We are very excited to have our students back with us in the building. As we prepare for The 2021-2022 School Year, we want to ensure that our families are ready for a seamless transition back into " The Montclair Way." We look forward to a successful year and a Great Comeback. Please read the following information as we prepare for our school.
On the first day, we understand that our families, staff, and, most importantly, our students are anxious to get started back in school. We ask the families dropping off and picking up their children to be patient with our staff members at the Car Rider Line. The most crucial aspect of arrival and dismissal is to ensure that your child is going to the correct location and their safety. Also, due to safety precautions and Covid restrictions, families cannot walk up to pick up their children. Please remain in your cars until your child is brought to your vehicle by one of our staff members. We understand that traffic can be aggravating; however, we must have organization for the benefit of all parties involved. You will need to remain in your place in the car rider line. Lastly, please ensure that your child arrives with the proper materials such as a mask, computer bag, water bottle, etc.
On the topic of Transportation, families looking to have a bus provided for their students will need to fill out the Transportation Request-Parent Form. After filling out the form. Mr. Gillespie will attempt to contact you within 24 hours. The Cumberland County Public School Transportation Department has placed procedures and guidelines that the Assistant Principal and Data Manager must follow. If you do not hear back from me within a reasonable amount of time, feel free to call me at the school, send me a message on Classdojo, or email me at I know that taking your student to and from school be problematic on a case-by-case basis, but I assure you I will do everything I can to expedite the process of placing your child on the school bus. Please be patient with me during this process—lastly, parents of our Pre K. through our Second Grade students. An adult must be present at the stop for your child to be let off the bus. If no one is present, they will be brought back to the school for an adult on file to pick them up.
During this past week, all families should have received a phone call from one of our staff members welcoming our families, providing transportation information, and informing parents about who their child's teachers will be. If you have not received notification, please feel free to call us during our office hours, and someone will be able to provide you with the necessary information. The exception to the teacher introduction would be our Kindergarten students. This school year, our Kindergarten students will be taking part in Staggered Entry return. Kindergarten students will attend one day only, either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday) during the first week of school. Students have been grouped by their last names. Monday A-H, Tuesday I-P, Wednesday Q-Z. Please be sure that you adhere to the scheduled day as we have to follow specific CCS mandates for Staggered Entry. On August 27, Kindergarten students will visit Open House to meet their assigned teacher for the school year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of the Administration Team members.
Thank you so much for your time as we look forward to a year and rebuilding, refocusing, and reassuring all stakeholders on being Montclair Strong.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns for administrators, please feel free to email us, use Classdojo or contact us in our Facebook group.
Principal-Stephanie Wall Powell
Assistant Principal-Darius B.Gillespie
Principal Resident-Kacheckia Dewitt
Principal Intern-Geraldine Meadows
Montclair Elementary School provides an environment that encourages our students' growth and development.
We are committed to:
- The enhancement of positive character traits
- Achievement of academic excellence
- Awareness of physical fitness
The faculty and staff invite you to be our partner in our journey toward greatness
Location: 555 Glensford Drive, Fayetteville, NC, USA
Phone: (910)-868-5124
Twitter: @MontclairEleme1