon Kim
Christopher Miranda
Cruz Vidal
Huirui Yu
Congratulations to the nominees for February!
Social Emotional Learning
Message for Ms. Mendoza, Psychiatric Social Worker
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Hello, my name is Aime Mendoza. I am the your Psychiatric Social Worker (PSW) at Downtown Magnets High School. I am available Monday through Friday from 8:30AM to 4:00PM.
The services that will be available include individual, group, crisis intervention, community referrals and parent support. I may also be providing some classroom presentations on topics that promote wellness and resilience, positive social skills and conflict resolution. The purpose of these services is to help our students achieve greater success in their educational, social and emotional growth.
If you have any questions or would like to meet with me, please contact me at via email at a.chinchillamend@lausd.net. I look forward to meeting all of you throughout the year!
If you need services for your student, please complete the Caregivers Referral Form:
Aime Mendoza
Psychiatric Social Worker
LAUSD School Mental Health Clinic and Wellness Program
FOCUS on your parenting
FOCUS on Your Parenting series in English
LAUSD School Mental Health Clinic and Wellness Program has Parent Workshops every Wednesday from 12:30 - 1:30 PM via zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting https://lausd.zoom.us/j/85780157105?pwd=XlkiRJGbEr0maD5H3PbbeT8bInj1Aa.1
FOCUS en la crianza de sus hijos
FOCUS on Your Parenting series in Spanish
LAUSD School Mental Health Clinic and Wellness Program has Parent Workshops every Wednesday from 12:30 - 1:30 PM via zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting https://lausd.zoom.us/j/86275234785?pwd=bHGW7oRYM5plkGK2xyfh0rXJgBt5JA.1
Clinic and Wellness Center Monthly Parent Workshops
Parent workshops on English
These workshops are on the 2md Wednesday of the month from 11:00AM - 12:00PM via zoom.
Join Zoom: https://lausd.zoom.us/j/82797965002? pwd=Z49yvF8DpwUTg92SzNLF2tjbM69 ZLU.1
Meeting ID: 827 9796 5002 Password: workshop
Parent Workshops in Spanish
These workshops are on the 2md Wednesday of the month from 11:00AM - 12:00PM via zoom.
Zoom https://lausd.zoom.us/j/86082513742? pwd=ZwnXhwYJklH5mJAO2L6oj3aTd0 0Aaa.1
ID de taller: 860 8251 3742 Contraseña: talleres
School Councils/Committee
School Site Councils Meetings
Dear DMHS families, you are invited to make a difference in the governance of our school by participating in the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), School Site Council (SSC) and Local Leadership Council (LSLC).
The English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) once we know about next meeting we will let you know.
Local School Leadership Council (LSLC) will be having their April meeting on Thursday, April 3rd @ 3:40 PM in the Parent Center, Room 3-101.
School Site Council (SSC). At this moment SSC has not schedule any further meetings. Once we know about the date. We will inform you.
Contact Ms. Pena at: claudia.penaclemente@lausd.net or Mr. Torres at: juan.c.torres@lausd.net for more information.
Library Hours and Services
Library Hours and Services
The library is open during nutrition and lunch
Students can print, study, research and check-out books (Max 3 books)
Printing can only be done during nutrition or lunch. There is no charge for printing.
Students are encouraged to bring their student ID’s to check-out materials but are not required.
Student Success Card from the Los Angeles Public Library
Thank you,
Ms. Maria Flores
Teacher Librarian
Please follow our Instagram for information on college visits and college opportunities @dmhscollegecenter
Visit our website: DMHS College Center: https://dmhscollegecenter.weebly.com/
Parent Center Corner
Message from your Community Representative - Parent Center
Dear DMHS Parents,
Do you need help navigating your student's schoology? Contact Ms. Pena at Google Voice number (323) 332-9611 to schedule an appointment so she can help you navigate schoology. My office hours are Monday-Friday 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM.
Does your student need a chrome book or hotspot? Visit at: https://device.lausd.net/ You will use the username and password you use to log in to the parent portal.
Having access to the Parent Portal has become easier. Now you can download the mobile app in the google play store or apple stores. Just look for LAUSD Mobile App 3.0 or scan the QR code below. Once you have downloaded the app just log in with your username (email) and the password and you are ready to access Schoology, Grades, assignments and other features.
