Quote of the week:
~Roy T. Bennett
Self Awareness Lesson 13
Introduce Video: Say, “This week, we have been talking about our strengths. Today, I want us to think about how we use our strengths.”
Watch Video: Self-Awareness and Strengths (1:17 minutes)
Reflection questions are included in the video. Be sure to pause the video at each question to allow adequate time for students to respond. Students may respond verbally in class discussion or write their thoughts on paper.
How do you use your top strengths on a daily basis?
How might you use your top strengths to help your family, school, or community? Explain. (This question is not included in video.)
BIMAS-Thank you to all of those who have begun the screening of your students. The information is shared in the Google classroom under the MTSS section. The screening must be completed by January 31st for all students that have not opted out. The opt out spreadsheet is shared in the same place.
Second Step begins- Every class should be completing one lesson per week (minimum).
Terrific Kids: Please complete the spreadsheet for November/December, if you have not.
The spreadsheet for January/February has been shared.
Character traits:
January: Self-Discipline-To exercise positive self control.
February: Trustworthiness-To be worthy of confidence
Terrific kids spreadsheet has been shared in the Google classroom. Please be sure to check spelling/typos.