Principal's Message
Enadia Way Technology Charter, 5-13-24
Teacher Appreciation Thanks
Thank you for showing the teachers how much you appreciate them last week! Every day students were delivering special treats to the teachers. Thanks to your donations, we collected nearly $1200 for the luncheon! An amazing group of volunteers transformed our staff lounge into a jungle/safari theme with a beautiful feast from Panini Kabob Grill. Each teacher received a generous gift card to Target from the donations. Thank you, parents, for coming together and making Teacher Appreciation Week so special!
Multicultural Arts Festival & Dance, Thursday!
All parents are invited to watch the students dance this Thursday from 10:45-11:45 in the lunch pavilion area. Each class has a dance from a different country. Parents/guests will sit in the lunch pavilion with the school to watch each class dance. Also, please come by the MPR in the evening (5-6pm) to view the art gallery! Each class has art displayed from the country they studied.
Summer of Learning 2024
LAUSD is offering a variety of summer school options at several school sites from 6/20-7/19. I just learned that Enadia Way will be hosting a FREE YMCA/BTB summer day camp from 8am-6pm! This program is NON-ACADEMIC. See the YMCA flyer below for enrollment information. If you are interested in an academic summer school program, enroll via the link below. Academic programming is from 8:30-12:30 M-F with free BTB after care until 6pm. If you are interested, please enroll now! You will need your Parent Portal log in credentials to enroll.
Order your Chromebook NOW!
All LAUSD students need a Chromebook to use at home! All 5th graders are REQUIRED to have their Chromebook with them on the first day of middle school! If you haven't gotten one, you must request one now! All Summer School (academic) students are required to have their Chromebook with them!
5th Grade Culmination
KIndergarten Promotion
Promoción de jardín de infantes
Upcoming Events
- 5/14 11:00 Shelter-In-Place drill
- 5/16 Multicultural Arts Festival (Dance & Art Show)- see flyer above
- 5/17 Spring College & Career Day!
- 5/17 After School Enrichment Hula Final Performance (4-5pm)- parents welcome!
- 5/21 Big Smiles Mobile Dentist visits Enadia!
- 5/22 10:05am Drop/Cover/Hold On Drill
- 5/23 5-6pm GATE Parent Meeting with Ms. Apaez (Room 305)- parents of GATE students attend
- 5/24 Minimum Day! 12:45 Dismissal!
- 5/27 Memorial Day, NO SCHOOL
- 5/28 1:30 Volunteer Luncheon in MPR
- 5/28 Principal for a Day, Elias T, in charge!
- 5/28 10:00 Fire Drill
- 5/30 1:30 Orchestra Concert in MPR- parents attend!
- 5/30 SSC/LSLC Councils Meeting #6, 3:30-4:30- Final Meeting of the Year!