Parents if you still feel lost navigating LAUSD Mobile App or Parent Portal, please check out the video tutorials from the Office of Student, Family and Community Engagement at the following website:
Claudia C Pena
Community Representative at DMHS
Parent Portal Resources
Parent Portal Resources
Part 1: How to access your child's i-Ready results through the Parent Portal: English | Spanish
Part 2: How to read your child's i-Ready results through the Parent Portal English | Spanish
Student Success Card Guide for Families via Schoology: English | Spanish
Resetting Your Password for the LAUSD Parent Portal English
LAUSD Mobile App Parent Guide with Instructions: English | Spanish
A Guide to Opening a Free Email Account (Gmail and Yahoo): English | Spanish
General LAUSD App 3.0 and Parent Portal Flyer: Bilingual
Parent Portal Support
Contact your region's Parent and Community Engagement Office
or assistance with the Parent Portal:
Region East - (323) 224-3382
Region North - 818-654-3600
Region South - (310) 354-3230
Region West - (310) 914-2124
LAUSD Family Hotline - (213) 443-1300
Video Tutorial Showing Users How to Navigate the Parent Portal: English | Spanish
Video Tutorial Showing Users How to Add a Student to their Parent Portal Account: English | Spanish
Parent Portal App Quick Guide
How to register for the Parent Portal
Navigating the Parent Portal Tutorial
Adding student to your parent portal account
Parent Portal Tools
LAUSD Mobile App Google Play for Android Devices
LAUSD App Apple Store
LAUSD Family Academy
The Family Academy is designed to leverage families’ assets to be empowered as they support their child from the early primary years to college and career success. This effort will complement family knowledge by connecting them to actionable learning focused on their child’s development, as well as opportunities to accelerate their own careers and quality of livelihood.
If you would like to watch more recordings or see the upcoming events Family Academy is having. visit their website. Our school belongs to Region East. https://www.lausd.org/familyacademy
Central Office
Region East
- COMMUNITY RESOURCE GUIDE FOR IMMIGRANT ANGELENOS https://www.lausd.org/cms/lib/CA01000043/Centricity/Domain/577/Parent%20Resources/ComResourceGuideEng.pdf
Food Bank:https://www.lafoodbank.org/
El Centro del Pueblo located at 1157 Lemoyne Ave, Los Angeles, CA. 90026 in Echo Park has food distribution every Thursday from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Make sure to bring your own bags; bags will not be provided.
Central City Neighborhood Partners (CCNP) food distribution Thursday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM at 501 S. Bixel St. Los Angeles, CA. 90017. They also have other resources that can be find in their website: https://laccnp.org/
LA City Resources website: https://lacity.gov/myla311
LA County Services website: https://211la.org/
Free Groceries every other Thursday starting Thursday September28. Location KYCC Menlo Family Center
1230 Menlo Ave., Suite 100
Los Angeles, CA 90006
Mental Health Resources: https://dmh.lacounty.gov/resources/
LA COUNTY RESOURCES: http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/chs/Docs/DPH_COVIDresourceguide.pdf
HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT: https://dhs.lacounty.gov/our-services/resources/
- Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA) https://www.heartofla.org/community-resources
Counseling Office - Mr. Plasencia, Ms. Guerrero, Mr. Lee, and Ms. Ramos
I am thrilled to share the incredible accomplishments of our ACA DECA team this season! Under the guidance and dedication of Ms. Flummerfelt, our students achieved remarkable success, bringing home an impressive 10 medals and making our school proud.
Congratulations to our medalists:
🏅 Silver in Art – Taief Islam
🥉 Bronze in Essay – Kelly Vasquez
🏅 Silver in Interview – Amelie Velez-Martinez
🥇 Gold in Literature – Taief Islam & Amelie Velez-Martinez
🥉 Bronze in Mathematics – Taief Islam & Alvaro Rivas
🥇 Gold in Science – Taief Islam
🥉 Bronze in Science – Alexander Moreno
🥇 Gold in Social Science – Taief Islam
A special shoutout to Taief Islam, our high scorer, who also won a $1,500 scholarship from LADWP for earning the second-highest Science score in the entire competition!
As a team, we finished 4th overall in our division out of 15 and placed 13th in Super Quiz, despite an initial announcement that we were in the top 10.
A huge thank you to Ms. Flummerfelt for her unwavering dedication and to all staff who supported our team along the way. Your encouragement makes a lasting impact on our students’ success. We look forward to another amazing season next year!