FEH BOCES Project Identity News
NYSED Learning Technology Grant (LTG)
March - June 2024
NYSED Learning Technology Grant (LTG): Three Years Comes to a Close!
- A virtual workshop with Paul Gorski from the Equity Literacy Institute, who shared information related to the stories and experiences of students living in poverty.
- A hands-on session on "Bias in AI" hosted by Library Media Specialist and LTG participant, Erica Soper.
- A full group share-out of projects and future plans from Project Identity participants.
As the three-year grant period officially concludes on June 30th, 2024, teachers have been giving final evaluations and wrapping up learning activities with students. Some of the grant-related learning activities students have participated in throughout the three years include:
- High school students using the Stop Motion Studio animation app and the book, "The Story of You" by Lisa Ann Scott to create and share animations about themselves in Spanish language class, propelling their NYSED Seal of Biliteracy presentations.
- A middle school entrepreneur project inspiring students to create a product or service that connects to their own identities, and prepare multi-modal representations communicating their products, services, and individual stories.
- A high school activity giving students an opportunity to learn about values, identify their own values, and communicate those values to peers using digital tools and resources.
- An elementary activity based on the book, "I Am Enough" by Grace Byers giving students an opportunity to share their own uniqueness with the greater school community through a video recording that ended with student affirmations about being themselves.
- A middle school stop-motion animation project that gives students choice and voice in communicating words and concepts learned in class.
- A high school ELA class using The Million Person Project's personal narrative activity to prompt students to think about their own stories and experiences in preparation for writing their college essays.
- High school students using Dr. Gholdy Muhammad's Five Pursuits to evaluate societal issues presented in multi-modal formats in class.
- Middle school students creating digital vision boards representing their own interests, passions, and stories.
- An early elementary classroom communicating information about their own stories, identities, and experiences through words and silhouette pictures of each student taken and shared with technology provided through the grant.
- Middle school students producing "Where I'm From" poems using digital technologies and sharing them with peers and the greater school community.
- A high school landscaping project communicating the identity and story of the greater school community through school landscaping and vegetation, documented using digital technologies.
- An elementary maple syrup project connecting students to the land, and documented using digital technologies.
- A high school special education class engaging in a digital "My Life Road Map" project, mapping their individual stories and plans for the future.
- Elementary, middle, and high school classrooms participating in The Million Person Project's virtual personal narrative and storytelling workshops.
As a part of the grant project, participating teachers worked together by grade band to create and share replicable learning activities. Those learning activities are available on the FEH BOCES Project Identity website.
(Hover over newsletter images to see captions.)
FEH BOCES Meeting the Overall Purpose of the Grant
Throughout the three-year grant program, Laura Payne-Bourcy (LPB) Consulting supported FEH BOCES in evaluating the project. Below is an overview of the NYSED Learning Technology Grant, as well as some of the results captured by LPB Consulting.
Overall Purpose of the NYSED Learning Technology Grant:
The purpose of the NYSED Learning Technology Grant is to develop, implement, and share innovative programs that utilize learning technologies to personalize learning and/or increase access to high-quality, rigorous learning experiences (such as through online, distance, or blended learning), as well as professional development programs to assist teachers and educational leaders in effectively utilizing learning technology to enhance teaching and learning. These programs (and component activities, materials, courses, etc.) will focus on improving culturally- and linguistically-responsive learning environments, and will support the mission of the NYS Board of Regents, which is to ensure that every child has equitable access to the highest quality educational opportunities, services and supports in schools that provide effective instruction aligned to the state’s standards, as well as positive learning environments so that each child is prepared for success in college, career, and citizenship.
Feedback from Participating Teachers
“I feel so much more knowledgeable about how to utilize the tools and technology
with my students and connect them to texts and to their own identities.”
“I love this PD experience. It is so varied and interesting and applicable.”
“This has been a fantastic 3 days of learning! I’m so excited to delve into animation
and using it in my classroom with my special education students.”
Results from August 2023 Evaluation of Professional Development (LPB Consulting)
Additional Support to Sustain Learning Activities Beyond the Grant Period
As teachers look to host FEH BOCES Project Identity/LTG-related learning activities in the future, the following resources are available:
- Podcasting and Animation PD in July 2024! FEH BOCES will be hosting two related professional development sessions this summer (2024) for ALL TEACHERS across the region who are interested in learning how to incorporate student podcasting and stop-motion animation projects into any class at any grade level. To register:
- July 24th Podcasting: Crafting Classroom Conversations - Register HERE!
- July 31st Stop-Motion Animation in the Classroom - Register HERE!
- The Project Identity Website with Artifacts
- Common Sense Media - New Apps
- Keep an eye on Edutopia for articles related to the use of digital technologies for storytelling and communication in the classroom.
- A podcast library for all grade levels
- Apple Education Community Learning Center
- All FEH BOCES component school districts that participated in the Learning Technology Grant now have a pod of 10 Apple iPads, 10 tripods with mounts, a green screen, and a lighting kit to be used for student projects related to storytelling and communication using technologies such as filmmaking, podcasting, animation, digital vision boards and collages, and more!
Future support & questions regarding FEH BOCES Project Identity can be directed to:
Darcy Rabideau, Director of Instructional Support Services, FEH BOCES
Carol Burgess, Senior Account Clerk, Instructional Support Services, FEH BOCES
More information about the NYSED Learning Technology Grant is available HERE.